All I ask for is maturity from my elders, I don't care wether or not they see things my way, I don't think that's to much to ask.
It's not too much to ask, it's just unrealistic. Continuing to wish for a model that is not in front of you does nothing to change the model in front of you. That's the point. Work with what is presented, rather than wishing it wasn't so. Instead of saying they SHOULD be more mature, chalk it up to a learning experience. The lesson is simple: Just because someone is older than you or even an older relative, certainly does not mean that they will be mature.
I'm not trying to give you a hard time, just encouraging you to step out of the emotional response you're having to the situation. I absolutely agree that the reaction was unreasonable on their part. However, PEOPLE are often unreasonable. Again, chalk it up to a learning experience.
I am certainly sorry you had to go through that. But unfortunately, getting angry about it only makes you like them, reactionary and hot-headed. instead, be the bigger man, learn from it, and move on.