Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member


Hermie right? I'm not 100 % because i've never had these before..but i think this is a hermie plant now ffs.It's got white pistils all over the place today but a fair few of these little things all over to

should i pick them off or leave it a few days.. i would love for someone to say nah ,a white hair will come out of them any day now.. but idk ,they look kind of dodgy..

I'm not killing this plant anyway.i've wasted enough time and i'm dying for some smoke..god damn it though

Besides ,i have heard seeded weed can be as strong as non seeded.. and on the plus side i will have seeds... i may get that dutch masters reverse and use it if i intend to grow any of these seeds..

is it a hermie though??


Well-Known Member
I know a guy who had one hermie and all the seeds were female and had no hermie tendancys when they were grown out.
And when I was a teen all the weed had seeds in it and we got fucked up daily


Well-Known Member
Ok ,not as bad as first thought.Had a good inspection of it there.. there was like 2 or 3 of these on each branch about half way down the plant.None up around the top thankfully.I picked them off and now i'll leave it alone ,if their gonna come back theres not alot i can do about it.But like you say chesus seeded is good to and some of the best weed i've had has had seeds in it.I just don't like the idea of having one of those full blown hermies where there's just as many balls as buds ..that shit looks horrible.I don't mind a few seeds though.


i had one of those my last harvest you should pulll it its only going to produce more sacks...and as for the seeds there normally uselss as to half thee seeds would also be hermie so unless you wanna do the long process of sorting them afte they sprout and every thing to determine sex and which are hermies


Well-Known Member
i had one of those my last harvest you should pulll it its only going to produce more sacks...and as for the seeds there normally uselss as to half thee seeds would also be hermie so unless you wanna do the long process of sorting them afte they sprout and every thing to determine sex and which are hermies
Not always true
Sometimes they produce seeds that are 100% female and have no hermie traits
Regardless after you invested this much time in a plant. Are you going to just throw it away if it doesnt endanger anything else?


Well-Known Member
Yeah guys the only thing is i am not a heavy hevay smoker ,few spliffs a night kind of guy .A few oz lasts me a good amount of time so i only do 1 plant at a time to minimize any possible legal issues worst case scenario.. so after growing this plant for 35 days ,i can't throw it away when it's 45 days left.It has nothing to ruin ,it's on it's own .And if word on the street was hermie weed was shit i would chuck it ,but i have heard the opposite ,that seeded weed can really blast you.. so it's all good.I'ts a shame such an attractive plant threw balls though.. i don't know how or if i have stressed it into doing it.. oh well.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Ok ,not as bad as first thought.Had a good inspection of it there.. there was like 2 or 3 of these on each branch about half way down the plant.None up around the top thankfully.I picked them off and now i'll leave it alone ,if their gonna come back theres not alot i can do about it.But like you say chesus seeded is good to and some of the best weed i've had has had seeds in it.I just don't like the idea of having one of those full blown hermies where there's just as many balls as buds ..that shit looks horrible.I don't mind a few seeds though.
notihng to worry bout unless you wanna sell it...if you do some digging you will discover that seeded weeds potency is the same or better ...sensimilla while it does produce more smokable product does not increase potency...it is the big lie that seed breeders started...see they sell the seeds now and have everyone believing it is stronger if unseeded so therefore we need purchase their seeds...they no longer sell the weed just seeds and smoke for free laughing all the way to the bank...I never had a c99 herm but shit occurs...worry not you will be fine as you intend to keep it anyway correct? so either pluck or let her go and seed up and have free fems seeds and smoke

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
That Sucks Puff. The time and effort is the biggest let down i'm sure. Thats what I'm dreading as I got a Regular seeds from Mosca. My plant is certainly more indica looking than most I have seen pictures of. I know there are a couple Phenotypes. I'm curious to know what the more indica dominate pheno is.


Active Member
crap that sucks... but like posted above... if it is you only plant.. you could do the daily castration technique :) My C'99s are in an iron deficiency right now... more than likely due to the high phosphorus from the open seasmi (sp) Foliar feeding with rusty water right now. My g-13 blueberry gums are doing better on the nutrient switch, will have to switch to the 'mid' booster. I should be able to foliar feed the iron supplement, will step the powder down a little.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
crap that sucks... but like posted above... if it is you only plant.. you could do the daily castration technique :) My C'99s are in an iron deficiency right now... more than likely due to the high phosphorus from the open seasmi (sp) Foliar feeding with rusty water right now. My g-13 blueberry gums are doing better on the nutrient switch, will have to switch to the 'mid' booster. I should be able to foliar feed the iron supplement, will step the powder down a little.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)17%
10.58% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
6.42% Urea Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P[SUB]2[/SUB]O[SUB]5[/SUB])6%
Soluble Potash (K[SUB]2[/SUB]O)6%
Total Sulphur (N)14%
14.0% Combined Sulphur (S)
Boron (B)0.02%
Copper (Cu)0.05%
0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)0.30%
0.30% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)0.05%
0.05% Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo)0.0009%
Zinc (Zn)0.05%
0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)

my advice AVOID HIGH P ferts and continue the N supplementation

above is an awesome fert and does splendidly to address deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Hey guys ,thank you all for your words of support.It's helped me deal with this alot.I was a little depressed about it because when you think hermie you think fail , and god damn my luck that my first grow journal is my first hermie to.

That being said ,I haven't found any more suspected male parts..

I have a feeling that she's not going to be a major herm ,just a little bi-curios.. i can handle that..

Anyway ,I looked real close today and it's just going mad with white hairs developing everywhere and no more balls at all..

I really feel in my heart that i will still have a sick crop of sticky ,icky in 7 weeks ,and if she herms abit and i get a few seeds no prob.. I am confident i'm not going to end up totaly seeded out of this crop..

Is it possible for a plant just to throw a few balls and that's the end of it? Once they're picked off ,that's it they don't come back?

Anyway ,I felt she's starting to look a little hungry for some N or something.. something not 100% right with some of the leaves ..so i upped her N dose by half a mill to see if that helps..any ideas?

Oh and she hasn't stopped stretching she's up to 25 inches now..

Sorry about the lame pics ,didn't have time to get her out and give her a proper photo shoot ,just a few quickies at lights out..oh and she's always a little droopy looking after a watering..


Kite High

Well-Known Member
thats the ticket...she's fine...and yes balls can appear then no more...may have just been preflowers that swell up and looks like balls..anyway it dont really matter....a herm is NOT a fail anyways...

yes a lil N and Iron should do the trick bro...she will bless you with what jus maybe the best herb you ever had...and YOU grew it....keep on trcuking and



Well-Known Member
Hey Puff. Looking good and shes getting big! Keep me updated on that stretch so I know when to stop training bud.. Fingers crossed that you dont have any more sacks and you keep your fingers crossed for me that I dont get any:)