Mandala Seeds Hashberry and Beyond the Brain Grow


Active Member
Since my journals are scattered across the site, here's a recap. Day 1, dropped 5 BTB and 5 HB seeds directly in soil to germinate. 5/5 on the Hashberry and 4/5 on Beyond the Brain. Hashberrys sprouted first, followed by the BTBs lagging by about a day n a half.

... and here we are on Day 7.

The BTBs have caught up and are now as tall or taller than the tallest HB. That sativa dom showing itself early I guess. Here are some pics.


Under the low lights


5 Hashberrys on the left, 4 Beyond the Brains on the right


Beyond the Brain




Active Member
Shortly after my last post, the all of the seedlings but especially the Hashberrys began showing signs of stress. The outward appearance of the plants was telling me that they were getting too much water. All of the seedlings have been in the same tray exposed to the same watering/lighting. The BTBs are showing a little stress but seem to be growing at a good rate. The HBs are definitely a bit stunted.

I watered on Day 6 with only 50ml of water per plant with no runoff, then again on Day 8 giving 150 ml per plant with less than 10% runoff. Both days the medium was dry on top, dry ~ 1" down and shrinking from the cup on the sides.

I backed the plants away from the PL-L lights about 2", leaving them about 5" from the lights. This is the first time working with these more powerful bulbs so I am thinking light stress (not heat stress) may be at play.

In the tray, the BTBs are the four to the left and the HBs are the five to the right. The furthest right is HB1, the largest and first to sprout - it shows the least signs of stressing.


One of the stressed Hashberrys


One of the BTBs


Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna watch this one yankee. I've been holding some Mandala's for a while and will run some of them this summer when it gets hotter. I'm glad you're doin it first.
Are you growing in coco or soil?


Active Member
I'm gonna watch this one yankee. I've been holding some Mandala's for a while and will run some of them this summer when it gets hotter. I'm glad you're doin it first.
Are you growing in coco or soil?
I germinate in Fox Farms Light Warrior and will be transplanting to a soilless mix in about a week.

Welcome to the grow!


Well-Known Member
"I backed the plants away from the PL-L lights about 2", leaving them about 5" from the lights. This is the first time working with these more powerful bulbs so I am thinking light stress (not heat stress) may be at play."

I think you are on the right track here. At that tender age they do not need to be so close.
I don't grow in soil but I'm going to comment on your watering. You may have better results during the first week or two by not letting the media dry so much. Try watering less but more often. Try to keep it moist but not wet. And you do not need to have runoff at that age . Wait until they have at least a couple of leaf sets to flood. This works best for me.:peace:


Active Member
"I backed the plants away from the PL-L lights about 2", leaving them about 5" from the lights. This is the first time working with these more powerful bulbs so I am thinking light stress (not heat stress) may be at play."

I think you are on the right track here. At that tender age they do not need to be so close.
I don't grow in soil but I'm going to comment on your watering. You may have better results during the first week or two by not letting the media dry so much. Try watering less but more often. Try to keep it moist but not wet. And you do not need to have runoff at that age . Wait until they have at least a couple of leaf sets to flood. This works best for me.:peace:
Thanks for the suggestions, much obliged!


Well-Known Member
I forgot about your low humidity too. It really should be higher than 18%. Do you have a way of adding moisture?


Active Member
subbed up.

I've wanted to grow Hashberry since I started growing. Mandala is ran by some really nice folks that are all about product and not $$$

Best of luck to you man


Active Member
I forgot about your low humidity too. It really should be higher than 18%. Do you have a way of adding moisture?
Yeah, didn't not it in the journal but I've gotten the humidity up. Its been between 45-60% for the past 6-8 days before the HBs became unhappy.


Active Member
subbed up.

I've wanted to grow Hashberry since I started growing. Mandala is ran by some really nice folks that are all about product and not $$$

Best of luck to you man
Welcome FS. I had been hearing the same things about Mandala for a while now which is why I wanted to try their beans. I've MandalaMike personally respond to other forums and address concerns, add advice and just offer encouragement. Sound like solid genetics and good people.


