600W C99 Organic Scrog


Well-Known Member
Glad to be home!!!! Okay so my vote is to flip but I'd like some input from some of ya'll seasoned C99ers. Everything is looking good and they were fed yesterday so they are hitting a little growth spurt. I trimmed some under the screen when I got home. What do ya'll think?

2013-01-21 09.20.41.jpg 7 Days 2013-01-28 13.13.52.jpg

2013-01-21 09.21.06.jpg 7 Days 2013-01-28 13.15.21.jpg

2013-01-21 09.20.58.jpg 7 Days 2013-01-28 13.15.28.jpg

Just some closer pics..
2013-01-28 13.15.07.jpg2013-01-28 13.15.01.jpg

As for everyones c99 pics they look beautiful and thank you for keeping this journal going while I was away!! Id be lucky if mine wind up anywhere near as good as them:)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
yes flip now as she will maybe outgrow your screen...this is going to be beautiful...nice job



Well-Known Member
yes flip now as she will maybe outgrow your screen...this is going to be beautiful...nice job

Thanks man.. Im probably going to do an 11am to 11pm lights on schedule so at 4pm today they are going to go out and I'll most likely keep the lights off till 11am tomorrow. Have any of yall done the lights off for an extended period of time? Like the 36 or 48 hour lights off thing.. It just seems so against nature and I've been paranoid about hermies and Puffs ball sacks on the same strain from the same breeder just made me more paranoid. It wouldnt worry me too much if I was here everyday to pluck them but I dont want to come home after 7 days and have 2 fully pollenated plants.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Thanks man.. Im probably going to do an 11am to 11pm lights on schedule so at 4pm today they are going to go out and I'll most likely keep the lights off till 11am tomorrow. Have any of yall done the lights off for an extended period of time? Like the 36 or 48 hour lights off thing.. It just seems so against nature and I've been paranoid about hermies and Puffs ball sacks on the same strain from the same breeder just made me more paranoid. It wouldnt worry me too much if I was here everyday to pluck them but I dont want to come home after 7 days and have 2 fully pollenated plants.
tried the 36 and didnt like it ...they stretched like 4 inches overnight (different strain not cindy) as long as 12 dark is always maintained then longer darkness wont hurt anything other athan yield a bit less...but like you mentioned 4p-11a once will do no harm at all


Well-Known Member
I have been following your grow and am now subbed. I started 4 c99 beans and a thread and would appreciate any advise that you could give. Just watching your posts and reading comments have been a great source of information and the SLOW start of this strain would have been unnerving if I hadn't seen it here first. I hope that all is well when you get back and that it's ready to flip. My signature link didn't work, I'm not very computer smart, so I'm still trying to figure that out.

Edit: I figured out the signature link, thanks to puffdatchronic for the forum help. +Rep to you
Thanks man.. Im bout to check yours out:)


Well-Known Member
yep i'd say flip to.Mine has went from 10 inches to 25 inches in 10 days.. so she could well end up getting at least 3x bigger at this rate..and yours looks just about big enough now to fill that screen for sure.Looks great still aswell..getting to the good part..lol


Well-Known Member
I figured they had to be gorgeous. Very nice looking bushes man. I agree with everyone else on flipping, and how your doing it is how I usually do. I might give them a few extra dark hours to maybe jump start things, but I've never wanted to leave my lights off any long then I had to. I think your going to be very pleased with how this all turns out. They are well on their way to some impressive sized plants/buds


Active Member
I agree that an extended dark period seems so unnatural. If an indoor grow is meant to simulate the outdoors as much as possible, where does a 36/48 hour total black period followed by a 12/12 natural light period ever happen? I would think that a ramp down to 12/12 over a few days would be more like fall days getting shorter rather than WHAM all at once. I know that the norm is flipping straight to a 12/12; has anyone ever gone from 18/6 to say 16/8 for 2 or 3 days then 14/10 then 12/12? Would it make a difference good or bad? You have obviously flipped since you posted this and that was my vote too. I hope mine take off soon and look as lovely as your girls. BTW, you can really see the different leaf blade widths in the photos. Amazing contrast between the two Phenotypes.


Active Member
I agree that an extended dark period seems so unnatural. If an indoor grow is meant to simulate the outdoors as much as possible, where does a 36/48 hour total black period followed by a 12/12 natural light period ever happen? I would think that a ramp down to 12/12 over a few days would be more like fall days getting shorter rather than WHAM all at once. I know that the norm is flipping straight to a 12/12; has anyone ever gone from 18/6 to say 16/8 for 2 or 3 days then 14/10 then 12/12? Would it make a difference good or bad? You have obviously flipped since you posted this and that was my vote too. I hope mine take off soon and look as lovely as your girls. BTW, you can really see the different leaf blade widths in the photos. Amazing contrast between the two Phenotypes.
I agree. I'm doing this with mine, switched from 18/6 to 16/8 and I will probably end up going 14/10 in the future. DJ short has made some recommendations on keeping lighting as close as possible to natural time. He say's he has even been able to influence phenotype by RH and light hours. It will be a fun side by side one day. They actually seemed to respond better to the 16/8. I guess if you're going for faster veg growth, this is the ideal. But if you want as natural as possible, I'd use 14/10 or 13/11 for veg and 11/13 or 10/14 for flower. I'm going to try and do multiple lights on timers to re-enact "sunrise" in my room eventually. I want them to think they're on a mountain or a beach field somewhere. Eventually, I'm adding sound to the grow. Either metal for more roots and bigger fruits, or natural ambiance from forests and jungles. Keep em happy!

