Wihte Russian - Waterfarm


Well-Known Member
Things are looking up! Lots of fattening going on as I enter week 7 of flower. Right now it's looking like we may be starting to flush around week 9 for an end of week 10 harvest - can't wait!

One of these days I'll get some pics before the lights come on to avoid the yellow pics...won't be until next weekend though. Stay tuned! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hey, sick grow cant wait to see the end result!! could you explain how you change the res on the waterfarm with the plant being in the screen, do you just drain it out the bottom...?


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry if I missed how big is that tent 4x4?
Im working in one that's just a little smaller than 3x3 and was thinking of possibly doing one in there.
im just really impatient with vegging for so long I like to only veg for like a week and get some clones that
are already like 10 inches tall.
Welll thanks for the thread that thing is a monster!
nice . any issues with the waterfarm? been thinking about getting one or two but figured i can make a 5 gallon dwc setup with the waterfarm halo drip kit . have you tried molasses ? i have tried it with good results with soil grows but not sure about hydro. and what about your water temp? great post by the way


Well-Known Member
hey, sick grow cant wait to see the end result!! could you explain how you change the res on the waterfarm with the plant being in the screen, do you just drain it out the bottom...?
That has to be the most commonly asked question regarding waterfarm scrogs! :) The water is easily drained out of the water-level tube. For this to work, the waterfarm is sitting up on a 1-2 inch styrofoam block and a cork stove-pot coaster. WIth it being up off the floor, it's not hard to bend the tube down to the side and drain the water into a shallow bowl. Refilling with water simply by re-adding it into the top through the hydroton.

Hey sorry if I missed how big is that tent 4x4?
Im working in one that's just a little smaller than 3x3 and was thinking of possibly doing one in there.
im just really impatient with vegging for so long I like to only veg for like a week and get some clones that
are already like 10 inches tall.
Welll thanks for the thread that thing is a monster!
Yeah, the tent is approx 4x7 and about 7.5 feet tall. I've got 2x 600w Hort EYE HPS lights in there - tons of room, but I don't know if i'll ever do a double scrog. It's nice to have the extra room to maneuver without the restriction of 2 screens.

nice . any issues with the waterfarm? been thinking about getting one or two but figured i can make a 5 gallon dwc setup with the waterfarm halo drip kit . have you tried molasses ? i have tried it with good results with soil grows but not sure about hydro. and what about your water temp? great post by the way
I've never had problems. I've learned to stay away from strains that need a long flowering time (heavy sativas), as it becomes hard to control root rot when the roots are in water for that long (6+ weeks veg and 13+ weeks of flowering). Other than that, I love how clean it is not having to bother with soil.

I did try molasses for a short time in my first waterfarm grow, but I found it clogged the drip system easily so I stopped using it. I think if you thin it out enough you could do it though, just keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't prevent your water from cycling sufficiently.

I've had problems with my water temps - in the summer I've often added ice-cubes to my add-back pail to help bring those temps down. Winters here are fairly cold though, so my basement floor keeps the water temps reasonable. I also use quite a lot of hydrogen peroxide in my water mixed for this reason, as the higher temps mean less oxygen in the water, and H2O2 raises that oxygen level, effectively preventing algae from forming in the res and keeping the roots healthier.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply! I know it a pretty common question just had to make sure thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah always nice to have that extra room, and I'm sure you will double scrog eventually that would be huge probley get a pound of some reallll nice dank ha
watch one or two more harvest your going to be doing it that's how it usually is hah.


Well-Known Member
Ics - no problem at all - glad I could help! Feel free to ask anything else that you need to know about waterfarms. I don't profess to know 'everything', but I've been through the 'ins and outs' of waterfarming now for a few years, so there's not much left to know really...lol.

doubletake - yeah that's what I thought a few years ago..lol This is my 4th waterfarm grow now, and so far I've always just done a heavy LST job on the other plant beside the one that's being scrogged. I've been able to still get a nice yield by doing that, so.. :leaf:
FUDGE YEAH. thanks for the info. very eager to start dwc. my soil grows just take way too long. but its all good a closet full of something is better than nothing
You are on target with the WR. Very impressive. During the the first few weeks of seedling did you feed just water or nutes (100-200pm)? I notice that the WR tends do be pretty sensitive to nutes during the seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's exactly it actually - but that's usually how I feed all my plants in the seedling stage into veg. I try not to run my waterfarms over 8-900 ppms during veg and never over 1500 ppms in flower, which is where the plant is right now but I'm starting to decrease that now as I approach my flush-weeks.

Sorry for the lack of updates - I keep missing my lights-on time in the evenings to get some pix w/o the HPS yellows... one of these times I'll get some taken in time! :leaf:
Yeah that's exactly it actually - but that's usually how I feed all my plants in the seedling stage into veg. I try not to run my waterfarms over 8-900 ppms during veg and never over 1500 ppms in flower, which is where the plant is right now but I'm starting to decrease that now as I approach my flush-weeks.

Sorry for the lack of updates - I keep missing my lights-on time in the evenings to get some pix w/o the HPS yellows... one of these times I'll get some taken in time! :leaf:
While in seedling I gave it 100ppm of nutes while in the first week of seedling stage and I noticed nute burn on the edge of leaves. I assume my rapid rooters, which has micronutes, may supply all of the nutes they need. So, next round I will stick with RO water until the 3rd week of the seedling stage and afterwards start with 100pm of nutes. In flower different story. She seems to eat almost everything you throw at it. Did you use any CO2?


Well-Known Member
I've never used CO2 in my grow space - I seem to do okay without it, so I'd rather not have another thing to worry about in my 'formula' which has been working well for me.

I do however add quite alot of C2O2 to my water in the farms - helps keep away algae.


Well-Known Member
Here we are at the end of week 9 of flower. I managed to get a few pictures this evening just as the light came on - they didn't turn out as well as they could have, but overall not too bad. I didn't get any of the Grapefruit though - just the White Russian. Enjoy!


- Harvest will be next weekend as we start officially flushing these two this weekend after one last reservoir change.
- Looking like we're going get around 6 ounces from the White Russian and hopefully about an ounce and a half from the Grapefruit.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
That's a lot of tops looking really good bet your just itching to chop I just did today been holding off for a while it's nice to see it hanging.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely - we're leaving on vacation in a few weeks, so it will be so nice to have this round complete next weekend. We still have a nice amount of Pineapple Express and Ace of Spades left, as well as some Tangerine Dream and Vanilla Kush - so in that sense, we're not desperate to re-stock per-say, but it will be good to get these girls finished up and in jars!

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
You got some premium stock there what is your most energetic up strain?

I was In the same boat this weekend I'm fishing and the plants took 11 weeks and was done this morning and I did very well as will you I'm subbed.


Well-Known Member
I think the Pineapple Express has been our most energizing strain followed closely by the Tangerine Dream which seemed to be more 'uplifting' than the Pineapple Express but not quite as energizing. I found the Tangerine to have more of a transcendental effect than the Pineapple as well. The Pineapple has a great ability to put you into deep thought and is very conversational because of that.

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
Thanks what's your favorite and which yields better also flowering times?

C99 and P express has my interest and mango haze and many more yield isn't as important I have a nice balanced strain but want a good sativa for daytime high.