Advanced Nutrients PH ?


Active Member
Im wondering what ph i should be aiming for with Advnced Nutrients. On there feed chart it says hydroponics should be 5.6ph and soil should be 6.3.

Im using sunshine mix #4. Is this considered a hydroponic medium or a soil medium? Since it has No inherent nutrients in the soil?


Well-Known Member
Im wondering what ph i should be aiming for with Advnced Nutrients. On there feed chart it says hydroponics should be 5.6ph and soil should be 6.3.

Im using sunshine mix #4. Is this considered a hydroponic medium or a soil medium? Since it has No inherent nutrients in the soil?
That should count as soil, in my book. And you want to make sure the pH falls in the range that the other grower's chart mentioned. You can't have things too low or too high as that can inhibit nutrient uptake, as well as the proper growing results.

I'm in hydro, so it's probably better for someone who is growing in soil to give you more specifics.

Again, that pH chart is awesome!