Super Stealth


Well-Known Member
well i was thinking more along the lines of if thats the cat room then theres a cat in there all the time and cats are smart so while your bud is growing... who is to say one kitty wont get a little frisky and help himself to gnawing on all your plants! YUM YUM!
Haha, well thats the beauty of it. The kitty room is the room im standing in when the pictures were taken. The pictures taken are of the entrance to Narnia. The kitty room is a completely seperate room, divided by a real wall, with the dresser built into it. We basically framed out the wall around the dresser, and just bolted it to the wall. The door locks with two nails. I drilled 2 holes through the side of the dresser into the door. So you push the nail through the side of the dresser into the door to hold it closed. One on top one on bottom. And theres an actual latch on the inside for when I'm in there. So you see... kitties cant get in without someone letting them in. :mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Haha, well thats the beauty of it. The kitty room is the room im standing in when the pictures were taken. The pictures taken are of the entrance to Narnia. The kitty room is a completely seperate room, divided by a real wall, with the dresser built into it. We basically framed out the wall around the dresser, and just bolted it to the wall. The door locks with two nails. I drilled 2 holes through the side of the dresser into the door. So you push the nail through the side of the dresser into the door to hold it closed. One on top one on bottom. And theres an actual latch on the inside for when I'm in there. So you see... kitties cant get in without someone letting them in. :mrgreen:

haha thats pretty damn clever and elaborate.
Im simple.. I just grow my weed in my front room.
if a ups guy walked up he could probably see my plants if he looked through the curtains hard enough! but Im sure he'd just want to smoke. rofl.

i like narnia. lol. i read all the books when i was a wee tyke!


Well-Known Member
I keep mine super stealth because I live with my mom. Shes ok with me growing, but i dont want her going down if I got caught. So I take the "extra careful" approach. Better safe than sorry! (especially since it isnt my own house)


Well-Known Member
I keep mine super stealth because I live with my mom. Shes ok with me growing, but i dont want her going down if I got caught. So I take the "extra careful" approach. Better safe than sorry! (especially since it isnt my own house)
haha. my mom is a MMJ patient... so I dont gotta worry. unless the DEA decides they want to waste their time busting someone whose growing 9 plants. but that seems like a lot of work for little pay off!


Well-Known Member
I hear ya... those federal raids are such crap.

I wish I lived in a MM state. I was going to college in RI for a while, but just transferred to a new school near home. If i stayed in RI i could have gotten medical.

Ah well, laws were made to be broken.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya... those federal raids are such crap.

I wish I lived in a MM state. I was going to college in RI for a while, but just transferred to a new school near home. If i stayed in RI i could have gotten medical.

Ah well, laws were made to be broken.
lol. I think its pretty easy to not get caught anyways. its just that a lot of growers and even distributors make big mistakes. i cant feel sorry for that. the number one rule when growing is to not tell people outside of the people that live in your home. people seek revenge and some people just see dollar signs. report someone growing you get a pretty hefty reward. especially if they have large amounts of plants ect. sad that you cant trust people but its true and even though i'd love to show off my babies to the world I know better than that!!

yeah the federal raids are crap. it used to be that each state governed itself. whatever happened to that bullshit. the united states government was founded and now its as though they control everyone. I hate that crap. I mean i cant feel sympathy for getting caught by the DEA even if i think its completely wrong that they should be allowed to do that (Especially in states that have passed bills) but unfortunately getting a DEA raid usually means you ran your mouth too much or didnt control your odor well enough!

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
that's some kick-ass shit you got there, dude. that's like some kinda mystery mansion type shit, so you definitely rock. I'm totally doing something like this once I get a house of my own


Well-Known Member
FYI there is technology out to undo that effect you put on your face in that picture. Just cutting the face out of the picture is a face better tek. Just thought i would let you know.


Well-Known Member
FYI there is technology out to undo that effect you put on your face in that picture. Just cutting the face out of the picture is a face better tek. Just thought i would let you know.
Not my face. Im behind the camera. And the picture quality is so shitty, you cant even tell who it is. His hat blocks half his face anyway.

Ill snap a shot of the inside right now. Its a little messy.


Well-Known Member
Ive been trying to send this picture for days. It wont send from my phone, and it isnt letting me rip it right off the miniSD card. Ill get it workin soon.

Im in the middle of moving all the plants from germination trays into 4" pots too.


Well-Known Member
Haha sorry guys. Well the room is at my house, but its been something of a "joint effort" between myself and two friends. Obviously stealth is the name of the game, and my idea to post pictures of the inside was vetoed. My friends want to keep it as low key as possible. Lets just say, (hypothetically of course) that there is a sea of green inside the closet. Thats about all i can say. :D Sorry guys, ill post em all up after we harvest.

On the brighter side, I started flowering 4 days ago and have identified 3 females. One of my headies seeds was a male though. And theres a whole bunch more that havent shown sex yet.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I've seen many grow rooms with bookshelf doors but your set-up is very original--very cool----If you move you can tell the new owners it was a safe room:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
omg. i love that idea. if i had a room i could put a fake door/wall on then i would. i love how stealth that is.

i know u said u cant show pics but could u show a drawing of the space inside etc?