1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Well-Known Member
That makes sense , i wouldn't want guns anyway i have a left and a right , its just having the choice that appeals to me,
I hate being told what i am not allowed to do,
I dont feel like a drug addict, got my own house and business.
Judgmental f****
i think everyone should own a gun. maybe then the sane people can put a bullet in the crazy fuckers head before he kills 21 2nd graders. that school shooting on coneticut was horrible and if everyone was mandatory to own a firearm maybe one of the staff at that elementary school could have put a end to his killing spree before he was able to take so many inocent childrens lives.

its a fucking shame, i dont even like thinking about it since i have kids in school that age. that kinda shit will make a grown man cry and i didnt even know any of them kids, right before christmas none the less.....ok im done here. sorry for the rant.


Well-Known Member
not where i live m8, your city has some of the toughest gun control laws in the country (also one of the top 3 in murder rates...go figure huh)

i believe here if your a "convicted drug felon" or any felony charge for that matter makes you lose the right to own a firearm. also any domestic violence charge.

canabis is no habit forming so for alot of people its thier pain relief alternative to the narcotic pills the doctors so quickly subscribe people. either way i dont belive that being a mmj patient automatically disqualifies you from owning a firearm in all parts of the country.
Tell me about it....yeah it all depends from state to state but there also laws on a federal level, and before buying a legal firearm they got some questions about drug use lol but it all depends from state to state like you said felony bans you from owning (all felonies) and domestic even if it was misdemeanor (Luternberg Law or something like that)


Well-Known Member
i think everyone should own a gun. maybe then the sane people can put a bullet in the crazy fuckers head before he kills 21 2nd graders. that school shooting on coneticut was horrible and if everyone was mandatory to own a firearm maybe one of the staff at that elementary school could have put a end to his killing spree before he was able to take so many inocent childrens lives.

its a fucking shame, i dont even like thinking about it since i have kids in school that age. that kinda shit will make a grown man cry and i didnt even know any of them kids, right before christmas none the less.....ok im done here. sorry for the rant.
FUCKING AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt you know where I stand on all this gun laws etc. :fire:


Well-Known Member
It's easy to say everyone should own a gun , it's in your culture ,
to me it's like , "WTF" john Rambo and all that, i have a daystate air-rifle that is camo wrapped , when ppl see that they are like o_O
& thats just a pellet rifle,
i really can't imagine real gun's in the populas here ,
Some of the guys that come in my hydro store are crazy looking , i just cant imagine them with guns,

I am in disagreement completely on the gun issue , but i also know that's because i don't know any different, we can not help thinking it's slack gun laws that lead to those god awful crimes,
i know also that that's wrong,
I have a 3 year old son also.


Well-Known Member
yeah well when i say everyone should own a gun i dont reallt mean it like that. there are definatly plenty of people here in the US that should never even touch a firearm due to either being too fucking stupid or just plain crazy. i do feel that if more normal people carried weapons they could defend themselvs or others from the crazy fucks out there.

and yes i agree owning guns is in our culture.

so no one is allowed to posess a firearm where your at? so that means no hunting or only bow hunting?

people here in Maine love thier hunting and fishing and guns....dont think anyone is going to take them away without a fight.


Well-Known Member
All guns must be registered and held @ a gun club , were people are allowed to target shoot and what not ,
I know hunting with dogs is banned , not sure about actual shoot hunts,
Professional ppl , farmers , cullers etc are allowed them under strict regimes,
Our Police are only armed with special responce units on foot or regular unarmed , including tazars,
Even my air rifle has to be in a locked case in my car and unloaded.

I don't think anyone should lose their hunting guns, i agree,
It's a Myth that gun law stops gun crime , it's just how they make us live here makes you think like that.


Well-Known Member
This is what I walk around with everyday acid_guns_002.JPG

And this is what go shot with the range with acids_guns_001.jpg with my wife and 8 year old son.


