Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
kron's forgiven only becuase of his avatar!

I thought krondizz went to prison? someone else took the reigns of the account or?
Yeah. Some people find the coolest avatars, and I'm stuck with this crap.

Kron said he was. Kron says it would be. Maybe Kron made up shit. That's what's bad about the Internet. Besides me and you, most other people make up shit. How can you ever be sure?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Some people find the coolest avatars, and I'm stuck with this crap.

Kron said he was. Kron says it would be. Maybe Kron made up shit. That's what's bad about the Internet. Besides me and you, most other people make up shit. How can you ever be sure?
Well at least he didn't start up a 'sponsor an inmate fund' to milk the 'said' situation!!! :)


Well-Known Member
True that cheech.
hit up google for some avatars bro. mine is the funniest scottish comedian named Frankie boyle atm. Only because he had me crying with laughter last night whilst watching him on tv. Might start changing it more often


New Member
Yeah. Some people find the coolest avatars, and I'm stuck with this crap.

Kron said he was. Kron says it would be. Maybe Kron made up shit. That's what's bad about the Internet. Besides me and you, most other people make up shit. How can you ever be sure?
Somebody is catching on. The answer is, you won't.

Having massively conflicting information is what keeps you in the clear in the court room.


Well-Known Member
i just watched Chuck Norris kick Gary Busey's ass. fake as hell, but still funny none the less. gotta love Walker on the weekdays.

too bad theres more drama on RIU than on tv these days, geez.