Hey, Haven't posted in a while.Still a Newbie


It's been since early Jan, so here's an update on my babes born late Dec 2012. Also three newborns about three weeks old northern Light Blue Auto flower's.2.10.13 014.jpg2.10.13 013.jpg2.11.13 004.jpg2.10.13 017.jpgAs you can see the C99 first pic and kush are doing great. The new auto flowers just starting out.Happy Toking all


New Member
what you feed c99, kush ? nutriet? who breeder? plant do look good !!! but you picture of c99 and kush real shitty,you to close!! how tall? look wide, nice color. what you feed? what size you container, 5 gal ? how many time you top? 1? you should top again before flower. real bushy. why you not get clones!!! you supercrop? you need to maximize grow,train your plants,double,triple production. you need to learn to bend, prune and lst. check video on growing to max your production,you say you newbie,learn them tricks,then you master!!! good smoke that 99 and kush, what kind of kush? anyway,you do good job!!!! but learn more!


RIU Bulldog
what you feed c99, kush ? nutriet? who breeder? plant do look good !!! but you picture of c99 and kush real shitty,you to close!! how tall? look wide, nice color. what you feed? what size you container, 5 gal ? how many time you top? 1? you should top again before flower. real bushy. why you not get clones!!! you supercrop? you need to maximize grow,train your plants,double,triple production. you need to learn to bend, prune and lst. check video on growing to max your production,you say you newbie,learn them tricks,then you master!!! good smoke that 99 and kush, what kind of kush? anyway,you do good job!!!! but learn more!
Yes but do you have any questions?


New Member
me have questions? yea me do, read again,maybe you read to fast. several questions,i ask. no have to answer all,or any,just asking. me interested in grow,maybe one more question, what is your grow medium,soil or soilless? again, pretty plants!!


Feeding: I use Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom as Fox Farm's Chart recommends but mixed by the half gallon, this is enough to feed all plants without drowning. I add a quarter tsp of Superthrive( can by bought at lowes etc.) and every two weeks I add Cal Mag. I watch the leaves at all times the first sign of trouble I use Sledgehammer to clean everything out. But I only feed once a week the rest of the week i water, plain tap water that I keep in two gallon jugs without the lids on, reason the water has heavy metals in it the plants need these. Once a month I use Jobes Organics All Purpose granular fertilizer, I sprinkle it around the plant then water great for Microbial activity. Container size about 5 Gallon, auto flower are in 7 gallon grow bags.See very easy....WATCH THE LEAVES IF THEY CHANGE COLOR THEN YOU ARE DOING WRONG NOT THE PLANT!!!!!!


New Member
ayy i use jobes as well to start my soil. awesome stuff.

im actually selling 1lb of espoma seed start plus, which is even better than jobes. if anyones intrested let me know. trying to get $10 shipped on ebay. it comes from more "meals" and has a lot more colonies of biota.

your plants are very light green, i think thats from over feeding.


Well-Known Member
your plants are very light green, i think thats from over feeding.
In these first two pics are shown two of the healthiest plants i have ever laid my eyes on. No spots, no discoloration, no flaw, no red stems, perfect plants.

Make a grow journal, i want to know everything you do so i can replicate. :)


light green is usally from over water if your woundenering ~ bmeat Your a Tool ~ Dont Post Shit ~ Ive seen your Photos of your plants ~ No room to even Give Advice


New Member
i might be wrong, mixing auto's with regular plants could cause problems, different light schedules,i think.when you change to flower for regular plants, 12 hour,auto's remain 18 to 20 hour,i think. unless you plan to change. but then may be ok. something to check. auto flower when they want to flower, which will be soooooooooon. maybe no big deal?


New Member
i guess you could grow them on 12 hr schedule, but, from info i hear, best schedules are 18/6, 20/4, 24/0. suppose to be a fairly big difference, i think , from reading in auto threads. 12 hr,yes,but not advisable from auto growers. most prefer 18/6 or 24/0.


very true, 18/6 or 20/4 are the best.
Not true ~ It Depends on the Auto Strain ~ Some Are Stronger in 12/12 Some Are Stronger in 24 ~ AGAIN depends on Strain
Bmeat why dont you post some photos of your Shitty Plants So people know Whos Giving them Advice ~ GTFO of trying to give Advice ~ You Kill or F up More Plant then Any thing

