Dabump's Love Chamber (600w Perpetual)


Well-Known Member
Thank you, Thank you! I've culled 2 males and put the clone in it's final pot. I've got it in a 5g smart pot with 45% SS @ the bottom. It will be in there 4 weeks before I flower it. Hope it gets established enough. I'm working with hard pots right now and I'm worried that my plants that I have now are going to be rootbound. We shall see.


Active Member
Bumps its already getting good man, I cant wait to see you breed them I want to see all the hardcore pRon thats about to go on in this thread.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO! That was awesome! You guys are nuts. I Laid the female down all crazy LST style. The male is starting to really show his sex. The girl has a few of the really fine pistols coming out. But all together were looking good. I think the clone is a bit shocked after her transplant she is droopy. It's ether that or over watering. Or the fact that I put more lights in there. Her temps are about 73 all the time. I think she is a bit shocked from a bit of a burn she got. I fed this stuff to my dirt (Organics don't feed plants they feed dirt blah blah blah) and I was assuming it would be cool on my clones well... Turns out that it was a bit much but I think she will come around. SS is https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/526665-sharing-my-modified-subcool-super.html

I love you guys! I'm glad the gang is back together!


Active Member
Oh yes bend her just for him :o bumps we got love for you to my man you have come a long way my friend... even though I may dip for a while just know I will be back..


hi man,

im on my first grow doing 5 in a closet with soil using 600watt light hitting 30 degress. Skunk number 1 is what im growing they are going into there 5th week flower standing 2 and half ft. what in ur opinion of guessing would u say i will get out of 1 plant yield after another 4 weeks flower???


Well-Known Member
hi man,

im on my first grow doing 5 in a closet with soil using 600watt light hitting 30 degress. Skunk number 1 is what im growing they are going into there 5th week flower standing 2 and half ft. what in ur opinion of guessing would u say i will get out of 1 plant yield after another 4 weeks flower???
You looking at about a pound!! :shock:....


Active Member
hi man,

im on my first grow doing 5 in a closet with soil using 600watt light hitting 30 degress. Skunk number 1 is what im growing they are going into there 5th week flower standing 2 and half ft. what in ur opinion of guessing would u say i will get out of 1 plant yield after another 4 weeks flower???
You looking at about a pound!! :shock:....
Sounds right to me! Way to go man!
You and him got Hiiii hopes.They all got hiiii hopes.

[video=youtube;wOOTF8vu6ps]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wOOTF8vu6ps#t=31 s[/video]


Well-Known Member
LOL man! Thanks for dropping by. Yea that guy just gets on here asking me crazy questions so we give him crazy answers.


Well-Known Member
Bumps that shit kills me rite there buddy, he comes in without reading a bit of info and start asking questions like that haha he should know better then that.. :fire: