yes actually.
sodium fluoride, mostly extracted from the waste materials from chemical fertilizer plants are collected and put into the water supply as a DRUG for various claimed medical benefits to tooth enamel. oddly enough if i were to dump that same chemical in thos esame amounts into Lake Tahoe i would be arrested as a TERRORIST.
in fact sodium fluoride was used by the german chemical giant IG Farben in mind control experiments in various concentration camps.
it turns out that sodium fluoride, in high enough doses over a suitable length of time (like say, low doses over your entire life...) renders the victim susceptible to suggestion, and makes the victim generally more pliable.
curiously the us govt has exempted sodium fluoride from the requirements set forth for all other drugs, such as informed consent, consent of any kind, and the requirement that dangerous drugs not be delivered without a prescription.
prety amazing when sodium fluoride is classified as a GSH06 hazardous material®ion=US
from this site you can even get the MSDS for the stuff that the government decides is safe enough to dump in your water but TOO DANGEROUS to spill in the ocean...
so yeah, the fluoride conspiracy isnt a conspiracy theory, its a conspiracy FACT.
like FDR giving away eastern europe to the soviets at Yalta (labeled a conspiracy theory when it broke early)
like the claim that the US was building an atomic weapon in new mexico. (that one is still just a theory)
like the crazy wacky assertion that Osama bin Laden might be less than loyal to his CIA handlers, and could be plotting shenanigans...
like the insane conspiracy theory in a robert ludlum novel that proposed arab terrorists would fly hijacked planes into buildings...
like the nutty assertion in 1968 that the govt might enact any gun control beyond the "common sense" "sensible solutions" found in the 1968 omnibus crime bill...
like the nutty claim that the us govt ever made a film called hemp for victory (still officially denied to this day)
shhh its just a conspiracy theory...
im still not a member of the john birch society, even if they are right a some things.
your stances on several issues puts you in line with the nationalist socialist party of america, does this mean youre a nazi?