Newbie with questions on soil


Well-Known Member
polyarcturus, let's rewind.

Now, if I was going to chill out and spread some goodness how could you have rephrased that?
If you want respect, spread peace and love.
in angering people, you make them desire to better themselves. respect is only a small part to this world and not all respect is earned by kindness and nor' should it be.


Active Member
Watched up to IMO 4, really good stuff, I'll definitely be starting that up this weekend.

As for the rock dust, I haven't looked into anything more than azomite. Is the granite slurry preferred? At 4 cups per cu/ft I think the 10lbs of Azomite I have would suffice, but if there is better trace elements out there, I'll see what I can do.

If cost isnt an issue and you need a bit more, definitely grab the glacial rock. Really, any igneous rock dust will do, but glacial rock is like the creme de la creme


Active Member

Glacial Rock


Oyster Shell
Just would like to add that when it comes to glacial rock dust, not all are equal. My family has been using the glacial rock dust to ammend our fields for over 70 years from the northern moraines of Alberta which also happens to be one of the same sources Gaiagreen uses. It is considered to be one of the more complex dusts on the planet because the source is primarily from ancient volcanoes. I have heard of even more superior sources up in the Yukon and N.W.T. but I get mine for free so I have no problem settling on second potatoes in this case.
Many of the sources from the eastern side of the continent are less complex but are glacial none the less.


Active Member
Thanks again guys for all the great info!

Unfortunately, price is a bit of an issue so I'm gonna stick with the Azomite for now. Next go round I'll definitely be getting some gaia green.

As for Bentonite, I did some reading on it and found that some kitty litters are made from exclusively calcium bentonite...anyone have any experience with that? Suggest any brands?

I've been calling around to local shops all day looking for oyster shells or crab luck yet. As for basalt, I found a company called Cascade Minerals that looks to have a real good basalt powder and I found one store that can ship to me..I may wait on it til my next batch but at least I have a source.

Also, I found an add on craigslist today for a local gardener who was advertising high grade worm casting, compost and humate. I called him up and we chatted for a while, he really knows his stuff...even invited me to come check out his gardens to see the results. I told him a little bit about what I'm going for and he assured me that his stuff is so good, I wouldn't need any amendments, just mix the compost with a good base soil and add his EWC and I'd be set. Not sure if I buy that, but I'm definitely interested in what hes got so hopefully next week I can get over to his ranch and check it out. He's selling a cu/ft of compost for $8 and a gallon of EWC for $15...seems a bit steep on the EWC but he assured me it's way better than the stuff in stores.

Really excited to start mixing soil this weekend provided I can find a good calcium carbonate....hopefully start colonizing some IMO too.


Active Member
Thanks again guys for all the great info!

Unfortunately, price is a bit of an issue so I'm gonna stick with the Azomite for now. Next go round I'll definitely be getting some gaia green.

As for Bentonite, I did some reading on it and found that some kitty litters are made from exclusively calcium bentonite...anyone have any experience with that? Suggest any brands?

I've been calling around to local shops all day looking for oyster shells or crab luck yet. As for basalt, I found a company called Cascade Minerals that looks to have a real good basalt powder and I found one store that can ship to me..I may wait on it til my next batch but at least I have a source.

Also, I found an add on craigslist today for a local gardener who was advertising high grade worm casting, compost and humate. I called him up and we chatted for a while, he really knows his stuff...even invited me to come check out his gardens to see the results. I told him a little bit about what I'm going for and he assured me that his stuff is so good, I wouldn't need any amendments, just mix the compost with a good base soil and add his EWC and I'd be set. Not sure if I buy that, but I'm definitely interested in what hes got so hopefully next week I can get over to his ranch and check it out. He's selling a cu/ft of compost for $8 and a gallon of EWC for $15...seems a bit steep on the EWC but he assured me it's way better than the stuff in stores.

Really excited to start mixing soil this weekend provided I can find a good calcium carbonate....hopefully start colonizing some IMO too.
If you are in the U.S. then you might not be able to get glacial dust that is from Canadian sources because if memory serves me correct, they just banned or are about to ban Canadian sources of glacial rock dust for import into the U.S.
It's more just protectionist B.S. because the same glacial till can be found all the way from the N.W.T. down past Wyoming.

Anyways it is just good to be aware of the potential of having a certain minerals lacking from certain sources and just remedy accordingly.

Cheers and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Sullivan- Super vermicompost can take you a long way, but can't handle everything.
Idealy his worms will be fed a very diverse diet, really anything thats not fed straight paper and coffee grounds is pretty good. Tell him to go fuck himself on the $15 a gallon though, thats outrageous. Roots has a bag of castings called Big Worm, they're fucking bomb, kelp and everything in their diet, its $40 for 8 gallons..


