I have no clue if or how more amber trichs would benefit medical more, it's just info I've read many times. From experience it's just more of a heavier(body) high which I do not like. I'm guessing amber contains more pain relieving power, CBD? I just don't know.
Here is something from a pharma about CBD, but I have no clue if amber trichs carry a higher percentage of it or not.
CBD (Cannabidiol). It is one of approximately 70 Cannabinoids, the most well known being THC. CBD is an amazing compound, it can be used to treat chronic pain, anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as being a neuro-protectant and a very promising anti-cancer drug. CBDs value in treating chronic pain is enhanced over THC because it is non-psychoactive.
CBD works against pain primarily in the peripheral nervous system. It does not work like typical pain meds by effecting the central nervous system; it works at the neuro-synapse. When we sustain injuries, often the pain is acute and disappears completely. Other times we have persistent or intermittent pain, however, with many disorders the pain is either part of the underlying problem itself (Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Disease, etc ) or the pain becomes a syndrome of its own. In other words, the pain takes on a life of its own and is now crippling the patient.
In a recent Scientific American article, chronic pain and CBD's are discussed citing when an injury takes place, increased Glial cell production forms around the neuro junctions. These Glial cells produce Cytokines which are chemical transmitters spreading inflammation and signaling pain. When a molecule of CBD binds to the Glial cell, the cytokine production decreases and the patient feels a marked decrease in pain. This would also explain why some patients have pain relief that lasts way beyond the theoretical effect of the CBD."