Sex help!


New Member
Im REALLY starting to think my plant is a male. It will be 1 week flower on monday and im thinking it starting to show balls. Very little balls. Can you guys help me out and post pics of what the early stages of balls look like? (lol)


Well-Known Member
Plenty of pictures of "balls" to be found on the internet. Why don't you post a pic of the plant in question.


Well-Known Member
Im REALLY starting to think my plant is a male. It will be 1 week flower on monday and im thinking it starting to show balls. Very little balls. Can you guys help me out and post pics of what the early stages of balls look like? (lol)
I saw the title and got excited. Only on a pot website can you title a post like that and have it be completely mundane.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pic but it does look like a male, sorry to be the bearer of bad news :( I would wait another week just to make sure though.


Active Member
male. you should post the whole pic, i think alot of new growers on here are growing males and dont know it yet.


Well-Known Member
Im REALLY starting to think my plant is a male. It will be 1 week flower on monday and im thinking it starting to show balls. Very little balls. Can you guys help me out and post pics of what the early stages of balls look like? (lol)
Nice title. LOL


Active Member
i could deffinately wrong too! im my experience outdoors tho, all my males looked similar to this. you could ask maybe Tricloud or Rare D, or another breader type, im sure those to people have seen more males than most of us.


Active Member
Im REALLY starting to think my plant is a male. It will be 1 week flower on monday and im thinking it starting to show balls. Very little balls. Can you guys help me out and post pics of what the early stages of balls look like? (lol)

I should stop searching threads where my dick tells me to. Your title is very mis-leading,:hump::hump: