1000w flower 600w veg 8 strains organic soil grow. lets see how this goes

which strain are you watching?

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Active Member
That's awesome! there is on fan on it then I assume, just passive heat? do you just run the exhaust into your area and then heat the outside? That would be great for my basement!
Right now I have it sitting in the grow room on the floor,it’s kind of cold in her old shack and the little heat that it creates is kind of welcomed. I installed a baseboard heater in the room as well just to give you an idea of how cold it is. I got the temps up to 85f now with CO2 set between 1100 to 1500 with auto ventilation. The 6in fan is on a thermostat aswell, it’s set to 87f. The pilot light keeps CO2 steady at 1400 by its self but after the ventilation kicks in; in the afternoon when the house finally warms up, the burned will light for maybe a minute then not come back on for an hour or more.

The plan for this summer when heat becomes an issue is set the furnace out of the room and pipe it in with a computer fan. The furnace outlet is 3in with and outer 5 in heat shield. It’s this way so the pipe can pass through the RV wall, pipe in a pipe = heat shield. I will use this to my advantage I will build a tin box or maybe just extend the pipes over an undetermined length and circulate air through the outer pipe exiting the house through the ventilationa nd the inner 3in pipe will flow to the grow room. This should cool the CO2 exhaust gases before they can add heat to the room.

At the junk yard I stayed clear of the furnace with fans and blowers, too many wires for me to f*ck with. Coleman seemed to be of this design. Enterprise is the one you want, the earlier models back in the 70s needed 12v to stay running but once you got to the 80s they were self-sufficient.


Well-Known Member
pic four has one with some huge leaves on it, wow. Whats that one in the bottom corner? :):):)
That is Blueberry Gum, you can really see the blueberry side on this plant. i topped it a while ago and the 2 nodes are just starting to take off. ill get some better pics today when i go over there.

Looking sick man.. dumb question? Where do you get those potting bags that you use? Are they better than pots?
i bought mine at http://www.greenhousemegastore.com/?gclid=CMH06pq4rrUCFQ-f4AodJCIA3A they are super cheap but i think im leaning more towards the 3 gal nursery pots over the bags. the bigs work great but they are just plastic bags made of material similiar to the thickness of poly/panda plastic, hard to move them after watering when they are heavy because the rim rips. im going ot be going smart pot soon from the same website.


actually going to put my order in now for these, will still use the 1 gal grow bags and then transplant to 3 gal root puches.

Matt what are the temps on the basement floor? Cooler temps will slow growth and you have talked before about things being slow, you kind of blamed it on not having CO2, maybe it’s the temp.

I had plants in a cooler 64-65F basement growing tigh tnodes, looking really healthy but when moved to the old lady’s grow room in her upstairs spare bedroom with temps at 75 -78 degrees (root zone) they really started to grow taller faster and take off in all directions. I’m just sayin.
good question. im assuming that the basement floor is a simmiliar temp to my DWC solution which is around 65-68F. the slow growth i was complaining about though was upstars in my tent which is considerably warmer temps than the basement. things seem to be growing just fine down there.


Well-Known Member
CN-HGB 01-10Grow Bags - 1 gallon size, 10 each 5$12.50
CN-RPBR 03-25Root Pouch, Boxer Brown Fabric Pot, Longest Lifespan - Three gallon, pack of 25 1$40.00


Active Member
Ok sorry Matt I miss that, one room up and the other down.So you just changed your Veg room to flower; right, now which one is where? Thenew flower is down right?


Well-Known Member
Ok sorry Matt I miss that, one room up and the other down.So you just changed your Veg room to flower; right, now which one is where? Thenew flower is down right?
the veg room is up and the flower is down now...:) i had to change my 6x4 flowering room into my veg room when my plants started outgrowing my tent. now i have 14 plants in flower and one DWC in veg. seeds on the way and going to give cloning one last ditch effort. stopping at "the store" today to pick up a small bottle of superthrive to see if that aids me in my venture, also will be moving the clones upstairs where the temps are a bit more warm. im going to mix superthrive, clonex solution and bio root in a spray bottle and mist the plants and rapid rooter's with it. idont want to soak the rapid rooters just dampen them with the rooting solution. then i will dip each clone in the cloning gel. hope this works this time....if not it is what it is i guess. im going to start collecting seeds, i just ordered about 8 more strains @ 2 of each via pick n mix, i will germ one of oeach and save the rest. then order more seeds. my goal is to end up with enough strains to be able to sustain myself with my favorites for a while without having to order seeds again any time soon. i may even have this cloning thing under wraps by the!!