So is the general consensus Mosca or Female seeds C99?!

Mechanical, I would flip, buddy. I saw a few people that had 3x stretch. Hella big colas! I think you're going to be very pleased with the outcome of this grow. You're doing an excellent job. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
I was going to do the natural time thing but when I got home I knew I didn't have much time left to flip. Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm glad I made that second screen that sits about 5" above the screen just in case I have no choice but to go up before the stretch stops..


Well-Known Member
Oh and I'm pretty happy I got 2 different phenos even though the bigger sativa looking one will take over a little more of the screen..


Well-Known Member
Did some more trimming under the screen. Pulled all the fan leafs that werent getting any light and laying on the soil and any tiny shoots that wont make it to the screen. Picked up two 18'' 10.0 15w UV-B lights, 2 fixtures, and a dual outlet timer. Gonna run them from 2pm-8pm. I'll post some pics tomorrow after I mount them. Most likely I will mount them on the sides of my hood. I also had a little oops:( I forgot to turn my timer to the new 11am to 11pm so my lights went out at 4pm for about 5 minutes before I remembered so they got some serious shade. Maybe they thought there was an eclipse:) Not a good start lol but hopefully that will be the only hiccup during flower.

2013-01-29 11.40.40.jpg
2013-01-29 11.39.37.jpg2013-01-29 11.39.01.jpg
2013-01-29 11.39.53.jpg2013-01-29 11.40.07.jpg
2013-01-29 11.39.57.jpg2013-01-29 11.40.27.jpg

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Did some more trimming under the screen. Pulled all the fan leafs that werent getting any light and laying on the soil and any tiny shoots that wont make it to the screen. Picked up two 18'' 10.0 15w UV-B lights, 2 fixtures, and a dual outlet timer. Gonna run them from 2pm-8pm. I'll post some pics tomorrow after I mount them. Most likely I will mount them on the sides of my hood. I also had a little oops:( I forgot to turn my timer to the new 11am to 11pm so my lights went out at 4pm for about 5 minutes before I remembered so they got some serious shade. Maybe they thought there was an eclipse:) Not a good start lol but hopefully that will be the only hiccup during flower.

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well lets hope not as hiccups are exciting...looks good


Well-Known Member
This is only my second grow so whats the deal between these two? I understand the difference between phenos but I thought they pretty much grew the same. It might just be me over thinking things but the smaller plant with tighter nodes looks to have way more pre flowers or whatever they are. The bigger plant has them but not near as many. Tell me what yall think..


Well-Known Member
the first pic is of a more hormonally mature plant. Not by age, by hormones and life cycle. If will flower faster as well, different phenos ;)
+Rep to you good sir.. That makes sense. I need to do a little more reading on phenos I guess. It just seems strange to me that 2 different plants of the same strain can behave so much different.. Almost like they arent related. Now that I think about it 2 sisters might not mature the same even though they had the same parents.. Will these 2 different phenos produce the same high at least? If not does anyone know what pheno the original C99 was closer to?

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Lookin great Mechanical. I would agree to the consensus of the followers here and say Flip.

I'm gona try and not trim any of the bottom fan leaves as they all catch light and use it. regardless of how little light they do get. I've trimmed them before in the past so i'll see if it makes a difference.
On the negative side of trimming the lower leaves, your soil will dry out faster as more light/heat will get to your pot. And with you being gone 7 days at a time that might hurt it in the long run.

With me doing DWC I don't wan't heat to build up in the bucket and affect the roots.

As far as the light cycle goes. I've tried the extended period of lights off. I couldn't tell if it made a whole hell of a lot of difference. I imagine that you'll just get more stretch from an extended dark period. hmm, i'm sure someone here has done a comparison test from changing the light cycles. might need to do a search.

Today is day 40 on my C99.. i'll take a few pics

So is the general consensus Mosca or Female seeds C99
Keywords "Cindy 99" "Cinderella 99" "C99"

Those are the two strains that are mentioned in the thread. I'm sure there are more. Try doing a search at the Attitude seedbank and see how many C99's come up

Mechanical and Puffdatchronic both got there seeds from Female Seeds.. Puffdat's, actually hermied slightly. My seeds are from Mosca, but are regular seeds. so i don't know if mine will be male or female yet.


Well-Known Member
Lookin great Mechanical. I would agree to the consensus of the followers here and say Flip.

I'm gona try and not trim any of the bottom fan leaves as they all catch light and use it. regardless of how little light they do get. I've trimmed them before in the past so i'll see if it makes a difference.
On the negative side of trimming the lower leaves, your soil will dry out faster as more light/heat will get to your pot. And with you being gone 7 days at a time that might hurt it in the long run.

With me doing DWC I don't wan't heat to build up in the bucket and affect the roots.

As far as the light cycle goes. I've tried the extended period of lights off. I couldn't tell if it made a whole hell of a lot of difference. I imagine that you'll just get more stretch from an extended dark period. hmm, i'm sure someone here has done a comparison test from changing the light cycles. might need to do a search.

Today is day 40 on my C99.. i'll take a few pics
I really wasn't going to trim but I kinda had to. For one the leaves were getting burned cause they were huge and laying in the soil. They also made it very hard to water. They were blocking the shoots too. Once I started plucking I found about 6 shoots trying to make their way to the screen. Now they have all made their way since yesterday. There is still a full layer of fan leaves under the screen. Before I trimmed I couldn't push them down under because there were too many already. This was making it hard to train because my screen holes were full of fan leaves. If I was growing a tree I wouldn't clip anything but I didn't see any way around it with my setup..