GUYS!! over 6'foot tall 100% pure Sativa!! Going to need a ladder!


Well-Known Member
Hey PotPimp or any other old hipsters, ever run across "Thai Stick"?

What the fuck WAS that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hello Dank,
Sweet looking grow. I can never talk my self into growing trees. How do you like the sleestackxskunk? I assume it was a freebie, I recieved 2, 1 male the female is waiting to turn amber. What did u think? Mine has the biggest yield of any plant I've ever grown. Now I have these going: white widow, kandy kush, big bomb, Pineapple chunk, iced grapefruit. done any of those?

I'm glad "your" interested in my grow! I was thinking that I would have had atleast a few friends 2 sub up to my grow journals. :( I do my updates here in the journal bro.. here's the link to that 4 you bro! I hope that's the correct link! It should be bro! I plan on keeping up with the journal everyday! ;) I also plan on doing a lot of work here in a week! Such as moving the grow outta the old ladies "bathroom" & purchase an outdoor building, & deck it out for
the grow! I will also be purchasing a "grow tent" to put in one of the corners in tthe building for the girls that's flowering. I should be getting all this going in a week or so. I will be doing soil grow & DWC "hydro" aswell out there. :) haha, yeah my wife wsants my "jungle" as she calls it out of her bathroom! She made a deal with me that If I move it, she will give me 600 to 800$ to beaf it up, & add more strains to my seed collection!! :bigjoint: well bro, let me know what you think of the update! I just posted it this morning, with all photos! ;)
Thankis again for your interest. Your friend, Dank.


Well-Known Member
I heard about it a lot back then but never got ahold of any. Thought I would just do a little research and post it here.

Well we had ahold of some for a couple years in late 70s and it matches your wiki exactly. Primo buds lashed on bamboo splinters about 5" long. Big around as your little finger, actually smaller more toward pencil sized. Had some crystalline white powder on it like it had been dipped. Any Mutherfukker partaking better be sitting down and planning on staying that way for a while. Pretty much all flown back with Nam vets as far as I could tell.


I looked into Thai Stick a while back. The info. I found was the same as Wiki. I was also told you can make them Generic with any bud, By taking a stem and wrapping it with some fresh bud still a little moist. Then "Thai" it to a stem with twine string etc. Haha Thai it, Get it? as the bud dries it will hold itself to the stem and keep the shape.


Well-Known Member
You know this is off topic of the "tahi stick". But you know, I have often wondered about soldiers over in vietnam! When they where doing all that damn spraying of the "agent orange" to kill out weeds, I wonder if any "weed" got sprayed & any of the soldiers ended up smoking any of it!?? I do know 4 a fact that a lot of them thereselfs got dosed with the chemical! But damn, that would be awful if they infact smoked some chronic that had that shit on it!!


Well-Known Member
Agent orange destroys foliage VERY quickly. I'm almost sure nobody smoked any of it.
Oh yeah, I knew that it was sprayed over in vietnam to kill the weeds & stuff. But was just curious as to if
There where any "wild" bud growing or a soldier maybe planted a seed & a plant sprung, & then was hit with
The chemical.. and then the soldiers "not knowing" smoked it! Just a thought..
I do know that some of them "soldiers" where out in the field when they where flying
Overhead & spraying it!! My princapal in highschool was in vietnam, & he had got hit with it "agent orange", & when
He would get pissed off, or upset, his face would breakout in orange/redish splotches all over, & even down his neck!! I had asked him about it one day, & that is what he told all of us.. crazy shit, I know that! Lol..


Sounds like the bud gets trimmed pretty nice with that stuff. Pure bud at that point right? Unless the calyxs fall off too...