Few questions before I start my first grow


I am going to be starting my first grow soon and have been doing as much research on it before I get started. I may be over-thinking the setup but have a few questions. Also, I know there is quite a bit of this info out there on the net which is how I got to where I am now. I have not grown before although have helped a few friends out in the past. I am wanting some input to make sure I'm not missing something and am on the right track before I begin germination.

Here is what I have so far:

1 - Pro Grow 400 - 250w LED light

1 - Light timer - 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower

3 gallon pots

Soil Mix - Organic mix including a little bit of peat moss, some perlite and coco coir.

Nutes - 14-6-6 for veg and, based upon recommendation of a friend, the nirvana shops "flowertabs" for flower.

Fan - Basic fan. Similar to http://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-TurboForce-Circulator-Blade-Black/dp/B001R1RXUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360255738&sr=8-2&keywords=fan

Ventilation - room has an a/c unit built into the wall. Still shopping around for another timer that I can use to have it autostart on a regular schedule.

Water - Yea, water.

Ph & PPM Testing Kits. Will be aiming for around 7.0 Ph. Found https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/42792-ppm-schedule.html to help me with figuring out the PPM.

Reflectors - Havent figured out what I will be using yet.

Genetics - Blue Mystic & White Widow

I'm concerned about ventilation and how to implement odor control. I have found countless threads that talk about carbon filters and what they do but since I am not running any actual ducts im not sure how I can implement it into the AC unit. I will try to get photos added of the a/c unit and the room to give a better idea but its basically a small 4x4 room that was built onto my house as an office. It is insulated and enclosed but is not apart of the main house, it has a wall/window A/C unit built in that works pretty well and I was going to use that to ventilate and get fresh air in.

I wasn't really planning on enclosing it too much, and am going to start with 4 plants to start. Was going to run some sort of reflectors around the room to help spread the light around.

Would it be a better idea to try and build something enclosed? Am I overthinking this here? I'm just looking to get something basic setup for my personal use/growth.

I'm sure that im probably like the 100th person to post this topic today but any input is appreciated, and if there is a link or thread on the forum that I missed please throw it my way. I have no problem reading or teaching myself if I have the right resources.


- Kustom42


Well-Known Member
You are not thinking enough. Bag that LED light. Bag the meters for pH and PPM if growing in soil - a needless expense and minimally useful.


Well-Known Member
I am going to be starting my first grow soon and have been doing as much research on it before I get started. I may be over-thinking the setup but have a few questions. Also, I know there is quite a bit of this info out there on the net which is how I got to where I am now. I have not grown before although have helped a few friends out in the past. I am wanting some input to make sure I'm not missing something and am on the right track before I begin germination.

Here is what I have so far:

1 - Pro Grow 400 - 250w LED light

1 - Light timer - 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flower

3 gallon pots

Soil Mix - Organic mix including a little bit of peat moss, some perlite and coco coir.

Nutes - 14-6-6 for veg and, based upon recommendation of a friend, the nirvana shops "flowertabs" for flower.

Fan - Basic fan. Similar to http://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-TurboForce-Circulator-Blade-Black/dp/B001R1RXUG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360255738&sr=8-2&keywords=fan

Ventilation - room has an a/c unit built into the wall. Still shopping around for another timer that I can use to have it autostart on a regular schedule.

Water - Yea, water.

Ph & PPM Testing Kits. Will be aiming for around 7.0 Ph. Found https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/42792-ppm-schedule.html to help me with figuring out the PPM.

Reflectors - Havent figured out what I will be using yet.

Genetics - Blue Mystic & White Widow

I'm concerned about ventilation and how to implement odor control. I have found countless threads that talk about carbon filters and what they do but since I am not running any actual ducts. I will try to get photos added of the a/c unit and the room to give a better idea but its basically a small 4x4 room that was built onto my house as an office. It is insulated and enclosed but is not apart of the main house, it has a wall/window A/C unit built in that works pretty well and I was going to use that to ventilate and get fresh air in.

I wasn't really planning on enclosing it too much, and am going to start with 4 plants to start. Was going to run some sort of reflectors around the room to help spread the light around.

Would it be a better idea to try and build something enclosed? Am I overthinking this here? I'm just looking to get something basic setup for my personal use/growth.

I'm sure that im probably like the 100th person to post this topic today but any input is appreciated, and if there is a link or thread on the forum that I missed please throw it my way. I have no problem reading or teaching myself if I have the right resources.


- Kustom42
Get rid of the LED get at least a 400w HPS.

Go easy on the nutes, I usually don't use them the first couple weeks. Then gradually work your way up to a normal dose.

Keep your PH around 6.0 to 6.5 (depends on what nutes you're adding).

Reflective: Anything from mylar to tinfoil will work at varying degrees of efficiency.

Soil: Fox Farm Ocean. Pretty cheap, works amazing. ($10 a bag)


Why all the hate on the pro grow LED? I want to stay away from HIDs and from what I found the pro grows are some of the best LEDs around. Are there better choices for LEDs? Is there a specific reason I shouldn't go with an LED like this one? I was planning on getting another LED and setting up a small enclosed veg box down the road and was looking at getting another pro grow LED for that.


Well-Known Member
Why all the hate on the pro grow LED? I want to stay away from HIDs and from what I found the pro grows are some of the best LEDs around. Are there better choices for LEDs? Is there a specific reason I shouldn't go with an LED like this one? I was planning on getting another LED and setting up a small enclosed veg box down the road and was looking at getting another pro grow LED for that.
HPS does very well during flowering, and does just fine during the veg stage, especially if you put some cfl's or led's around the base to supplement the light. You will get bigger and better blooms with HPS. Even though the LED is advertised at 400w, it's not as effective as it's HPS counterpart.


