Whats the latest you can plant outdoor?


Well-Known Member
i know ppl say like may, but in tropical environments (ie. Hawaii) couldnt u plant in summer and still get like 3 months of veg. followed by 2 months of flowering because there is no cold snap?


Well-Known Member
yeah im in fl bout the same, well ask around HI and see what ppl say there way into growin outdoors, well maybey not ask but search around


Well-Known Member
this is only part true i put out 3 foot tall plants they have already been thru 2 frosts all that happen were some of the leaves got burnt. i will tell you these are not young plants. and they were not from seed. they were grown for a long time inside then harden off while it was still cold.
technically yes you can but if you do get a cold snap they will die and it does happen


Well-Known Member
good point i think its a try and learn process, vegging for 3 months should make them more resistant but then agian they will have been exposed to hot weather only!! so experiment