Started flushing today.....harvesting in 10-14 days!!!!! First Plant....VERY EXCITTE!


Active Member
YO! so here we go....i trimmed ALL leaves.....buds have been growing more and look better even though EVERYONE said not to trim them.....

no clue on the strain!


Active Member
why not? More lights for the buds! I hate to tell you this but.....trimming the leaves doesn't AWLAYS throw plants into "shock". I have seen more growth in the last 4 days then i did for the last week or two. Plant is happy and budding and full of trichs!


Active Member
technically i have been flushing....i didnt have any bloom nutes so its only got water for the last 2 weeks as it is...i am moving in 14 days so i have to harvest it regardless if its completely ready or not


Active Member
why not? More lights for the buds! I hate to tell you this but.....trimming the leaves doesn't AWLAYS throw plants into "shock". I have seen more growth in the last 4 days then i did for the last week or two. Plant is happy and budding and full of trichs!

I hate to tell you this but... leaves provide energy to the plant. Energy = bud growth.

But I wasn't telling you that you were wrong, I was asking why you did it.


Active Member
I know i have been reading that but i am going to harvest maybe even sooner. I think they are about done even though the pistils are still white more then 50% this trichs are cloudy i just bought a mag. glass....any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Looking at the length and color of all those hairs, I would say at two weeks check again if it hasn't stopped by then from lack of fan leaves.


New Member
why not? More lights for the buds! I hate to tell you this but.....trimming the leaves doesn't AWLAYS throw plants into "shock". I have seen more growth in the last 4 days then i did for the last week or two. Plant is happy and budding and full of trichs!
I know i have been reading that but i am going to harvest maybe even sooner. I think they are about done even though the pistils are still white more then 50% this trichs are cloudy i just bought a mag. glass....any thoughts?
Why ask for our help when you already know what your doing lmao .....:roll:
Maybe thats because they gain a good amount of weight and size during the last 2 weeks anyway...

Po boy

Well-Known Member
don't harvest early. you're at least 2 weeks away. i'm also am a believer in leaves = energy. GL


New Member
don't harvest early. you're at least 2 weeks away. i'm also am a believer in leaves = energy. GL
hate to tell you noob but cuttin off leaves = MAD MORE BUD YO! and I cant help it if Im edward scissorhands yo ..I cut my leaves 2 yo.jpg j/p with op... good luck.. next time leave the fan leaves and watch how much more bud you get yo.. lol


Well-Known Member
LOL, you gots bout an 8th of bud...prob cost you less to jus go buy a bag of weed son.......better luck next time.

P.S. you should leave the leaves be next time.
Last crop trimmed all the leaves testing the theory this time left them on and I can say the bud was better and bigger leaving all he leaves on only trimming the bottom nodes for space here's the pics first one trimmed buds were all over the place very light taste average second pic didn't trim buds cum out perfect and dense never again will I touch the leaves



Active Member
LOL, you gots bout an 8th of bud...prob cost you less to jus go buy a bag of weed son.......better luck next time.

P.S. you should leave the leaves be next time.
this dudes an 8th? Really you think that's 3 grams? Lol you now sound as stupid as you look!


Active Member
Everyone can grow however they want....all strains and growing experiences are diff for every user and every plant. Obv ppl grow diff so you get diff results. The funny part is I bet only one of you have ever even tried it but instead you give advice off what you read not your experiences. I'll post final harvest pics and prove leaves are not NEEDED for success....could help with some strains yeah prob but my random strain first plant is doing just dandy and stanky!


Active Member
Everyone can grow however they want....all strains and growing experiences are diff for every user and every plant. Obv ppl grow diff so you get diff results. The funny part is I bet only one of you have ever even tried it but instead you give advice off what you read not your experiences. I'll post final harvest pics and prove leaves are not NEEDED for success....could help with some strains yeah prob but my random strain first plant is doing just dandy and stanky!
sorry to burst your bubble but you should of left them on i would say every comment on here is right and i would say dry wieght your lookings at a cue tops them big buds you got wont be that big dry they will shrivel up to about a third in size and you should of topped it could of had a lot more tops and a smaller plant to make more use of them cfls imo


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid to tell you that buds don't take eneregy from the light.. thats the leaves job ,which you have now removed.. you might as well just turn your light off now.


Active Member
You guys are f&#%#*in hilarious! You honestly expect me to believe that after all the journals I have seen and read with people removing all fan leaves? Plenty of good bud just cuz you read how stupid and bad it is doesn't mean we all have those same plants like damn fine for my first time and stink to high heaven. Obv I would have topped and scrog had I grown before


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a dick man,but think of it logically..

How does the plant grow ? It uses it's leaves to make energy by collecting light.It uses this energy to make buds.How does it produce energy if it's energy producers are not there?

Try taking a plant that is 2 weeks into bud and remove all of it's leaves. Think it will be a heavy yeild or a rubbish one? By that reasoning ,removing leaves at any stage is not going enhance your yeild at all it will only stunt it.

Just becuase you have read it plenty of times doesn't make it right ,there is plenty of idiots posting journals.

ps its your first go and your allowed to make mistakes ,your plant has grown some good weed and thats great for you ,but just know for next time taking the leaves off is not advised..


Active Member
You guys are f&#%#*in hilarious! You honestly expect me to believe that after all the journals I have seen and read with people removing all fan leaves? Plenty of good bud just cuz you read how stupid and bad it is doesn't mean we all have those same plants like damn fine for my first time and stink to high heaven. Obv I would have topped and scrog had I grown before

You said you removed ALL leaves which you clearly did by the pictures use to be on here.

Just because your plants "look fine" and stink doesn't mean what you did was beneficial for them.