Testing the Law


Well-Known Member
No, they dont have people that come check out your grow unless you are commercial. You dont even have to give them the address you grow at, just a mailing address. That is true, even if youre a caregiver. I am a caregiver for three other patients so I am familiar with the paperwork. I never heard about making copies of IDs and sending them to the DOR for FUTURE recreational sales. All this is just speculation, as they have not written the actual regulations yet.


Well-Known Member
Theres always the possibility they could write that into the regulations, but they havent written them yet. Where do people get this misinformation that they pass along as fact? That goes for everything, not just am64?

chef c

Well-Known Member
From the amendment, I think I said that once already. I also said that it was before the am was written, and that no one knows for sure. So thanks for pissing into your own boots. We've got enough self righteous assholes here already but your welcome to stick around if you want


Well-Known Member
The amendment as written a few weeks before the vote.
Amendment 64 was written years ago.

When it becomes legal to operate or rather to buy from a shoppe wo a red card, id's will have to be copied and sent to the DOR, then when the polezi get behind u and run your plate, show up at your palce cuz your having a party and they get a noise complaint, domestic dispute or something of the like, u pop up as having bought a lil somkie smokie and bing, u guessed it, guilty by defualt. Sound good to everyone?
I have not heard about ID being copied and sent to the dor. That sounds like some paranoia.
Even if they could do that, who cares? That would be too much information for them to deal with.

The police are going to cross reference DOR records for marijuana purchases to influence arrests and interactions with people?
I want what you are smoking.

chef c

Well-Known Member
You must b a clean cut kid from the vally whose never actually been in trouble. To much work for the cops? Its what they do dumbass... like I said before I hope your right, I do. I want everyone from here to Timbuktu to be able to come to or state and enjoy the best cannabis on the face of the planet, just like you. If this turns out to be more about social control than freedom, then don't doubt for one second that they (popo, DA and judge) will all use this to their advantage. Ignorance is bliss.


Well-Known Member
There is no reason for the hostility and the childish taunts.
If you want to assume you think you know me, great for you.
You are a tiny Polynesian from North Dakota.
I bet we are both just as correct in our assumptions about each other.

I'm trying to figure out where you read this in the amendment.
You are a bit on edge about this for some reason.

Even if what you were saying could happen, how do they use this information?

It certainly would be irrelevant in a court.

I heard the same paranoid stuff with red cards.
It didn't make any sense then either.


Well-Known Member
I still can't find what you are talking about in the amendment or on the internet.
Hi Trousers , you seem to have a knowledge about the laws and how things work there in Colorado , I have a couple of questions , I see it mentioned that some people get a higher plant count , how does that work ? Also when I check the various reality sites it appears that Pueblo has lower prices on homes , wondering why ? I’m looking for a cheap area to move to .


Well-Known Member
Hi Trousers , you seem to have a knowledge about the laws and how things work there in Colorado , I have a couple of questions , I see it mentioned that some people get a higher plant count , how does that work ? Also when I check the various reality sites it appears that Pueblo has lower prices on homes , wondering why ? I’m looking for a cheap area to move to .
I am not very bright.
I would recommend any one stay with in legal plant counts. 3 mature and 3 immature per person 21 or over.
There is less demand for homes in Pueblo. I have had numerous beers tonight.


Active Member
It isn't as nice in Pueblo according to most people, more of an industrial vibe in the city and there are not the green tree fancy house neighborhoods like around Denver and many mountain towns. My doctor wrote me 2 'prescriptions' during my visit to get a card, one says 24 plants and the other says 48 plants, these comments are in what looks like the medicine prescription area of the form. He gave me 2 different forms, I think a clerical error kind of situation. He also added 'recommend edibles.' I have read that the higher plant count was upheld in CO court, but will have to look up where that new story was, I saw it from a 420 news email link about a month ago.