Problem with yellow/white leaves

The plant is maybe a month old from seed, the seed is a bag seed. Ive been giving it 1/4 strength Hesi hydro growth, ph is 6.8.
The leaves begin going brown tip on the ends then eaves start to yellow eventually going white.
This problem starts with the lowest leaves and moves it way up.
Recently talked to hydro store owner and he suggested me using this different type of nutes and said the chlorine in our tap water could be killing them.
Could my problem be a N deficiency? Also I thought I was over water so ive been cutting back on water 1-2 days and the leaves have starting to perk up a bit.
Can over watering cause the problems?
Also some of the leaves are starting to go purple stems.
Photo 1,2 are beginning of the problem.
Photo 3,4,5,6 are worst cases on the plant.

Also have this new 1 1/2 week old seedling with these spots on the leaves, not sure what it is.

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Do you let your water sit in an open bowl to evap off chlorine for a day before you water?

Do you know if your water has chlorine or chloramine? Chloramine will not evap off.
What kind of soil is that, it looks like peat moss.
I don't see any perlite in it either.
How long has it been in the pot?
You might think about pulling it out, and knocking some of that cruddy looking soil off and getting something that will drain better and let the plant breathe.
It could be a combination of the water retention and N deficiency, but I think it's mainly drainage.


Well-Known Member
Also, if I were you, I would take things suggested by store employees with a grain of salt unless you know them well.
The stores are there to sell stuff, not make sure you get all you can out of your grow conditions.
A lot of times they will tell you what they heard, or what they think they can sell you.
Im using cocoa fibres as my soil and the plant were just recently transplanted into the pots. the water has chlorine in it and I recently just got an aerator to get rid of the chlorine. and I trust this hydro store owner because hes shown me his grow op because hes growing medical and hes a pretty good guy.


Well-Known Member
it looks like your nutes, and what kinda of coco do you use? if you can get your hands on canna coco that stuff is the best..
also you need to have them in black containers light is bad for roots

i use straight coco i dont add perlite to mine, coco is really kick ass
it looks like your nutes, and what kinda of coco do you use? if you can get your hands on canna coco that stuff is the best..
also you need to have them in black containers light is bad for roots

i use straight coco i dont add perlite to mine, coco is really kick ass
been growing with clear containers so far and it hasn't done anything, I like seeing the roots too, and its nutri plus coco fibres, its the same stuff my hydro guy uses and I agree it kicks ass


Well-Known Member
canna coco has zero nutrients in it from the start
and i promise about the containers
and i have never used those nute or coco so i can not comment
and not all coco are created equal

but it looks like you should step up the nutes
just my 2cents
canna coco has zero nutrients in it from the start
and i promise about the containers
and i have never used those nute or coco so i can not comment
and not all coco are created equal

but it looks like you should step up the nutes
just my 2cents
the thing is though on the upper leaves it shows signs of nute burn. I think I may have been over watering because the roots growth were stunted when I watered and the leaves drooped, I let the soil dry now and I see new roots and the leaves are perking up.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
been growing with clear containers so far and it hasn't done anything, I like seeing the roots too, and its nutri plus coco fibres, its the same stuff my hydro guy uses and I agree it kicks ass
Nutriplus is good as Cana. Give only water until growth resumes then feed again. Make ph 6.5 and make sure your at like 400 ppm for the next week or two then bump up ohh... make sure you flush every other week with coco or they will burn for sure use clear