PC stealth grow - 1st time


Hey all

I have been doing alot of research the past couple of days and at the moment I am considering building an LED lit PC case. My question is - using an average case with one plant on a scrog system - whats the average yeild?

I read a newbie / easy grow guide and in the example he used low+bushey seeds, but gave them optimal space and CFL lighting to grow. He stated that each plant will yeild about 2oz dried bud on average. I realize that I will not get this amount, but using the same seed in a pc scrog whats the average yeild. I searched and serached and searched and the only answer I can find is around half OZ. Would you all agree?


Active Member
I got a half OZ on my PC grow. It was my first pc grow but i have been growing for years and i dont see getting any more yield from it. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yea i got about half an oz off mine but I also had two plants and they got moved to a tent the last few weeks.


Thanks for the replies. I think its time to consider other stealthy, low running cost options.

* I want a smallish stealthy grow space which will harvest about 6-8oz dried bud.


Active Member
You are going to need at least 2x2 area to pull that. And thats if your setup is dialed in right. So for a noobie i suggest at least 3x3 area. Good luck


Well-Known Member
You are going to need at least 2x2 area to pull that. And thats if your setup is dialed in right. So for a noobie i suggest at least 3x3 area. Good luck

I hope I can pull that in my 2x2 maybe not with a 250w. But one can only hope.


Thanks for the replies, I want at least the yeild to tide me over until the next.
So I am looking into other options now :)

Thanks for you help


Dragon311, thats an awesome yeild for a pc grow from what ive read so far.
I am looking into other options atm, but the bigger my grow space gets it kind of defeats the object of being stealthy LOL.
I may have ro settle for a PC box though and after reading your threads I have a bit more faith. Think I will top and train rather than scrog is I pc grow


I had a large PC case and dumped it. If you NEED the stealth, than a PC case works for small grows. You can put together a small grow area with 1"x 2" wood for about $20 or if you have a closet buy a grow tent for cheap.

I went with a 150 HPS for $90ish. It was way easier, with less heat than the CFl's and I noticed a huge difference in 24 hours under a HPS from CFL. I can only tell you how it worked for me and am no way an expert. Make it simple and easy. If you pick the PC case, you will be wanting more when the green is all gone.