13/11 light cycle???


Well-Known Member
and yes trousers, i do, but cannabis wont thrive there well.
How do you know? don't you grow 12/12? So you are imitating the very place you say cannabis will not thrive in?


Cannabis can and does thrive on the equator, unlike in your mom's basement.

I do not like the idea of imitating nature indoors. What about angling the light? The sun is not directly over plants for that long. What about 100 degree days, rain, hail, wind, dust, pollutants, moonlight, light5 pollution...

I do not have a problem with changing light schedules, it is one of DJ short's tricks. I do not think he is trying to imitate outside conditions so much as reveal traits in plants.


New Member
well, i believe that natural cycles are the best cycles. so i will try to imitate them with the tools i have. i have a timer. i have a central air system. the ability to test temp of water, the right spectrum during veg and flower.

12/12 is not a great cycle for cannabis. looks like HOT 14 hours is, and then 13, 12, 11 with the temps cooling off..you can look up temps if you care..but i cant control my temps that well so oh well. 80f for entire grow, but i sure as hell will fix the light.

i just simply cant run 18 hrs of sun at the risk of getting caught.

my grow area stays around 80 with the hood on thc protects from the sun and its heat, so it should help production. a form of training..every living system responds to stimuli..forunately and unfortunately.


Active Member
well, i believe that natural cycles are the best cycles. so i will try to imitate them with the tools i have. i have a timer. i have a central air system. the ability to test temp of water, the right spectrum during veg and flower.

12/12 is not a great cycle for cannabis. looks like HOT 14 hours is, and then 13, 12, 11 with the temps cooling off..you can look up temps if you care..but i cant control my temps that well so oh well. 80f for entire grow, but i sure as hell will fix the light.

i just simply cant run 18 hrs of sun at the risk of getting caught.

my grow area stays around 80 with the hood on thc protects from the sun and its heat, so it should help production. a form of training..every living system responds to stimuli..forunately and unfortunately.
Do you think about shit before you blurt it out, or do you just let shit come out your mouth without caring about the truth or common sense.


New Member
haha yeah we get it about my shitty plant..its smoking great though. too bad its almost gone ive only got like 2g left

and navyfighter, im sorry to say it but you are more stupid than trousers, thats an accomplishment haha

and yeah i do think about what im saying half the time :lol:


Active Member
haha yeah we get it about my shitty plant..its smoking great though. too bad its almost gone ive only got like 2g left

and navyfighter, im sorry to say it but you are more stupid than trousers, thats an accomplishment haha

and yeah i do think about what im saying half the time :lol:
If thats not the pot calling the kettle black then i dont know what is. Bmeat, just ask the majority of people about what they do with your advice. They ignore it or laugh at it. At least my plants arent tomato plants.


Active Member
haha yeah we get it about my shitty plant..its smoking great though. too bad its almost gone ive only got like 2g left

and navyfighter, im sorry to say it but you are more stupid than trousers, thats an accomplishment haha

and yeah i do think about what im saying half the time :lol:
i will stop WHEN you stop being retarded

at first it was funny, well even now it is funny

BUT i bet you have fucked up alot of peoples grows from your shit advise


Well-Known Member
well, i believe that natural cycles are the best cycles. so i will try to imitate them with the tools i have. i have a timer. i have a central air system. the ability to test temp of water, the right spectrum during veg and flower.

12/12 is not a great cycle for cannabis. looks like HOT 14 hours is, and then 13, 12, 11 with the temps cooling off..you can look up temps if you care..but i cant control my temps that well so oh well. 80f for entire grow, but i sure as hell will fix the light.

i just simply cant run 18 hrs of sun at the risk of getting caught.

my grow area stays around 80 with the hood on thc protects from the sun and its heat, so it should help production. a form of training..every living system responds to stimuli..forunately and unfortunately.

The depths of your stupidity are just astounding. Like an idiot savant, but not at all like Rain Man, just incredibly talented at being really stupid.


Well-Known Member
well, i believe that natural cycles are the best cycles. so i will try to imitate them with the tools i have. i have a timer. i have a central air system. the ability to test temp of water, the right spectrum during veg and flower.

12/12 is not a great cycle for cannabis. looks like HOT 14 hours is, and then 13, 12, 11 with the temps cooling off..you can look up temps if you care..but i cant control my temps that well so oh well. 80f for entire grow, but i sure as hell will fix the light.

i just simply cant run 18 hrs of sun at the risk of getting caught.

my grow area stays around 80 with the hood on thc protects from the sun and its heat, so it should help production. a form of training..every living system responds to stimuli..forunately and unfortunately.
Will mommy let you change the telp of the whole house to mimic the outdoor conditions you want to grow your weed you are hiding?


New Member
no i didnt..all my posts were about the quesiton at hand, the light cycle.

i say yes, you can run 13/11 for a bigger yield, itll still flower.

they start flowering in the wild during august, right? during august, theres 13hrs 30min of sun on average, and the sun is stronger..so itll definitely flower under 13hrs of artifical light,

will it make the plant taller, or will it make the buds fatter, or both? who knows.

even in sep the average days are 12hr 30min long.

question answered


Active Member
no i didnt..all my posts were about the quesiton at hand, the light cycle.

i say yes, you can run 13/11 for a bigger yield, itll still flower.

they start flowering in the wild during august, right? during august, theres 13hrs 30min of sun on average, and the sun is stronger..so itll definitely flower under 13hrs of artifical light,

will it make the plant taller, or will it make the buds fatter, or both? who knows.

even in sep the average days are 12hr 30min long.

question answered
Only threads you get involved in, which are about a simple question, turn into this many pages.... 17... pages... of... pointless.... bullshit

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
I looked up the sun cycle for 54 north when I can plant I get 16 hours it peeks on june 21 at 17 hours so I have 2 months of more than 16 hours light then it drops fast a half hour a week down to ten hours in the middle of october.

