Help diagnose my seemingly sick babies!


Hey guys

I have 8 going now and some are looking pretty tough. No idea why. One pic is of the lemon haze from house of seeds and the other three photos are of my afghan jush babies.

The kush are about 3 weeks and the lemon haze 2 weeks old.

The kush are yellowing and curling and the lemon haze is just growing to look retarded. Maybe a bad bean? The stem is yellow with brown stains and the leaves are all crooked and strange looking.

First pic is the haze and the second, third, and fourth are the kush.

24 hours 400w hps
10" air pots
Mixed medium soil
And they've gotten earth juice nutes with root excelurator all at half strength.

Earth juice is fully organic and I let it brew for 2 days to balance the ph and lower overall strength. These were yellowing prior to first feeding. Note the haze (first pic) isn't yellowing. Just growing strangely.

Humidity is 40 and temps are about 80-85

The lemon haze just gets Root excelurator with aspirated water which has bubbled for 48 hours to remove all chlorine and fluoride.

Any ideas?



dude they dont need nutes that is nute burn you need to flush your soil asap
The earth juice is organic and bubbled for 48 hours. Apparently it's next to impossible to burn using it p, especially after an aspiration period of 48 hours. Ill try flushing slowly but I've read that you cannot flush with, at least, the same quick results when using organics.


Well-Known Member
Apparently it's next to impossible to burn using it
Sure looks like a burn. Pretty early to be adding anything other than dihydrogen monoxide in my opinion.

Maybe next to impossible but........ NOT IMPOSSIBLE