Need some honest advice


Staff member
I have somewhat of a discouraging update.

Ok, so based on the advice I've gotten and the fact that it's now driving me crazy with doubt, I decided to just ask. Didn't turn out as easy as I had hoped. Obviously this isn't something that you ask through text or on the phone so I felt that face to face was the best way to deal with it. I spoke to her on the phone and told her that I was gonna be cooking her dinner and that I really wanted to talk to her about something that has been bothering me (I probably should have stopped at "I'm cooking you dinner"). She asked what it was and I just said that we'd discuss it at dinner. She kept prying so I just said that something her friends told me about her had me kinda confused. We said good-bye and she agreed to come over for dinner.

Well...she never showed. :-( The thing is that she didn't even answer my calls or texts and hasn't replied to voice mails. I've been thinking the worst things like maybe she was in a car accident. I don't know her family so there's no one I can call. I've tried going by her place but there's no sign of her there either. Tried talking to a neighbor but she's only lived there a couple weeks so no one really knows her. My guess is that maybe a family emergency came up and she had to leave town and maybe she left her phone at home. I don't think she would just leave me and not say anything to me. Maybe I did fall for her cause the not knowing if she's safe is killing me. I've even called all the hospitals within a 200 mile radius.

What should I do?? :cry:
have you ever considered that seeing as girls are petty jealous bitches, they just said that because theyre not truly her friend and theyre being shit disturbers??


New Member
I dunno, as true as that is, you gotta admit it's a little suspicious that she just happen to leave and stop answering phone calls right after that conversation...time will tell tho.

Does she have a Facebook?


Well-Known Member
I dunno, as true as that is, you gotta admit it's a little suspicious that she just happen to leave and stop answering phone calls right after that conversation...time will tell tho.

Does she have a Facebook?
Yeah, I'm thinking she's making a run for it before the rumor rises again lol.


New Member
I think if you doubt it so much, and you worry so much, maaaaybe, just maybe you should find another chick :) Move on.


New Member
How about realizing every thing else he did with a dude
Technically it was a female, by states standards. Either way, she must have money for all that, just pointing that part out.

Also, I'm surprised nobody has posted that It's Always Sunny clip, when Mac was dating that tranny lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah at least they didn't show up and you get the answer you didn't want, and realize you cooked dinner for a dude.
lol cooked dinner? thats the least of his problems as far as what he did for this "dude"
and i quote the OP " i've been down there, everything looks good"
i mean he could of just licked the inside of a penis! i'de be pretty PISSED.


Well-Known Member
What was that tv story of the two surgeons who fuck all the time?
Anyway, one of them banged a transexual, and identified her/him by it being all smooth inside down there... as oposed to the normaly slightly ribbed feeling.

I'm afraid you'll have to check it out and report back to us.


Well-Known Member
What was that tv story of the two surgeons who fuck all the time?
Anyway, one of them banged a transexual, and identified her/him by it being all smooth inside down there... as oposed to the normaly slightly ribbed feeling.

I'm afraid you'll have to check it out and report back to us.
That very well could work, a woman born female would definitely have the vaginal rugae that no plastic surgeon could easily replicate without causing tons of scar tissue. Good idea!


New Member
lol cooked dinner? thats the least of his problems as far as what he did for this "dude"
and i quote the OP " i've been down there, everything looks good"
i mean he could of just licked the inside of a penis! i'de be pretty PISSED.
omfg ahhahahahhahah you just licked the inside of a penis dude!!! hahahahhahahhaha :clap::lol:


Well-Known Member
He could have just covered the face with a comic and fucked it for a joke...or a flag, you know for love of country.


Update: Either I fucked up badly or I just got out of something that could of been devastating to find out later. Haven't been able to sleep or eat without knowing what happened to her. Voice mail full and no replies at all.


Well-Known Member
I have somewhat of a discouraging update.

Ok, so based on the advice I've gotten and the fact that it's now driving me crazy with doubt, I decided to just ask. Didn't turn out as easy as I had hoped. Obviously this isn't something that you ask through text or on the phone so I felt that face to face was the best way to deal with it. I spoke to her on the phone and told her that I was gonna be cooking her dinner and that I really wanted to talk to her about something that has been bothering me (I probably should have stopped at "I'm cooking you dinner"). She asked what it was and I just said that we'd discuss it at dinner. She kept prying so I just said that something her friends told me about her had me kinda confused. We said good-bye and she agreed to come over for dinner.

Well...she never showed. :-( The thing is that she didn't even answer my calls or texts and hasn't replied to voice mails. I've been thinking the worst things like maybe she was in a car accident. I don't know her family so there's no one I can call. I've tried going by her place but there's no sign of her there either. Tried talking to a neighbor but she's only lived there a couple weeks so no one really knows her. My guess is that maybe a family emergency came up and she had to leave town and maybe she left her phone at home. I don't think she would just leave me and not say anything to me. Maybe I did fall for her cause the not knowing if she's safe is killing me. I've even called all the hospitals within a 200 mile radius.

What should I do?? :cry:
That sucks man, love is a crazy thing sometimes. Maybe she panicked when you said you needed to have a talk and ran off because she didnt want to be rejected again. You need to find her man, you obviously love her and thats all that counts :)


Well-Known Member
"In other news, the body of a transsexual person was found in the woods today. The sheriff reports that it looks like a a suicide. There was a note pinned to the body, details of that note, and the name of the decedent, have not been released, pending family notification."

This story keeps getting crazier and crazier.....