So why are my leavings doing this???


Well-Known Member
hey guys i have a question my leaves seem to be curling up like a "taco" and i cant explain why.

plant is over all very healthy and it is a confermed female.

400watt HPS
neptunes harvest 2-4-1
PH is fine

i though i may ahve been cause my HPS was to close i have moved it to 2 feet away

or is this me being concerned over nothing

any thoughs would be great



Well-Known Member
Yea your lights were probably too close. Any yellowing on the top of the plant. If so light was too close.


Well-Known Member
Yea your lights were probably too close. Any yellowing on the top of the plant. If so light was too close.
just a little but its such a small spot and only on 1 leaf

in terms of an MG def just added "liquid iron" today. see how it goes probbay gonna have to get and inline fan for it now.

any other advice would be great


Active Member
you could be giving it too much potassium this increases the amount of mg, iron, calcium intake and could lead to other problems just wanna let you in on that little bit.


Well-Known Member
you could be giving it too much potassium this increases the amount of mg, iron, calcium intake and could lead to other problems just wanna let you in on that little bit.
passably however i only use this 1 time per grow because it is full of macro nutes.

just bought and inline fan and attached it to my ducking. i can really feel the pull. i also have another fan at plant level to keep them cool. temps are droping nicely. i will check in an hr to see how it is. i might as well build a cool tube.