Is there a reason why you prefer the bags over pots? I think they might be handy moving an outdoor crop this spring.
not really sure what you mean here. i have heard good things about air pruning with smart pots so i figured i would give them a try. as far as the plastic grow bags go i just like that they are easy to store and they are disposable.


Active Member
I guess what I left out was a soft flexible bag made out of any type of material compared to a hard rigid plastic pot. When working with the bags of any type, does movement of the soil and or roots accrue?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just picked up one of the 3 gal grow bags and the plastic ripped and the plant hit the ground. was the Kandy Kush...man this lady has had a tough life!!

to be honest as far as convienece and ability to work with i prefer the hard plastic nursery pots. I bought the grow bags because i am kinda on a budget and thought they would be nice for the price. They work well but they are not so great for moving things around. once these air pots come in i will more that likes transplant everything into smart pots and call it a day.

like i said above the smart pots are kinda a experiment as i have heard great things about air pruning so i wanted to see if they make that much of a difference. I will continue to use the 1 gallon grow bags because thay are small, managble and cheap.

i really need to get my cloning figured out so i can work on getting this grow to a perpetual state and have enough room in my small veg tent to be able to keep my veg tent my veg tent. having 12 plants in there once they needed to be transplanted into 3 gal containers the veg tent was just too small. if i can get it to where i have 4 plants in 3 gal, 4 in 1 gal and 4 in solo cups, starting containers i should have enough room to veg 12 plants and do a 3 week rotation. 9 weeks veg is a bit much but i think it will be alright.

3 weeks coning
3 weeks in solo cup
3 weeks in 1 gal
3 weeks in 3 gal smart pot
off to flower

seems like alot of veg time but if im harvesting 4 larger plants every 3 weeks the veg time wont matter and ill be able to train and take clones (if i can figure out this cloning situation)

anyways, i always start babbling about shit lol, have been over at my grow all day. got most everything fed and watered still have 3 plants left to take cuts from and feed. then everything will go back in. cloning station is going upstairs. i think this will work out well since thats where the veg tent is, i will just have to shuffle up a bucket of soil and do my tranplants up there.

pics and such coming soon, have been trying to take some detailed pics of each strain. these fruity chronic reveges are crazy and going to have so many tops!!!


Well-Known Member
oh and on a side note, i concocted a really good drink. even if your not a beer drinker its pretty tasty.

1 bud light lime and add 1 shot of pinacle whipped cream flavored vodka (or more depending on your taste, if not a beer drinker i would recomend 1 1/2 shots)

tastes just like key lime pie.....or not just like but dam its pretty good.


Well-Known Member
oh and on a side note, i concocted a really good drink. even if your not a beer drinker its pretty tasty.

1 bud light lime and add 1 shot of pinacle whipped cream flavored vodka (or more depending on your taste, if not a beer drinker i would recomend 1 1/2 shots)

tastes just like key lime pie.....or not just like but dam its pretty good.
To bad flaming pie isnt drinking, i bet shed like that one ;)


Active Member
yeah, i just picked up one of the 3 gal grow bags and the plastic ripped and the plant hit the ground. was the Kandy Kush...man this lady has had a tough life!!

to be honest as far as convienece and ability to work with i prefer the hard plastic nursery pots. I bought the grow bags because i am kinda on a budget and thought they would be nice for the price. They work well but they are not so great for moving things around. once these air pots come in i will more that likes transplant everything into smart pots and call it a day.

like i said above the smart pots are kinda a experiment as i have heard great things about air pruning so i wanted to see if they make that much of a difference. I will continue to use the 1 gallon grow bags because thay are small, managble and cheap.

i really need to get my cloning figured out so i can work on getting this grow to a perpetual state and have enough room in my small veg tent to be able to keep my veg tent my veg tent. having 12 plants in there once they needed to be transplanted into 3 gal containers the veg tent was just too small. if i can get it to where i have 4 plants in 3 gal, 4 in 1 gal and 4 in solo cups, starting containers i should have enough room to veg 12 plants and do a 3 week rotation. 9 weeks veg is a bit much but i think it will be alright.

