Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
.. man every grow like clockwork 6th, 7th week i have these issues.. SAME DAMN ONES yellowing leaves, etc, it looks like calmag issue , but i think i compensate for it then BLAM. yellowing, spots and curl.. i even changed nutes went from botanicare line up, to advanced nutrients complete lineup with connoisseur( friend at hydro stroe ave them to me) and although buds are denser same issue.
You really need to read my posts. I've pointed out your issues a thousand times and stated why, even in your own thread! For starts, anybody defoliating their plants is a gardening flunky.

READ, learn some botany. Alexander reiterated what the vets all know -



Well-Known Member
I have to degree, that indeed is a house of horrors. Those are not healthy plants. I think he's like many newbies, just happy to get few buds while thinking he's reinvented the wheel.

Bottom line? It's a feel-good thang.

NO THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! THANK YOU UNCLE YOU FINALLY GET IT!!!! NO ONE BESIDES MY FRIENDS AND I ARE GOING TO CONSUME THEM!!! IM NOT A CASH CROPPER!!!! ITS A FEEL GOOD THING, A FUN JOURNEY, i do read your posts, and i do respect what you say, just not how you say it. but like ive stated what seems like a million times, just learning, i am just feeling my way around, i have read your thread, but i wasnt going to stop an experiment in the middle of it regardless of what someone said, that the reason for experiments, i am REALLY intrigued with your method of topping, would like to ask you questions about it,, but never would because i dont like being condescended to, im a man, your a man. lets put aside the petty gripping and get to business of growing

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
You really need to read my posts. I've pointed out your issues a thousand times and stated why, even in your own thread! For starts, anybody defoliating their plants is a gardening flunky.

READ, learn some botany. Alexander reiterated what the vets all know -

Your so full of it you offer no help he over fertilized his plants he has to feed with weak feed till they recover.

Here is me being a gardening flunky just after the last defoliation with at least a week to go I'll up load more pics later.



Well-Known Member
Your so full of it you offer no help he over fertilized his plants he has to feed with weak feed till they recover.

Here is me being a gardening flunky just after the last defoliation with at least a week to go I'll up load more pics later.
Actually, the only thing I see missing from your photos is white phosphorus in the bottles with water - if you're going to get raided, you'd just then stab the jugs w/knives quick.. and everything goes up in flames. (Random fact- not guaranteed to win a trivia contest)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
NO THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! THANK YOU UNCLE YOU FINALLY GET IT!!!! NO ONE BESIDES MY FRIENDS AND I ARE GOING TO CONSUME THEM!!! IM NOT A CASH CROPPER!!!! ITS A FEEL GOOD THING, A FUN JOURNEY, i do read your posts, and i do respect what you say, just not how you say it. but like ive stated what seems like a million times, just learning, i am just feeling my way around, i have read your thread, but i wasnt going to stop an experiment in the middle of it regardless of what someone said, that the reason for experiments, i am REALLY intrigued with your method of topping, would like to ask you questions about it,, but never would because i dont like being condescended to, im a man, your a man. lets put aside the petty gripping and get to business of growing
Whaddya wanna know bout topping ?


New Member

And that a 1000w HID will only penetrate up to 18" into a plant so anything taller isn't getting properly serviced down low. I can screenshot that if needed but that was all that seemed to be relevant to this thread :joint:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2514154

And that a 1000w HID will only penetrate up to 18" into a plant so anything taller isn't getting properly serviced down low. I can screenshot that if needed but that was all that seemed to be relevant to this thread :joint:
thats what I was saying two different books, two different opinions IMG_20130206_090123.jpg iI read both of them a neither are wrong,... and im almost sure jorge wouldnt insult ed for his views. there is than one way to skin a cat gents.


New Member
EXACTLY! Which is the reason why I posted that screenshot. I've got that MJ Horticulture too!
This name calling and chatter is asinine :joint:



Well-Known Member
This is mildly confusing.. does the fact (per your words, your story) that only you and your friends being the ones to consume it make any real difference? If I was growing for friends and myself only, I'd still want to get as much as I could out of the plant(s) and situation, which would make the cost spent on lights/nutes/etc more worthwhile.. unless price is no object. If cost to do so is no object whatsoever, why not just buy from someone else? Horticulture experience? Sure, they have college classes for that, if you want to pick up a horticulture background and not grow anything that could potentially get you arrested based on your location.