Well-Known Member
And of course. You can buy a top of the line LED for 2k.

Do it and tell me if it's worth it.


Def upgrade to a HPS 400-600 if you can but you will need better ventilation for heat. Why do you want to stay away from HID's? If you're worried about heat, those lights will be fine, that fan should do to keep it cool with an a/c running. How many do you have under that 1 light? I'd say get more if you can for the side. If odor is going to be a problem then enclose your grow, get a fan pulling the air out the top through a carbon filter. Then just a couple filtered vents at the bottom and create a negative room pressure setup. Remember to make a door =)

Check pH before mixing in nutes n after then adjust if needed. Keep at 6.5-7.0 for soil. ppm become useless after you know what you're doing.

Go 1/4 the strength directed when you first feed but if starting with seeds, wait at least 4-5 weeks(giver or take) from the day you start germination. What are you using to germinate in? Germinate in rockwool cubes, keep warm, moist and high humidity. Then I'd suggest Fox Farm Ocean Forest for soil transplant once into your 3 gallons and you're off.


Thanks for the post Mylohigh.

I am planning on germinating in small rockwool cubes. I have a little box that I am going to use that is pretty air tight so I can keep the humidity up and I will use a CFL until it propagates a bit then transplant the rockwool into the soil.

The soil I'm using was recommended over the fox farms ocean by two different local shops I went to, its the "roots organic" soil by aurora innovations.

Biggest reasons for staying with an LED is for heat in the summer time, I live in the desert and it gets into the 120's outside, hard to keep anything cool at that point and an HID would make it extremely difficult without some great ventilation and a nice AC unit. Also, these lights have been used in grow journals I have found across the net, ,http://www.growmedical420.com/pro-grow-400-l-e-d-grow-light-wrap-up/, and I have really liked the results I have seen even when compared to similar grows with HPS. The reduced electricity cost is a benefit as well.

I have already purchased the light and will use it for atleast my first grow. I may try an HPS on my next grow and see if I like the results better but I have already made the investment.

I will only have up to 4 plants at a time under this light, based upon reviews and the grow rooms I have seen set up with this light by others I shouldn't have a problem.

I'm not sure if odor will be a problem or not, technically its legal for me to grow up to 12 plants at a time with the laws where I live and my medical certification but I am concerned about neighbors getting upset and that turning into an issue with my landlord since I am renting and do not own. I am covered by the laws and he cannot take any action against me as a landlord but he could always not renew the lease when it comes up if I piss off the neighbors.

I'm thinking it may be worth it to invest in making a simple enclosure just to help out a bit with the smell. I will start looking into so DIYs on the net and see what I can come up with and will keep your idea of airflow in mind.


Well-Known Member
I don't think a wall A/C unit bring fresh air in. Most just recirculate & cool the air. The back of the unit is outside & used to vent heat and condensate.
You may need a way to bring air in, and exhaust air out.


Yea, go with what was recommended by your shops, specially if they're offering a nute line to use with it. Just watch out for them trying to sell you over priced products.

Well with heat being the case I would stay with the LED's, they'll give off little to no heat. I'm not knocking LED grows, they're mad legit, way cheaper on lights, electricity and no need for excessive ventilation parts. You'll get some nice buds from LED's too, for sure, but if you ever switch you'll see faster growth and more dense bud and trich development under HPS's...guaranteed. Give the hps a try sometime during your winter times, help heat your place! You'll deff love the results under an hps just not your electric bill hah.

Maybe ask your neighbors if they'd mind? If your office is far from other apt rooms you may be ok, pics would be great. It wont start smelling till mid-late flower and harvest. I would deff advise in investing in making a smaller closed box for optimized smell and light control. Line it with Reflextic top, bottom and sides. Reflextic's great because it works as an insulator as well as reflective material, so heat wont make its way through or loose any in colder weather.

Now, you wont be able to attach a carbon filter to the a/c as you want. Carbon filters are used at the exhaust of the grow so to keep the air leaving the grow from smelling, intake with a carbon filter will only work to keep out air particles, mold and diseases. But I'm sure there is something cheaper for that than a carbon filter. And as MRwood said your A/C wont bring in "fresh air" but it will keep the same air circulating, which is needed and help climate control. I would say to open the closest window every day for 30-60mins, that will get you fresh air in the room and help with co2.

Are you using the room for anything or is it for the entire grow? If it's enclosed off already n not used for anything else you wont need to make anything. Just line the walls with relfectix, hang your light, and keep the a/c running around 72. Have your fan on the ground blowing air around the pots not directly at the plants, maybe shut off at night as to not get too cold. Now, for odor control you'll need a few things. I'd say go with 4" for everything, it'll be smaller and cheaper. You will need a 4" ducting, a 4" fan from 250-400 cfms and a 4" carbon filter. Now, all you'll need to do is have the air get pulled out and blow it under the door into your apt. You can set this up many ways, for instance keep everything on the floor or hang the filter and fan then run the ducting to floor and out the bottom of the door.

You wont have to worry about smell for a couple months so start up now if you're ready! Sounds like you have/know what you need to do, you'll learn how to work around your grow more efficiently over time. Just keep the smell in mind before you switch to 12/12... If you toke in your apt. it should be about the same...just more pungent and constant =)