3 weeks coning
3 weeks in solo cup
3 weeks in 1 gal
3 weeks in 3 gal smart pot
off to flower

seems like alot of veg time but if im harvesting 4 larger plants every 3 weeks the veg time wont matter and ill be able to train and take clones (if i can figure out this cloning situation)

anyways, i always start babbling about shit lol, have been over at my grow all day. got most everything fed and watered still have 3 plants left to take cuts from and feed. then everything will go back in. cloning station is going upstairs. i think this will work out well since thats where the veg tent is, i will just have to shuffle up a bucket of soil and do my tranplants up there.

pics and such coming soon, have been trying to take some detailed pics of each strain. these fruity chronic reveges are crazy and going to have so many tops!!!
I like the idea of the smart/air pruning pots.. I've heard they can be a bit of a bitch with watering (messy)

Anxious to see how you like them!


Well-Known Member
cant imagine they are any worse than any other pot. just have to catch the water. i will prob go buy some saucers later on because taking every plant out of the grow room every time i water is just nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Alright i finally got some pics and going to get them uploaded. going to do this in a 2 or 3 part segment so i dont lose a bunch of pics and have to repeat the process.

just going to start out with some random pics and some harvest pics.



Well-Known Member
the DWC seedling is doing well.

wet weight for the 2 fruity chronic juic was 145g, if i end up with 50 grams ill be pretty happy. should get me to the next big harvest. got my clones all taken and put them up in the veg room. picked up some green bean, cactus and flax seeds. will be planting them today. moved peppers tomatoes and basil up to the veg tent. cosmo's and morning glories are staying in the flower tent.

did a feed of all plants and used a drop of superthrive see if it makes any noticable difference. also used the superthrive from my clones along with the bio root and the clonex. plus dipped them in rooting gel so i have plenty of hormone working.

any other questions feel free to ask, on to the other girls

heres the blueberry gum, as you can see she had some crazy nodal growth all towards the top of the plant but verry tight. i assume this would make for one giant bud which i dont want, i prefer smaller buds as i dont really have adequate drying conditions i need to dry fast and get them in jars so they dont stink up my house too much. i tied this girl down pretty good, i think i did 8 tie downs. my goal is to get the plant to be more bushy instead of one giant cola bud.


and heres you guys favorite by vote, white widow x big bud.


heres the revegged fruity chronic juic plants..theres 4 total. these things have some insane tops!!


Well-Known Member
ur doing work matt!! keep it up
thanks man :)

Matt!! Niceee :weed: That's all I can say.

Those plastic grow bags do they have any holes for drainage?
yes they do but they suck ass dont even consider them. i posted a link to some cheap smart pots that have a handle and are made from felt. they cost a little less than 2 bucks each if you buy a case of 25 of them. I cant give a review on them right now but i will take pics when they get here and give a small description of them. last night i dropped 2 plants and one split down the middle of the bag, these things suck for any size over 1 gal if you have to move them. the plastic just isnt strong enough to support the weight of 3 gal of dry soil nevermind after a watering. they are a nice cheap bag for a imobile plant outside but for indoor container gardening where you have to move the plants i dont recomend anything bigger than 1 gal.

heres a link to the root pouches i have on the way


also im still working on uploading the rest of the pics.


Well-Known Member
I've always want to try those pots made out of felt, heard good things about them, but what I want to really try is those air pots 99fb66.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok uploaded started giving me trouble so heres the FCJ


and heres the Kandy Kush, she dosent seem to be taking well to the LST but i think after stretch she will turn out alright, i also dropped her and ripped her out of the ground when i tied it down. :( this lady has taken a beating and continues to grow for me!!


heres the blue OG this plant has taken verry well to the LST im prob going to untie it in a couple days.


and heres the critical kush


i think i may have skipped the white lavender, if i didnt get photos ill get some today.