

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why these companies are allowed to poison everyone who uses them, on PURPOSE? I mean, if you don't know your product is lethal, then I suppose we all live and learn, but they are literally sitting there, deciding what they should add that will keep you addicted for life, but not quite kill you fast enough to lose you as a customer until they've made $50-100K off each person before they quit.

Its sick. Sick sick sick.

And they stink too, really bad, so its lose lose.

Gross. Smoke up!


bud bootlegger
I don't understand why these companies are allowed to poison everyone who uses them, on PURPOSE? I mean, if you don't know your product is lethal, then I suppose we all live and learn, but they are literally sitting there, deciding what they should add that will keep you addicted for life, but not quite kill you fast enough to lose you as a customer until they've made $50-100K off each person before they quit.

Its sick. Sick sick sick.

And they stink too, really bad, so its lose lose.

Gross. Smoke up!
and now they have those fire safe cigs, i don't even want to know what chemical they're using to put them out when they reach a certain point on the cigs..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A tobacco industry saying is "An addicted customer is a customer for life, no matter how short that life is".
The complete disregard for human life and suffering is a prime example of what's wrong with corporate America. I'm so glad I quit over a decade ago.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
they put pics of dead people on packets of cigs in where im at. I got back on them a couple of months ago after quitting for 3 years. will drop them again soon shits no good. fuck making assholes richer by killing myself


Well-Known Member
it is a form of self mutilaton. degredation, and self loathing. It makes me stink and i don't like apprearing to be weak.

with that being said I love a roll up with hash & dank, watchinng the UK series " shameless" triggers my urge, alls they do is puff splifs the whole time, haha.

american spirit is you can't quit, atleast get off the shit sticks, they are spayed with urea.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Tobacco free for 13 years.
I feel better, I smell better.
Take a trip through a heart/lung ward & see how much you desire a smoke then.
Its really sad in those places.

I literally hate tobacco ! :finger:


New Member
they put pics of dead people on packets of cigs in where im at. I got back on them a couple of months ago after quitting for 3 years. will drop them again soon shits no good. fuck making assholes richer by killing myself
Yeah I know what you mean.... Fuckin sick of looking at bryan...



Well-Known Member
Damn, I feel bad for the people who smoke cigs. Just like cigs were touted as safe and healthy a long time ago, it's the same thing with GMO's today.


Well-Known Member
GC/MS study of cannabis smoke vs. cannabis vapor:

I quit tobacco a year ago. I own a vaporizer (Extreme Q) but probably smoke weed 2/3 (or more) of the time, and vape 1/3 or less. I really don't see how inhaling burning plant matter can be good for you. So, over time, I am trying to move towards zero combustion.

I have no plans to do an e-cig. Now that I'm off nicotine, I see no reason to go back unlike the benefits I get from THC.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yesir nicotine is one of the most pointless addictions out there. I gave up cigs a few years ago and lets just say that $2,500+ a year goes right in the bank.:weed: I smoke week every day and i can afford to do so. I can also run more than 10 feet without fear of collapsed lung.

Give it up my people, Life is so much better without them.


Well-Known Member
The complete disregard for human life and suffering is a prime example of what's wrong with corporate America. I'm so glad I quit over a decade ago.
I miss the complete disregard for human life by corporations. Bring back lawn darts, clackers, and sky dancers!


Active Member
I have been smoking since 7 years and am on my way To quit. June is my deadline. And thank you as the post makes me much more motivated.



New Member
The White Man gifted the Indian Alcohol .. What a gift , it came with no warnings .. Our gift in return was Tobacco ( Asayma ) and we gave warnings .. Use this sacred plant to communicate with the creator and spirits . Use it in times of peace and to make peace .This sacred plant is Revered and if used wrong , it will have great repercussions simply put . White Man did not listen of course and now millions of people are sick and doomed due to smoking ...