My .02,



Well-Known Member
This is mildly confusing.. does the fact (per your words, your story) that only you and your friends being the ones to consume it make any real difference? If I was growing for friends and myself only, I'd still want to get as much as I could out of the plant(s) and situation, which would make the cost spent on lights/nutes/etc more worthwhile.. unless price is no object. If cost to do so is no object whatsoever, why not just buy from someone else? Horticulture experience? Sure, they have college classes for that, if you want to pick up a horticulture background and not grow anything that could potentially get you arrested based on your location.

My .02,

the point that you are missing ( my bad for not properly stating) is that these are my plants to experiment on as i see fit. and just from sight, it seems as if im going to go over my previous yield of just over 8 oz. but im still confused as to why your confused. did my statments cause to believe i dont care about yield? how did you misconstrue that? why would i want to EVER buy again? you are confusing my friend.

2 cents returned


Well-Known Member
the point that you are missing ( my bad for not properly stating) is that these are my plants to experiment on as i see fit. and just from sight, it seems as if im going to go over my previous yield of just over 8 oz. but im still confused as to why your confused. did my statments cause to believe i dont care about yield? how did you misconstrue that? why would i want to EVER buy again? you are confusing my friend.
Ok, so it's an experiment, and if it turns out better than before that's great, but if it doesn't.. you're ok with that as you're testing - I follow now. I thought the point you were aiming at was pretty much that since you're not a 'cashcropper' and you're only growing for friends and yourself that it's ok if it failed.. which is a bit different to me than it failing due to experimentation. I think that's where I may have mis-understood your statements, and it hinted at a semi-failed yield (compared to previous grows) was perfectly ok.. now that I saw the 'experiment/ation' in the mix - it makes much more sense than the first time around. I also figured the 'fail' or 'semi-failed' grow, without any legit reason(see: experiment) could have been interpreted you as having way too much money to spend on power and nutes, and you didn't care about the yield... which points back to the experiment, and why it is all pieced together now. :D

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
to get the four colas, how tall will the plant grow after that? will it be stunted, extremely?
It will be stunted a few days to a week the end height would be similar.

I'd recommended that you top to make six tops so you can cut the bottom two they never seem to have vigor.

I also recommend feeding at 1/4 strength instead of just water at 6.5 for soil I just add a cap full/tbs to a gallon of apple cider vinegar it has many good things because it is fermented.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
It will be stunted a few days to a week the end height would be similar.

I'd recommended that you top to make six tops so you can cut the bottom two they never seem to have vigor.

I also recommend feeding at 1/4 strength instead of just water at 6.5 for soil I just add a cap full/tbs to a gallon of apple cider vinegar it has many good things because it is fermented.
Say what?..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
to get the four colas, how tall will the plant grow after that? will it be stunted, extremely?
no it will not be a matter of fact it seems to cause the secondary dormants explosive growth...but now that it must in essence grow 4 meristems rather than one it will serve to help control upward still must guage your veg time to your height limitations of your grow

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
no it will not be a matter of fact it seems to cause the secondary dormants explosive growth...but now that it must in essence grow 4 meristems rather than one it will serve to help control upward still must guage your veg time to your height limitations of your grow
Just like defoliation but I still get my three or more oz per main cola plus all the one oz tops I created with defoliation.


Well-Known Member
It will be stunted a few days to a week the end height would be similar.

I'd recommended that you top to make six tops so you can cut the bottom two they never seem to have vigor.

I also recommend feeding at 1/4 strength instead of just water at 6.5 for soil I just add a cap full/tbs to a gallon of apple cider vinegar it has many good things because it is fermented.
thanks.. what about DWC hydro? not in soil.


Well-Known Member
It will be stunted a few days to a week the end height would be similar.

I'd recommended that you top to make six tops so you can cut the bottom two they never seem to have vigor.

I also recommend feeding at 1/4 strength instead of just water at 6.5 for soil I just add a cap full/tbs to a gallon of apple cider vinegar it has many good things because it is fermented.
Apple Cider Vinegar is good for a -very- few things, I will agree.. but because it's fermented is not one of them. It's good for killing a few annoyances.. and that's only if you flush well, potentially drown more than a few (assuming you have a type that burrows deep), hit it with apple cider vinegar, then flush again a short while later.. then re-balance pH.
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