1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Well-Known Member
wow i was on point with that guess. i bet u will harvest more then we thing.
lets hope so. im hoping to have some Co2 in there soon. and i have alot of training to get done but need to get these plants growing good. they are healthy right now but the growth rates arent quite what i want and i think its due to CO2. they are under a 1k watt MH so i dont think thats the issue. soil is good so i dont think thats a issue. i did add a DIY Co2 to the veg room and seen some decent increase in growth so im thinking once i get a tank system going i will see some explosive growth. all in good time i guess. cant wait to see what these 4 fruity chronic juice clones do in the Scrog screen. I might actually head over there today and get working on the screen and some of the shelving. dont want to put them up off the ground though untill i have my Co2 going as the highest levels are one the floor.


Well-Known Member
hmm that actually has me thinking...maybe i should shut off the circulation fan to allow CO2 to stay on the ground thus providing higher PPM than having the fan blowing it all around.


Well-Known Member
yea man try it out, i dont see anything negative happening to the plants if they have that much intensity beaming on them. they will eat more and withstand whatever temps that 1000 throws out at u. how u cooling that 1000? i have a buddy that uses them and says its a bitch to cool, but i dont know if he knows that if u use anything less then 300cfm's your temps ill be more then 10 degrees from ambient


Well-Known Member
i just use a 27X cfm booster fan and pull air right out of the room and out.

i dont know what temps are in there but it never feels hot in there, but its an non airtight room with lots of air movement in a basement. plus I live up north so the basement is pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
oh heres some pics of my Kandy Kush

got a issue here
What's she been through then ? , it does not look serious Matt , done anything different than normal ?
Even if the ph meter is out , it will only be 1 point either way so i wouldn't think it's that , is that one plant in the pics , do you have more of that strain ?


Well-Known Member
i know its not serious. if i thoought it was i would have posted "OMG NEED HELP NOW!! PLANT IS DYING"

it is something though hard to tell wether a def or tox


Well-Known Member
nah its the only one. i think it is sensitive to the nutes as my soil is pretty amended. looks like N tox to me? what you think
If you have not grown it before , nothing out of the ordinary has occured then you have to start on the basis that it's strain related and a new feeding approach is required, it's deffo lacking something , rather than toxed out on something i would say,
My call would be to do nothing for now but observe it, sometimes these imbalances right themselves , it's a tough one.


Well-Known Member
i plan on just watering anyways as my soil is pretty rich in organics and im going to be transplanting soon to 3 gal nursery pots, which means more fresh soil full of nutrition. i shouldnt have to start feeding till after the first week of 12/12 thats when i like to give them thier first blast of p/k nutrients just to kick of flowering in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
i think u will be in good shape, looks really faint. besides the speckling does the plant appear happy?


Well-Known Member
yeah it seems to be growing well. that is the Kandy Kush plant that got a bit dehydrated when it was a seedling and i wasnt sure if it was going to make it or not. went up to the tent on christmas eve to find it laying in the dirt all withered up and limp. watered it not wxpecting much and within an hour it was standing back up on its own....tough lil bastard i do say.


Well-Known Member
Could be related to the visible stress now , not saying it is but maybe,
It looks healthy apart from that.
Will answer pm when i get back to pc , on mobile the bloody box won't sit still when i zoom it . . .