
How many of the members are for more or less privatization of governmental entities .

  • Complete privatization of all government entities

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Partial privatization of some governmental entities

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • leave it alone

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • More governmental control of some entities

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
How do you members feel about privatization of most government entities such as prisons and national parks etc.
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Well-Known Member
well, it sure would be alot easier for us to gurilla grow if it was all private land wouldn't it. or at the very least, less harsh penalties (depending on the state). right? or is there something I may not be thinking about.


New Member
well, it sure would be alot easier for us to gurilla grow if it was all private land wouldn't it. or at the very least, less harsh penalties (depending on the state). right? or is there something I may not be thinking about.
So you think a private owner of a national park would be less inclined to remove your grow and arrest you?


New Member
So you think a private owner of a national park would be less inclined to remove your grow and arrest you?
The majority of the businesses government has its hands in could be run more efficiently by the private sector.

And, no ... the owner of a private national park would call the government authorities immediately if a grow was discovered on the property. After all ... a private business person wouldn't want to offend the paying customers. Conversely, government offends the paying customers all the time and doesn't give it a second thought.



Well-Known Member
Probably and the time and money to keep the parks pristine. With profit comes greed. That is just the natural state of mankind. There is never enough.
exactly...... they would rather that money be in their pocket than having it taking green plants out of their green forest....... a private owner would realize the stupidity of spending money to take out grows.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot more incentive for a private company to get things done right and at a fair price because they have competition that would replace them if need be. This is just my opinion from what I have seen and heard about gov't run business.

Should everything be privatized? My answer is no, I DONT THINK THE FEDERAL RESERVE SHOULD BE A PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY!!! Lets print our own money.



New Member
Probably and the time and money to keep the parks pristine. With profit comes greed. That is just the natural state of mankind. There is never enough.
Right, Med. And the last time I went to Disneyland, there were Marijuana plants growing on the hillsides, in every nook and cranny, and trash heaps were everywhere.

LMAO @ your complete lack of a sense of customer service. :mrgreen:

Sorry, Buddy ... but when you make ludicrous statements like the one above, I just HAVE to counter it. Now, don't take it as a personal attack.

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Well-Known Member
Right, Med. And the last time I went to Disneyland, there were Marijuana plants growing on the hillsides, in every nook and cranny, and trash heaps were everywhere. LMAO @ your lack of a sense of customer service. :mrgreen:

yeah, but just because there aren't plants growing everywhere, doesn't mean that they are customer service minded......I'm just saying.......

most customer service sucks ass at places that are government run.


New Member
Right, Med. And the last time I went to Disneyland, there were Marijuana plants growing on the hillsides, in every nook and cranny, and trash heaps were everywhere. LMAO @ your lack of a sense of customer service. :mrgreen:

So you'd like to see our parks turned into Disneyland. First, disneyland is what, a couple a hundred acres with rides and lots of stuff to keep people busy. What is an all day ticket for a family of four now, over $100.00? A lot of poor folk can't afford that kind of entertainment. Now take a national Park with hundreds of thousands of acres, like Yellowstone, larger than one of our states. There are many aspects to Yellowstone bseides the pay booth at the entrance. The wildlife management for example has a few hundred employees.
Don't you think the first thing to be cut in privitization would be jobs, who needs to manage the animals anyway, right. So in a market where jobs are dissapearing you would have privatization come in and eliminate jobs for the almighty dollar. do you have no sense of the plight of the average American, the ones struggling to make the rent and food needs. Jobs are becoming scarcer by the minute. Privatization would surely mean job loss.
Streamlining as capitalists like to call it means cutting jobs so the bottom line can be increased. Just what this economy needs.


New Member
----------------->>> Just shaking my head over that last post.

So, your answer to any unemployment problem would be what? Turn General Motors over to the federal government to run? LMAO!

Have you been to Yellowstone since the mismanagement of the federal forestry service burned the freakin' place down? :roll:

Playing God in Yellowstone: the destruction of America's first national park. - book reviews | National Review | Find Articles at

Environmentalist Mismanagement Yellowstone Fire 1988 Pictures

NCPA - Study #124 - Destroying The Environment: Government Mismanagement Of Our Natural Resources

Yellowstone Buffalo Slaughter Reaches Record High

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New Member
----------------->>> Just shaking my head over that last post.

So, your answer to any unemployment problem would be what? Turn General Motors over to the federal government to run? LMAO!

Have you been to Yellowstone since the mismanagement of the federal forestry service burned the freakin' place down? :roll:



New Member
Well, I have been there. The place looks like shit.

Did you check out the links I provided for you? Pretty pathetic. Check them out and you'll see.



Active Member
I dont know how is it in America, but i have voted for the Britsih side of it.

I personally think services run by the government are more effiecient than of those by the private sector. The postal system, the gas network, the telephone system, parts of the NHS(including allowing me to clean there!) amongst many others.

China's doing quite well.

Whilst privatisation has money popping out of it, the business relationships that form still perpetually become hazy, leading to poor service. Competition may drive the prices down, but it's from the price of when it was privatised as i'm sure the government, under close scrutiny of the opposition party would of maintained a liberal and just tariff to any of it's services (and probably cheaper than the cheapest privatised one in the aftermath).


Active Member
Afraid not, it's privately owned, tis extremely bad, i've worked there which in a way proves how lax they are on recruitment :).
I have a friend who still works there, has done for 20 years. He's turned pretty much dead towards any of the many managers, since the privatisation of it. It's now simply mismanaged.
When it was government owned we always get post before we went to work. Not like now when it's not likely before you get back home.


New Member
if you privatize something you still have to have supervision...because capitalist can't be, it's the same as paying twice for a service...if your going to pay someone to supervise...just pay someone to do the job...