First grow and CFLs


Well-Known Member
It's been a week since my last update, so thats a total of 3 weeks or 21 days since i first planted in soil. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and general hydroponics advanced nutrients flora grow and bloom only. I am going to give my first feeding with nutrients my next feeding (in 2 or 3 days). Heres a few pictures of what my plant looks like now and it has seen vigorous growth over the past week!! One of the pictures just kind of shows the stems.. but it seems like a very bushy plant to me which i believe is a good thing.. and overall looks pretty healthy to me.View attachment 2499523View attachment 2499524View attachment 2499526View attachment 2499525

So what do you guys think so far? Is it looking ok? *AND* Am i safe to be feeding nutrients next feeding?(FFOF Soil)

this is Tahoe OG from cali connection non feminized seed so i will need to sex and figure out if male/female when i get to that point.
I would wait another week even though they look ready size wise, you have no indications of needing to feed yet.


Well-Known Member
by weight and/or soil being dry when i stick my finger down
OK, I don't think it's water then, and I don't see any signs of overfeeding.
You mention 21 days since you put into soil.......
On the off chance, and I didn't see anybody else ask yet, tap the sides of one pot, hold the stem, and gently pull it out to peep the roots-maybe she's getting root bound already, I doubt it, but maybe.
If you just watered, you might want to wait another day until your soil is dry enough to hold together when you slide it out.
For flowering i i would use 42 watt cfls instead you will get a lot better outcome and more bud. from my Exp othere then that looks goood man follow the advice that ya get from here and u will be danceing in the rain with joy


so im gunna take it partially out and look for rooots? what am i looking for? do i take it all the way out of the pot completely?


Well-Known Member
so im gunna take it partially out and look for rooots? what am i looking for? do i take it all the way out of the pot completely?
Here's how I did mine, when I moved from the solo cup, and notice how the roots are all the way to the bottom, and starting to wrap around.
This was at 21 days from sprout, and I know your pots are bigger, but as long as you don't drop it or something, peeking won't hurt.
View attachment 2502892
This was 10 days later, after I fed and transplanted.View attachment 2502893


thing is... i can't really even get a bigger pot inside my little grow box. its very small ,,, im working with
  • dimensions 24" x 9" x 16". im waiting until about a lil under half the size so like 10" i will switch to flower..
    edit: i will update when soil drys and i can take a peek at roots..



Well-Known Member
Man, plants usually double in height if not more after a good veg and flipping to flower.
You should start reading on LST, supercropping or something.
I think you're gonna be really crowded.


Man, plants usually double in height if not more after a good veg and flipping to flower.
You should start reading on LST, supercropping or something.
I think you're gonna be really crowded.
the plants already bushy as all hell with the leaves almost hitting the sides of the box as well haha but i still have the plant sitting on something to get it closer to the lights.. still a bit to go before its under 1/2 the size of my space and ill switch to flower im thinking week 5 ish will be a small grow i know but thats fine.. i just hope this droppyness will be fixed soon. Soil should be dry tomorrow and i will take a peek


Well-Known Member
Youre doing good. Some advice: The 100w are an ok amount (more can never hurt). The drooping is hard to say, first guess is not enough water, second is too much water and third guess is too high temps. If youre watering until it drains out the bottom and then waiting until the pot feels relatively dry then you are already doing it right. How hot is it at the TOP of your plant? What does your cabinet look like, can you show a picture of the whole setup? Do you have air being blown out plus a hole for air to come in? You said you are waiting until the plant takes up half the height of your space until you switch to flowering. However, your plant will grow about 3x its size after going into flowering PLUS dont forget you need some space between the plant and the bulb. Sounds like you should switch to flowering asap but its hard to tell without a picture of the setup. My guess is you will have to tie it down anyways since it will outgrow the space.


edit: you cant really see the intake fan cus its behind the pot.. the top fan is the exhaust or whatever.. where the hot air leaves the box. It's a small grow box i know, but im not looking for massive yields.Heres what she looks like in the setup... i just watered it. shit... maybe i SHOULD start flowering now fuck! haha.... -_-... any input? ill switch to flowering now if thats what i should do but ive also not gave ANY nutes yet, using ffof soilsetup.jpgsetup24.jpgsetupp.jpgsetuppp.jpg


It's already late man, you're gonna be crowded.
The plant should at least double in height.
i guess thats what i get for just going by some grow video by hightimes or whatever that said 1/2 ur grow space then switch to flower... but ill just start flowering tomorrow i guess? would that be my best option? edit: i want to do 12/12 at 7am/7pm and my lights go off at 5pm. Am i safe to Keep them off for 14hours and turn lights on at 7am next morning to start 12/12 is that ok?


Well-Known Member
Yep, just extend your dark to the on time you want.
Reason I say it will at least double, is my last 2 outdoor plants just about tripled and I did them 12/12 no veg, but this one I am doing now, I vegged for a month, flipped it when it was 10" tall, and now look at it.
Pic taken this past Monday.jan28pic13_zps8beef6a7.jpg
See how much tying I've been doing, trying to keep it in my 3' height limit?jan21pic5_zpsaf107e10.jpg