Well-Known Member
Hashberry has been on my list for awhile now, it sounds like some killer smoke. I also like what I've read about Mandala, and their methods for developing genetics. I believe its ran by a husband and wife, that spent the better part of the 80s in India collecting genes, which sounds like a dream job to me!


Active Member
Hashberry has been on my list for awhile now, it sounds like some killer smoke. I also like what I've read about Mandala, and their methods for developing genetics. I believe its ran by a husband and wife, that spent the better part of the 80s in India collecting genes, which sounds like a dream job to me!
Thanks for stopping by. I have not tasted either of these strains but looking forward to it and the journey to get there. I promise a smoke report at the end of the road!


Active Member
I know a lot of us have different criteria for starting the vegging clock: seeds in the ground, tap root emergence, sprout, etc. Since I go directly to soil, I give the 1st full week for germination/sprouting/seedling and start the veg clock at day 8 of the whole process.

Anyway, thought I'd post where the babies are at after 1 week of vegging. I am pretty sure the hiccup earlier in the week was related to light intensity from the new PL-L lighting I have in place. Those bulbs are pretty intense compared to CFLs and even T5s so lesson learned. I gave them all a small dose of Superthrive and increased the distance to the lights incrementally this week and they seem pretty happy at about 12-14". The BTBs seemed to handle the light intensity pretty well with only some slight bleaching of the 1st set of leaves. The Hashberries not as well, with two of them bouncing back slowly and one even showing burning to the leaf serrations.

- Taller with longer leaves than the Hashberries. To be expected with a Sativa dominant strain.
- Between 1"-1.5" tall and 2"-2.25" wide
- All have slight bleaching of the 1st set of leaves but light intensity did not seem to do them much harm.
- All four growing well
- BTB2 2nd set of leaves is late to emerge and only the smaller of the trio seem to be there! That would make this a set with even numbered leaves! Never seen this before but maybe its just flaking and all three will merge eventually.
- All cotyledons intact

- Between 1"-1.25" tall and 1.375"-1.875" wide
- All have slight bleaching of the 1st set of leaves. Impact of light intensity more obvious with some wilting on HB3, 4 & 5 and burning on HB3.
- All five growing well otherwise.
- HB1 seems most mature with 2nd set of leaves and three distinct leaves for each in place.
- Overall, darker in color with shorter fatter leaves than BTBs as expected with Indica dom strain.
- Cotyledons intact, but showing signs of purpling under the leaf. No exposure to cold/cool temps.

Here are some pics:

Five Hashberries. Front left is HB3 with the burnt leaf serrations. All looking better since backing off light source.

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Four Beyond the Brains. BTB2 front left w/out noticeable 2nd set of leaves.

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Active Member
After a bit of self-imposed stunting, my stressed Beyond the Brains and Hashberrys have been playing catch-up this week. Second set of leaves are in and third sets emerging on all the plants. They are all looking a lot healthier than a week ago. Toward the end of the week I moved them about ~3" closer to the lights. Started on light nutes this week, Earth Juice Catalyst & Microblast + Hygrozyme. Week 3 I will introduce EJ Grow to the coclktail. They will also see an upcan to 1 gal pots.

- Still taller than the Hashberrys, though didn't gain much vertical.
- Between 1.25"-2" tall and 1.25"-3" wide (2nd leaf set)
- 1st set of leaves remain bleached but 2nd/3rd set darker.
- BTB2 2nd set of leaves emerged as a 3-leaf set, with the middle leave stunted/mutated so that it only grew half-length.
- Cotyledons yellowing, energy being consumed.

- Between 1.5"-1.75" tall and 1.675"-1.875" wide (2nd leaf set)
- 1st set of leaves remain bleached but 2nd/3rd set much darker (indica dom showing through).
- All five growing well.
- HB1 seems most mature with 2nd set of leaves and three distinct leaves for each in place.
- Cotyledons yellowing, energy being consumed.

Here are some pics:

Five Hashberries. Front left is HB3 with the burnt leaf serrations. All looking better since backing off light source.




Four Beyond the Brains. BTB2 front left w/out noticeable 2nd set of leaves.


