FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
I have a feeling the closet will be 110F when you fire up that 1000K with no ventilation

That will def give your plants some wholesome stress.
No ventilation? Explain? :lol: :dunce: Have you even seen a video? Or read what's going on? Because you seem very uninformed on what is happening based on your comment :)


Well-Known Member
its not a joke, as much as a test of patients, i have long been beliver that if you treat em bad they will be good, but you have to know what you are doing , i respect fin for his adventurism but he gets demoted to jerk for professing things he is only attempting to try to emulate not understand
I am not emulating ANYTHING, please find the person/grow/project I am copying/using to "emulate". And the plants are fine, so they will be stronger due to this stress. Maybe you should read a little more about Marijuana, then read about stress growing. Then come back. :)


Well-Known Member
Your grow is pitiful.
Well, since you have shown yourself to be such an honest and professional person via this thread ( serious lols :lol: ) I guess the only thing left to do now is accept the words of the great KrackJizzle and throw everything away, and even stop smoking weed. Because his opinion is SOOO respected in reality and online (again, serious lols :lol: )... You help SO many people here, and have SO many people following you around and knowing who you are. I wish I could be like you (again, you know :lol: ) Maybe I'll start stalking you... YEAH... And I'll troll you on your threads, so maybe I can steal some of your glory :lol: Since there is SOOO much glory to be stolen :lol: :lol: KronDizzle, the great and humble NOBODY :lol: Keep bumping my thread :lol: It's the only thing you do that anyone notices :lol:


Well-Known Member
Delvite, I can respect the fact that you do not want to join all of us negative nancies that are constantly ripping on fin (he brings it on himself when casting aside good advice like its his mission in life to reinvent how mj is grown) but if you seriously can show people this grow and be like "ya this guy gets it, me and him are on the same page (peepd your grow you 2 are in different encyclopedias not to mention page imo) then you lose a substantial amount of credibility in my opinion.

Not sure what is going on with that back right its def got something, you didn't stay on it or get close enough in the vid for me to even offer an opinion besides ph, and since you dont like that its screwed. What branches? in the vid all I see are the stems of leaves and you can not be stupid enough to think you can clone from A leaf (beside tissue culture cloning, out of yours/my league anyways imo). Take a lesson from your boy del in the cloning dept, had a nice showing of a mother he cloned (took a bit much vegetation for my liking but as long as she comes back) all of his clones look about the size of your plants... The only reason they look like they have grown is because of stretching, you are at about 3' between internodes and it is vegging your gonna seem some real stretch with no bud space in flower, and fyi heat stress causes stretching too!! Just call this one a loss and get those clones you were talking about??
On that topic idk if someone addressed this awhile ago but I remember hearing of some control group you had going that you were not stressing at all in a diff environment, do tell? surely they must be looking better than that sorry bunch...
EDIT: had to seperate the pargraphs a bit, didnt want del to think the last bit was directed towards him, no ill feelings just confused how a grower who actually sees a decent harvest can say this guy is on the right track, and fin no ill feelings towards you as well but you need to recognize that there are some simple truths that we as growers need to recognize to be laws of nature and you are not a rebel for trying to break them, just a homicidal maniac on a plant killing spree....


Well-Known Member
Delvite, I can respect the fact that you do not want to join all of us negative nancies that are constantly ripping on fin (he brings it on himself when casting aside good advice like its his mission in life to reinvent how mj is grown) but if you seriously can show people this grow and be like "ya this guy gets it, me and him are on the same page (peepd your grow you 2 are in different encyclopedias not to mention page imo) then you lose a substantial amount of credibility in my opinion.

Not sure what is going on with that back right its def got something, you didn't stay on it or get close enough in the vid for me to even offer an opinion besides ph, and since you dont like that its screwed. What branches? in the vid all I see are the stems of leaves and you can not be stupid enough to think you can clone from A leaf (beside tissue culture cloning, out of yours/my league anyways imo). Take a lesson from your boy del in the cloning dept, had a nice showing of a mother he cloned (took a bit much vegetation for my liking but as long as she comes back) all of his clones look about the size of your plants... The only reason they look like they have grown is because of stretching, you are at about 3' between internodes and it is vegging your gonna seem some real stretch with no bud space in flower, and fyi heat stress causes stretching too!! Just call this one a loss and get those clones you were talking about??
On that topic idk if someone addressed this awhile ago but I remember hearing of some control group you had going that you were not stressing at all in a diff environment, do tell? surely they must be looking better than that sorry bunch...
EDIT: had to seperate the pargraphs a bit, didnt want del to think the last bit was directed towards him, no ill feelings just confused how a grower who actually sees a decent harvest can say this guy is on the right track, and fin no ill feelings towards you as well but you need to recognize that there are some simple truths that we as growers need to recognize to be laws of nature and you are not a rebel for trying to break them, just a homicidal maniac on a plant killing spree....
I wanna help the kid. but he's been here long enough and all the info on how to grow plants is here. i feel i'd be wasting my time.


Active Member
No ventilation? Explain? :lol: :dunce: Have you even seen a video? Or read what's going on? Because you seem very uninformed on what is happening based on your comment :)

Yes I have. Been here for almost the entire thing brufus.

I haven't seen any type of ventilation setup except for a fan blowing on your plants. Please explain your ventilation setup as it is pretty unclear at this point


Well-Known Member
Yes I have. Been here for almost the entire thing brufus.

I haven't seen any type of ventilation setup except for a fan blowing on your plants. Please explain your ventilation setup as it is pretty unclear at this point
he said he was gonna vent out the window or some dumb shit hes got a plan..............they will be fine
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