vacation problem!! how do i keep my plants alive while gone!!


I jst put one of my plants two days ago into 12/12 nd my other plant is still on 24/0 and i am goin to be going out of state and cant take the plants. so i have to figure out how im going to water nd lighting for the 4 days im goin to be gone. Should i put the other plant back on 24/0 or will it mess up the plant? Nd how can i build something to water my plants for me while i am gone because i do not have anyone to water my plants:(
pls comment any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Water it before you leave, water it when you get back. 4 days isn't that long. How often to you water it anyways? Should be once a week.


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't move the one back into veg state, just leave it as is.. get a timer if you don't already have one...

put the plants in a nice big sized pot and water them well before you leave.. the bigger the pot the better as it will have more soil, and therefore will be able to hold more water as well..

like has been said, 4 days isn't very long to be away from them ime.. you could even raise the lamps a bit so they don't get as hot and require as much aqua.. :D


Well-Known Member
I'm still pretty new here but what I do when going out of town is over water at bit and let a couple inches of water remain in the collection saucers underneath the plants. I water with water that has been bubbled with an air stone overnight to get the chlorine out and oxygen in and add some Hygrozyme to help prevent root rot. I do this during Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation every year which is usually about 4 days each.


Alright thanx for the help:) ill go buy a timer today nd i jst repotted my plants into bigger pots so i think they should be good


bud bootlegger
I'm still pretty new here but what I do when going out of town is over water at bit and let a couple inches of water remain in the collection saucers underneath the plants. I water with water that has been bubbled with an air stone overnight to get the chlorine out and oxygen in and add some Hygrozyme to help prevent root rot. I do this during Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation every year which is usually about 4 days each.
pretty new here? you've been here for two years already, lol..

but i digress, i agree with your plan, sounds good.. :D


Well-Known Member
Easy! Get a drip system! They sell for about 15 bucks at home-depot and lowes. I use them for all my seedlings usually and basically don't even worry about them much until I need to start adding nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I jst put one of my plants two days ago into 12/12 nd my other plant is still on 24/0 and i am goin to be going out of state and cant take the plants. so i have to figure out how im going to water nd lighting for the 4 days im goin to be gone. Should i put the other plant back on 24/0 or will it mess up the plant? Nd how can i build something to water my plants for me while i am gone because i do not have anyone to water my plants:(
pls comment any suggestions.
I had took a small "water jug" milk gln jug to be exact,depending on what size your grow containers are, if containers are smaller, then just use a water bottle! Fill with water, make some really,really small holes in the lid, stick it into you medium up side down "lid" down! This works like a charm! ;)
I started a thread about this exact thing about a month ago.

I left my plants for about 6 days without watering them.

Obviously those are not ideal conditions, but the plants were fine when I got back. They were just very droopy.


Well-Known Member
Water Globes ?
Make one yourself...
Take a one gallon water bottle, and drill a 1/8th " hole in bottom, and let water "drip" out into your plant...
Multiple plants, multiple holes... Try it before you leave, in case you need a 1/16th hole....