Hi guys.


Active Member
Hi guys.

I thought i'd drop a quick hello here, as this is my first post. I just got approved for my legal license here in Canada, and am waiting for my Govt. papers, which should be here in 2 weeks. I am approved for 15 g. a Day, and approved to grow 75-80 plants (the exact # will be determined this week).I can possess 3400 grams at home at any time, and have 30 g or so on my person. I will be setting up an indoor setup, and will start tomorrow. My setup will consist of 3- 1000 watt HPS, over a 6.5'x16' bed, running the SOG. I wil be using 4" netpots in a bed of sunshine #4, exactly like this.....

planted, they will be exactly like this.... (this was taken the day of planting, 10 days after clones were taken, and were all rooted.

these are pics from a buddy's setup, who just got his license 2 months ago.... I will be "cloning" his setup, and will add pics to this thread as i go along. "back in the day" I employed the same method, and managed 1.5 - 1.75 lbs per light. And am anticipating the same results, Im thinking i'll will get approx 4.75 - 5 lbs off the three lights every 60 days.

Ill post update's here regularly....

BTW, here's a couple more pics.... figured i'd share.


That's pretty much for now..... mine will be in the next thread! Starting with the blank basement, wall construction, poly'ing, bed construction, wiring, ventilation, and finally planting. I'm hoping to have it all completed in the next 10 days! When the papers are delivered, I want to be 100% ready! Finally legal, and ready to grow....



New Member
holy shit..

why do you put the pots in soil? isnt that a waste of soil?

i see lots of indica in your grow room.

also sunshine #4!? thats the coco im looking at. do you have to feed regularly with this, or can you go some time without feeding?


holy shit..

why do you put the pots in soil? isnt that a waste of soil?

i see lots of indica in your grow room.

also sunshine #4!? thats the coco im looking at. do you have to feed regularly with this, or can you go some time without feeding?
Most plants in most coco will need feeding straight away. You may get away with 2-3 weeks with seedlings but clones not so much.
Coco should be a natural product with nothing added.


New Member
Most plants in most coco will need feeding straight away. You may get away with 2-3 weeks with seedlings but clones not so much.
Coco should be a natural product with nothing added.
thank you bro. im thinking about just sticking with soil, since i was told coco CAN compact just as easily as soil. i only wanted it cause i thought it would be super airy and light and aerated


Active Member
Hi guys.

I thought i'd drop a quick hello here, as this is my first post. I just got approved for my legal license here in Canada, and am waiting for my Govt. papers, which should be here in 2 weeks. I am approved for 15 g. a Day, and approved to grow 75-80 plants (the exact # will be determined this week).I can possess 3400 grams at home at any time, and have 30 g or so on my person. I will be setting up an indoor setup, and will start tomorrow. My setup will consist of 3- 1000 watt HPS, over a 6.5'x16' bed, running the SOG. I wil be using 4" netpots in a bed of sunshine #4, exactly like this.....

planted, they will be exactly like this.... (this was taken the day of planting, 10 days after clones were taken, and were all rooted.

these are pics from a buddy's setup, who just got his license 2 months ago.... I will be "cloning" his setup, and will add pics to this thread as i go along. "back in the day" I employed the same method, and managed 1.5 - 1.75 lbs per light. And am anticipating the same results, Im thinking i'll will get approx 4.75 - 5 lbs off the three lights every 60 days.

Ill post update's here regularly....

BTW, here's a couple more pics.... figured i'd share.


That's pretty much for now..... mine will be in the next thread! Starting with the blank basement, wall construction, poly'ing, bed construction, wiring, ventilation, and finally planting. I'm hoping to have it all completed in the next 10 days! When the papers are delivered, I want to be 100% ready! Finally legal, and ready to grow....


Welcome Friend,
A word of advice as you will learn quickly. Dont take any advice from Bmeat. Just read his posts and look at his plants and you will understand. Your set up looks awesome man. Great Job!!!


thank you bro. im thinking about just sticking with soil, since i was told coco CAN compact just as easily as soil. i only wanted it cause i thought it would be super airy and light and aerated
Well it is light and airy and really does not compact together like soil does as its a lot finer cut,
As with soil its better cut with Perlite , the main advantage is that's its organic and has nothing added.
I work with both but coco i find a lot less messing about indoors.
They are normally also around the same price.


Active Member
Yeah, nice rig. I love those old timers, I use them too. I buy them for a buck or two at farm/estate sales all the time.

Pretty spiffy setup. Peace


Active Member
we grow in a bed like that, because we've learned that if you grow in pots, its hard to give each and every one what they need... some pots will dry out sooner than others, some need more nutes than the next.... if you do them in a "bed" like this, they take what THEY need.... the bed gets "watered" approx every three days or so,with about 30 gallons of water/food, and as they grow and the roots spread across the table, each plant will take only as much as it needs.... they all grow exactly the same size. We'll trim off all the side branches so they will be pretty much one cola, easy to trim!

My bed will be exactly the same size, except I will be using an auto watering system, which I will show in time..... ;-) we grew in 2 Gal. pots for many years, untill about 8 years or so ago. Then we went to this bed configuration. It made a WORLD of a difference..... everything was much more consistant. We use 2.5 bags of sunshine #4 per crop. After its done, all the dirt/roots are removed and thrown away, and the bed is filled again.....

as for cost. this entire set up was just over 4K, the power panel and insulating the whole building was the biggest cost.

my setup was started today. I head into the city tomorrow for supplies, and expect it to be mostly done by the end of next week.


I thought i'd post some pics i just took tonight. They show how much they've grown in the last few days, they are about one week old now, from the original pics on the last page.... they will be flipped in the next day or two. I don't know why the black lines appear in my iPhones screen, but it has to do with the HPS frequency, as they are black lines going up and down the screen....

and the mothers.

I'll post some pics of my build in the next few days... so far it doesnt look like much, I got the main wall bulilt, and the bed built, I need to hang Poly this weekend, and a door. Then do all the wiring/ ventilation. I need to buy a small panel/breakers, one more timer, a thermostat, two 800 cfm fans, and some various wiring stuff..... I'll post pics in a new thread of my build. ;-)