400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
J shit not much buddy, waiting for them plants to still grow up a bit before saturday, and on sat. I'm flipping them bitches :weed: so lets just hope everything goes well.
I hope for some stretch from the CK when I flip because only the main stem is above the screen rest of the plant is still under the screen lol
But so far so good ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeh it will be fine if its still connected, same thing happened to a branch on my ULH, i was amazed its like magic! just heals right back and leaves lil 'bobble' where the break was! Lookin good acid. Can't wait for some buddage, i know its gonna be dank!!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hope that she heals acid word round the bong is that mj is very forgiving.
Yes she is, but not this time around..she was doing just fine until I decide to cut of some of the fan leaves and that right there killed the broken branch.
If I wouldn't cut one of the fan leaves under the broken branch it would def. survive. As you know fan leaves are those little engines that help drive the plant's that we came to Love :weed: so much ;)


Well-Known Member
So guys a little update with no pictures lol. Last night I turn the timer to 12/12 CK was showing off it's nice pistils so I decided to turn the timer plus I move the branches around so now every branch is exposed to light, I'll have some pictures later in the day. I was also thinking about cleaning out some of the undergrowth but after my adventure with them fan leaves I don't know now lol. But anyway I'll have some pictures later so you guys can see yourself.


Well-Known Member
Few pictures of how the girls are doing this fine evening ;)

First up is CK IMAG0704.jpgIMAG0703.jpgIMAG0702.jpg

Here we got FCJ IMAG0707.jpgIMAG0706.jpgIMAG0705.jpgIMAG0701.jpg

So soon we should see some nice bud action, I hope it's going to be nice ;P
Tell me guys what ya think so far.