Everywhere in the world on March 21 and September 21 we have 12 hours of light places on the equator always get 12 hour year around and near the poles you get 24 hour light for a long time but also extreme darkness on dec 21.

I grew my plants on 20/4 with a 400 hps and cfls then with a 1000 mh at 18h then 16h for a couple of weeks before I started flowering at 14h then dropped the light by half an hour a week they had nice buds at three weeks like normal by that time they were 13h on.

I brought them down to 10.5h that would be mid october the last chance for them to finish outside in my location.

I realize the strain won't be fully mature in my location as they are still growing I did raise the light back up to 11.5 because Vale in 1970 did a study showing double the thc was produced at 12h then 10h light which is common finishing light cycles for MJ not from the equator like the middle east or most of the states.

I over vegged them so I will have to do another bud cycle maybe a third I'll still have a big plant after I pull all the big tops.

Then run them on 14h light again from 11.5h to give them a bit of a restart in the flowering cycle this time I will reduce the light 15min a week instead of a half hour because I want to keep them at 12h light to finish like the strongest sativa grown on the equator.

I would still get a nice crop of bud these are pictures of them at 10.5 what would be mid october so I'm going to run some outside this year.

I got more pics that was a week ago I got maybe a week to go they will have to go thru a second or more flower cycle.


Well-Known Member
Really nice looking plants. I think it's time you spring for the real mylar though sir. That is unless you're trying to insulate your grow...

Bud Brewer

Well-Known Member
This is much better for two reasons one the bubble mylar will diffuse the light better giving it more angles and it has some rigidness it you add a frame you can do this.

I'll Update my grow soon.


Active Member
I looked up the sun cycle for 54 north when I can plant I get 16 hours it peeks on june 21 at 17 hours so I have 2 months of more than 16 hours light then it drops fast a half hour a week down to ten hours in the middle of october.

Everywhere in the world on March 21 and September 21 we have 12 hours of light places on the equator always get 12 hour year around and near the poles you get 24 hour light for a long time but also extreme darkness on dec 21.

I grew my plants on 20/4 with a 400 hps and cfls then with a 1000 mh at 18h then 16h for a couple of weeks before I started flowering at 14h then dropped the light by half an hour a week they had nice buds at three weeks like normal by that time they were 13h on.

I brought them down to 10.5h that would be mid october the last chance for them to finish outside in my location.

I realize the strain won't be fully mature in my location as they are still growing I did raise the light back up to 11.5 because Vale in 1970 did a study showing double the thc was produced at 12h then 10h light which is common finishing light cycles for MJ not from the equator like the middle east or most of the states.

I over vegged them so I will have to do another bud cycle maybe a third I'll still have a big plant after I pull all the big tops.

Then run them on 14h light again from 11.5h to give them a bit of a restart in the flowering cycle this time I will reduce the light 15min a week instead of a half hour because I want to keep them at 12h light to finish like the strongest sativa grown on the equator.

I would still get a nice crop of bud these are pictures of them at 10.5 what would be mid october so I'm going to run some outside this year.

I got more pics that was a week ago I got maybe a week to go they will have to go thru a second or more flower cycle.

thank you fit posting this.. now the moron who was saying my info was
incorrect will stfu.


I looked up the sun cycle for 54 north when I can plant I get 16 hours it peeks on june 21 at 17 hours so I have 2 months of more than 16 hours light then it drops fast a half hour a week down to ten hours in the middle of october.

Everywhere in the world on March 21 and September 21 we have 12 hours of light places on the equator always get 12 hour year around and near the poles you get 24 hour light for a long time but also extreme darkness on dec 21.

I grew my plants on 20/4 with a 400 hps and cfls then with a 1000 mh at 18h then 16h for a couple of weeks before I started flowering at 14h then dropped the light by half an hour a week they had nice buds at three weeks like normal by that time they were 13h on.

I brought them down to 10.5h that would be mid october the last chance for them to finish outside in my location.

I realize the strain won't be fully mature in my location as they are still growing I did raise the light back up to 11.5 because Vale in 1970 did a study showing double the thc was produced at 12h then 10h light which is common finishing light cycles for MJ not from the equator like the middle east or most of the states.

I over vegged them so I will have to do another bud cycle maybe a third I'll still have a big plant after I pull all the big tops.

Then run them on 14h light again from 11.5h to give them a bit of a restart in the flowering cycle this time I will reduce the light 15min a week instead of a half hour because I want to keep them at 12h light to finish like the strongest sativa grown on the equator.

I would still get a nice crop of bud these are pictures of them at 10.5 what would be mid october so I'm going to run some outside this year.

I got more pics that was a week ago I got maybe a week to go they will have to go thru a second or more flower cycle.

hey friend, nice plants, iwas wondering what strain that is?. if this is answered already then my bad, i didnt read the entire thread, thanks alot if you know. p