Well-Known Member
well crimanals dont obey the laws anyways so what makes you think they will obey gun controll laws?

also a friend made a valid point about when hitler ruled germany the first thing they did was take away firearms from civilians, then everything after that follew suite easily as they had no way to defend themselvs.

people should be allowed the choice to own guns to defend themselvs and family from predators (sexual and animal), criminals and the government which im not sure how you guys feel but the US goventment is coming close to being boycotted and if shit dosent get fixed in the near future i see a nasty nasty war in my forseeable future. our government is trying to take away the rights that this country was founded on and people are getting sick of it. its becoming more of a dictatorship than a democracy. as of 2013 with obamacare US citizens are now mandated to provide themselvs with health insurance....we are mandated to PURCHASE health insurance...who the fuck are they to tell me what i have to buy with my money?

anyways its a huge political clusterfuck and the american people are getting sick of being shit on by a government whos best intresets are not of the people.


Well-Known Member
This is what I walk around with everyday View attachment 2496281

And this is what go shot with the range with View attachment 2496282 with my wife and 8 year old son.
well like i said crime rates where you live are some of the highest in the country, better to be armed when some crazy meth head thinks he is going to kill you for your wallet than be completly defensless.

To me my friend that is so so so far away from reality it's uncanny, unbelieveable.
like i said above. he needs to have a way to protect himself. unfortunatly thats the way it is in good ole USA in the larger cities. hell even some of the smaller town in the country are riddled with drug addicts who will stop at nothing to get thier next fix...its fucking sad really. were supposed to have faith in fellow man but i cant trust anyone these days with a dollar.


Well-Known Member
I think every law abiding citizen (well in the head) should be armed to be able to defend for his own safety and his familys safety.
I live in a city that I know is possible for someone to break into my house at night at then what? I'll be protecting my fam. with a wooden spoon? when I know most robbers in general have some kind of a weapon on them.


Well-Known Member
Matt fuck no you cant trust no fuckers out there, back home in the D I've seen a carckhead stabbing a guy in a neck for fucking $13 I mean wtf?


Well-Known Member
I thought i agreed with you ,

"""I don't think anyone should lose their hunting guns, i agree,
It's a Myth that gun law stops gun crime , it's just how they make us live here makes you think like that."""


Well-Known Member
well like i said crime rates where you live are some of the highest in the country, better to be armed when some crazy meth head thinks he is going to kill you for your wallet than be completly defensless.
I am far from completely defenceless and i have shot guns.
5 years service , French Foreign Legion.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, im here :) ive been here before but i forgot to subscribe. I voted for BBxWW. If you want a walk through of dwc feel free to aske anytime. :)


Well-Known Member
oh didnt realize you could own shotguns...

see im not 100% educated on gun laws, here or outside this country. i just know that law obiding citizens should have the ability to arm themselvs against criminals. because the criminals will have weapons wether they are legal or not.

iwill be looking into getting my concealed carry soon and i want my wife to get hers as well.

either way its averry broad topic with lots of opinions, these are just a few of mine. i enjoy target shooting and want to get my step sone his first .22 soon so we can go bird hunting. so i dont think that all guns are for self defense. I do feel that no one should be able to tell you your not allowed to provide means to protect yourself in this fucked up drug crazed world we live in right now.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, im here :) ive been here before but i forgot to subscribe. I voted for BBxWW. If you want a walk through of dwc feel free to aske anytime. :)
i already have the rig made up and pretty sure i have a solid concept of it but as i go if you notice anything i could be doing different feel free to chime in m8 :) thanks for stopping in glad to have you aboard,.


Well-Known Member
oh didnt realize you could own shotguns...

see im not 100% educated on gun laws, here or outside this country. i just know that law obiding citizens should have the ability to arm themselvs against criminals. because the criminals will have weapons wether they are legal or not.

iwill be looking into getting my concealed carry soon and i want my wife to get hers as well.

either way its averry broad topic with lots of opinions, these are just a few of mine. i enjoy target shooting and want to get my step sone his first .22 soon so we can go bird hunting. so i dont think that all guns are for self defense. I do feel that no one should be able to tell you your not allowed to provide means to protect yourself in this fucked up drug crazed world we live in right now.
I am not allowed to own guns , i mean i am not totally defenceless , i would shove the meth heads head up his own arse however.
I have shot guns before ,not i have shotguns!!lol