rockwool cube aloud to dry?


Well-Known Member
So i have an orange crush clone i got at a buddies, because after taking my plants out of mg, my sick one isnt looking much better, so this clone is its possible replacement, its in a rockwool cube that i keep wet but not overly wet, i let the whole thing weigh about 25 grams when wet(was told exceeding 30 means its soaked). While i was at work, it got almost completely dry, the center was still a tad moist, but the outside was dry, since it still hasnt rooted is it ESSENTIAL to keep the cube wet? Or is it ok to let it dry out before resoaking?



Well-Known Member
was told to wait 5 days before putting in soil to let roots establish, but not to the point where there popping out the cube.


Well-Known Member
you want to see roots popin out the cube before you plant it.... just as usin Rapid rooters you see the roots then you burry them


New Member
them popping out in a nonhydro grow wont kill the roots? Thought they hated light exposure.
exposing the clones roots to light isnt going to harm them at all... this clone has had its root exposes to light for over 2 weeks under a fluoro....just took these pics an hour ago...notice I dont use a humidity dome.. I just put the clones in a cup with 1" cold tap water.. no rooting hormone, no suprethrive, no nutes at all, no cut leaves...
