honey, can you wake up and pass the bong.


Well-Known Member
kron i thought you rocked the 6ft models every night

i blow smoke at mrs sunnyboy when she's sleeping and she wakes up with the munchies every time :eyesmoke:
I do that to my girl all the time and it seems my cat gets in with it to lol. She just lays there and purrs and loves the smoke haha.

Don't sweat people hating you on a forum. There are actual issues in everyones life that should be dealt with that rank waaaaaay higher in importance than what some forum stoner trolls think.
Hey I'm not a stoner troll! I'm weed growing pot smoking cannabis enthusiast ;)


Well-Known Member
If you were talking to me not quite sure what your deal is but it's whatever, you confuse the shit out of me.