another gun thread


New Member

things have changed a bit from the time of muskets, cannons, horses, and bayonets.
Obama: "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets"

Kite High

Well-Known Member

things have changed a bit from the time of muskets, cannons, horses, and bayonets.
yes I know...and will change for the detriment of the individual soon after they erode some more freedoms you willingly relinquish to them...That is your choice...not mine

Kite High

Well-Known Member
when they come and try again I PROMISE I WILL DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME

my $30k of ammo tells me so

I was alive and well when LSD was made illegal..too young to shoot accurately though

Kite High

Well-Known Member
i hear that worked out well in waco.
Waco was just a sign that IT NEEDS TO BE DONE the only way they will take ANY of my guns...and several are fully is even an "antique" but working browning .50 stated I am ready and aptly stocked and skilled


King Tut
Waco was just a sign that IT NEEDS TO BE DONE the only way they will take ANY of my guns...and several are fully is even an "antique" but working browning .50 stated I am ready and aptly stocked and skilled
You got a fully-auto BAR? *Bows graciously*


Well-Known Member
Waco was just a sign that IT NEEDS TO BE DONE the only way they will take ANY of my guns...and several are fully is even an "antique" but working browning .50 stated I am ready and aptly stocked and skilled
well, no way the most powerful force in the world can contend with that.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
well, no way the most powerful force in the world can contend with that.
surely you are not that deluded that you think they are the most powerful force in the world...I am counting on our sons and daughters being more committed to us than the cowardly asshats that think they run I believe Love is the most powerful force in the world...who will protect the asshats from our children who are operating their machines of death? Oops they just lost their power eh?