Showing sex


Well-Known Member
So bakatar666 your saying this bottom picture is a male? and whats up bro..
Hey, what's up man.
No, the order I posted them in was the female on top.
Somebody posted those yesterday I think, and I stole them, because I hadn't come across any pics that clear before.


New Member
Hey, what's up man.
No, the order I posted them in was the female on top.
Somebody posted those yesterday I think, and I stole them, because I hadn't come across any pics that clear before.
lmao I was hitting my bowl and I read your post and was like damn I must be stoned...

and this is for bmeat
kill bmeat.jpg


Well-Known Member
So is being called a cunt the norm on this website?
because there are other Fucking websites, you aweful jackass!

started a new thread, I was typing it and posting it while you were typing that bullshit
copy and pasting rather.
Sorry on behalf of that d bag jinx, you seem like a very intelligent woman and im sorry he called you what he did. Ive told him numerous times that i would take him under my wing if he would just stop spewing crap so ill take the responsibility of reporting his rude and obscene behavior. Hes obviously a lost cause that i will have no part of. This isnt how RIU operates usually. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Hey ninja.....its coupe27's thread lol we accidently jacked his thread, sorry bro. You got the info you wanted though and unfortunately more than needed in some areas. sorry again man lol


Well-Known Member
lmao its totally cool, i play alot in "male" environments, so im used to it,
and the bmeat guy,is wanting to off himself, over what, internet drama that it seems like he brings on himself...?
Hmm, I dont find anyone that says things like that funny at all. Ive had to put alot of people in the ground that went that route, and Im NOT Impressed
(anyone that knows me in the real world knows that is my ultimate insult)
so im putting the boys to the side, probably harvest them for future seeds in case this is a batch that I decide to reproduce, can you buy ph up / down at a regular store? also, where could I find a good cloning solution? i have heard that you can use corn syrup, which i used for my first and only one from the female that Robert identified for me <3, its 8 days in the cup, and is developing new growth, so im hoping that it takes, trying my luck since I have been lucky on this first experience, thus far.
Ph up/down is available through amazon if you cant find it anywhere else. You should be able to make some phone calls and find some though, just make sure its for plants and not pools, the pet store might know where to find it for use in fish tanks?? Maybe. Also cloning solution is availible in most garden sections. I use the age old powder and have 100% success. Temps and dome are my tricks. I reported bmeat for two posts on this thread. Sorry again, we try to take care of everyone around here if we can especially the ladies but its the internet, you never know what your going to get. Oh by the way, welcome to RIU, glad to have you at our party :):):)


Well-Known Member
I'm at beer #11 on the night. Someone say troll action?
Im all outta whiskey and just drinking tequila with kosher salt and bottled lemon juice in it. Its getting better by the slug. Oh ya buddy, its trollin time tommorow, its going to feel like a pig pooped in my head tommorow morning and ill need someone to yell at. :):):)


New Member
Im all outta whiskey and just drinking tequila with kosher salt and bottled lemon juice in it. Its getting better by the slug. Oh ya buddy, its trollin time tommorow, its going to feel like a pig pooped in my head tommorow morning and ill need someone to yell at. :):):)
Unleash that mangina. Not on me though.


Well-Known Member
Lol...apparently he's made more enemies than i know about...geez bmeat, your best bet if you get on later today is to say nothing and act like you're not here. Something tells me you'll be getting your asshole resized by the end of the day, cuz of course you'll say something, even when advised against it.


New Member
Lol...apparently he's made more enemies than i know about...geez bmeat, your best bet if you get on later today is to say nothing and act like you're not here. Something tells me you'll be getting your asshole resized by the end of the day, cuz of course you'll say something, even when advised against it.
bmeat is cool shit dude. I'll vouch for him.


Well-Known Member
Except for maybe the tiny nanners joke bakatare threw out their, that was pretty good. Also the one refering to stewie was good too


wow, thanks a bunch guys for telling that guy whats up. I had a sleep on it, and usually that will give me a reset; bmeat, you werent the first thing i thought of when I got up, so dont even try to flatter yourself in that regard (i remembered when taking the first piss of the day) but im not at all entertained with your antics, and personally, these are the amount of fucks i give....(see anything, no, there you are then), but hopefully you cant read this because you no longer have access to this site anymore
and my apologies for this thread being all jacked and now jacked up, so lets get back to the subject at hand which is helping this guy sex his plants :)
and I started my own thread about my own grow issues. cool people welcome


New Member
im sorry for calling you a cunt jinx. i was just tried, aggravated and i was drinking. im just tired of getting attacked. i dont really think youre a cunt. i should have cursed out a bunch of these other guys way before i cursed you out. only ones i really have a problem with are numb skull trousers who couldnt keep two seedlings alive, and shim..whos just shim

you guys tell me im wrong..then a couple pages letter you suggest the exact thing that i suggested.

then you bring up some other things i wrote and try and tell me thats wrong, when i know its not. if you post something i said that is wrong (which i have done plenty of times) i will admit its wrong.

the things you quoted me about in this thread are all factual.