Today I had a close call; I was changing the door handle on my daughter’s car, and need to get a new screw. I went to the hardware store before I did I locked the front door to the house. My wife was playing videogames in our bedroom. She called me right as I left the store and said that the cops were at the door saying that they were there for the plants, and no one’s going to jail. And then tells here that they could do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s up to her, and could they come in, she said no close the door and called me. By the time I got home they had left. So the first thing I did was go to the grow room and pulled up all the plants out of their rock wool cubes and putting the plants into a garbage bag and the cubes in another. Got itall packed up and out the back door and into a waiting van. In 4 hours we broke it all down cleaned it all up and everything out the door. I’ve been growing weed indoors since 1983 had to use hps street lights to grow with because were rare and expensive. In all those years I have never had any kind of police presence.Don’t know why but the one thing I know is if they had a warrant they would have come in so they didn’t. I don’t know if they will be back but I don’t think they can do anything about the equipment, and there is absolutely no marijuana in the house. 30 years I don’t bother anyone, pay my taxes work a good job and think its bull shit that I may have lost it all. I don’t believe that growing marijuana is wrong I still don’t feel guilty. I don’t live in a medical state the penalties are quite harsh 5 to 15 years. Guess I’ll quit smoking because I am too spoiled to smoke Mexican and kind bud can run 250 to 350 an oz. I guess I’m just venting anybody got any ideas or info that might help I would appreciate your feedback. Oh and I am so proud ofthe way my wife handled it and herself.
P.S. 80 plants in flower 72 in veg and 40 rooted and not rooted clones 2-1000 watt air cooled reflectors 1-600 watt air cooled reflector 3hydro reservoirs 1 4x8 ebb and flow table and 1 4x4 table and 1 veg 3x3 tableplus 4ft florescent heat matts, 2 proline, 6,inch fans and filters and supplies packed up.
P.S. 80 plants in flower 72 in veg and 40 rooted and not rooted clones 2-1000 watt air cooled reflectors 1-600 watt air cooled reflector 3hydro reservoirs 1 4x8 ebb and flow table and 1 4x4 table and 1 veg 3x3 tableplus 4ft florescent heat matts, 2 proline, 6,inch fans and filters and supplies packed up.