Active Member
So, I've been having a difficult time finding an additional calcium source (oyster shells or crab meal)...the only thing I've been able to find locally is Marine Cuisine which seems to have a lot of good stuff in it, but I'm unsure if I should use it since I'm already adding some of the additional ingredients (guano and kelp). What do you guys think? Also, I've read that regular egg shells crushed up can be a good calcium amendment...I eat eggs a lot so this sounds appealing. Anyone have any experience with it?


Active Member
Thanks Rrog,

More really good info...looks like an excellent replacement for Pro-tekt as well. When its back in stock I'll be ordering.
In the future, rice hulls are excellent aeration as well as being composed of 8% silica. They do breakdown relatively fast too.

You're gonna grow some dank man :weed:


Active Member
Great articles Rrog, I had no idea silicon was so vital...and it sounds like a lot of other gardeners don't either!

Anyway, hopefully start mixing tomorrow after I pick up a good all purpose fertilizer. Here's what I got now:

2 cu compost/EWC (1.5 cu of local compost that contains EWC and 2 .27 cu bags worm gold)
2 cu canadian peat
2 cu perlite

As for amendments im thinking:
-10lb azomite (about 2 cups shy of 4 cups/cu ft)
-2.2 lb jamaican bat guano
-3.5 cups fish bone meal
-3.5 cups all purpose
-7 cups kelp
-3/8 cup epsom salts
-1/4 cup dolmite
-1 tbsp ful-humic powder

What do you guys think? Anything vital I'm missing?

Side note: plan on watering with the Agsil 16H potassium silicate and BMO super plant tonic (using this already at half strength every other watering and they love it) as well as LAB. Speaking of LAB, do you guys use it as a foliar spray? What about Agsil? And how often do you water with either of those?

Side note #2: so I'm gonna let the soil cook for 6 weeks...when its ready should I use it for just the bottom 1/3 of my 5 gallon grow bags and the rest 707 with a top dress of IMO4? Or the entire bag with the soil mix and IMO4 top dress?


Active Member
Thanks again everyone for all the input! I feel like I've learned so much about organic gardening in the past week its incredible. My girlfriend is really getting sick of me raving about it!
Great articles Rrog, I had no idea silicon was so vital...and it sounds like a lot of other gardeners don't either!

Anyway, hopefully start mixing tomorrow after I pick up a good all purpose fertilizer. Here's what I got now:

2 cu compost/EWC (1.5 cu of local compost that contains EWC and 2 .27 cu bags worm gold)
2 cu canadian peat
2 cu perlite

As for amendments im thinking:
-10lb azomite (about 2 cups shy of 4 cups/cu ft)
-2.2 lb jamaican bat guano
-3.5 cups fish bone meal
-3.5 cups all purpose
-7 cups kelp
-3/8 cup epsom salts
-1/4 cup dolmite
-1 tbsp ful-humic powder

What do you guys think? Anything vital I'm missing?

Side note: plan on watering with the Agsil 16H potassium silicate and BMO super plant tonic (using this already at half strength every other watering and they love it) as well as LAB. Speaking of LAB, do you guys use it as a foliar spray? What about Agsil? And how often do you water with either of those?

Side note #2: so I'm gonna let the soil cook for 6 weeks...when its ready should I use it for just the bottom 1/3 of my 5 gallon grow bags and the rest 707 with a top dress of IMO4? Or the entire bag with the soil mix and IMO4 top dress?
LAB is an excellent cure for Powdery Mildew, but I'd keep it in the soil until then. As far as the 707, I'd say make enough soil to say fuck the 707. You can literally use microbes wherever, whenever, how ever much you want. Just be conscious of the molasses and its nutrient content, it can throw stuff off after some heavy hittings. Best approach really is EVERY watering at relatively low doses. 1 Tsp / gal is what I do, every watering.

Ammend lime at 1 cup / cu. ft

Mix is top notch, let it cook properly and keep up with your microbeasts and you'll grow some of headiest dank you've ever smoked man. Enjoy :bigjoint:

I forgot to say though, if you do HAVE to use the 707, I'd just mix the soil separate, then blend the two together and cook. Or you could use it as part of your peat in the recipe, so like a cubic ft. of each? Never really experimented with bagged soil that much man, I'd hate to steer you in the wrong direction


Active Member
Just for some extra info, silica is commonly sold as diatomaceous earth (diatom powder in pet shops). Like mentioned, great for earthworms, I used to also use it for a specialized aquarium filter and it is good for insect control for ground dwelling insects such as beetles and ants. The particles look like shards of glass under the microscope . When insects walk over diatom powder, they get into the insect's joints of their exoskeleton and begin to amputate limbs, the breathing tubes in their abdomen become clogged also and they die, chemical free a sort of death by a thousand cuts if you will. Please make sure you wear at least a dust mask before using silica because it can wreak havoc on your lungs.
Diatomaceous earth (diatomite) is made up from the fossilized remainants of diatoms (hard shelled algae).