Apocalyptic Blueberry


Well-Known Member
I saw some blueberry juice at the store and thought of you so i bought it, i know its stupid but i figured id post it anyway lol :):):)


Well-Known Member
Day 17 into flowering, plant is still stretching, not too much progress into the pistils. Soil still moist, might water tomorrow or Thursday. No other issues.


Well-Known Member
Day 18 into flowering, still stretching, soil still moist, no major changes. Tomorrow evening watering and pics coming in the weekend. No other issues.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 into flowering, maybe I am too eager but I think they are moving a bit slow...slow progress in the actual flowers and pistils and bud forming. Almost 3 weeks into flowering and don't have too many pistils...I'll post some pics in day 21. Otherwise they look great, gave water today


Well-Known Member
yeah the first few weeks really is slow as fuck. you have to remember when you switch that light schedule it takes the plant a week or two sometimes longer to build up enough hormones to kick it into flowering stage.

as far as i have read what happens is when theres no light on the plants they create a hormone, when the light hits the plant they either use this hormone or discard it. this hormone is responsible for telling the plant when to start reproduction.

with a 12/12 light schedule the plant is making enough of this hormone every night it simply cant use or discard all of it during the day, thus theres still a little bit left every night when it starts creating more. and each night that small pool left over gets larger and larger untill the plant is so fucking horny it want to jump any dudes bones it can so it starts producing them nice lovely looking buds to attract the attention of them microscopic sperms in the air....

anyways thats just how i understand it, not sure if theres any truth to it or not.


New Member
yeah the first few weeks really is slow as fuck. you have to remember when you switch that light schedule it takes the plant a week or two sometimes longer to build up enough hormones to kick it into flowering stage.

as far as i have read what happens is when theres no light on the plants they create a hormone, when the light hits the plant they either use this hormone or discard it. this hormone is responsible for telling the plant when to start reproduction.

with a 12/12 light schedule the plant is making enough of this hormone every night it simply cant use or discard all of it during the day, thus theres still a little bit left every night when it starts creating more. and each night that small pool left over gets larger and larger untill the plant is so fucking horny it want to jump any dudes bones it can so it starts producing them nice lovely looking buds to attract the attention of them microscopic sperms in the air....

anyways thats just how i understand it, not sure if theres any truth to it or not.
I've come to understand it pretty much the same lol :joint: Fucking horny girls haha! They'll be the death of me lol


Well-Known Member
yeah the first few weeks really is slow as fuck. you have to remember when you switch that light schedule it takes the plant a week or two sometimes longer to build up enough hormones to kick it into flowering stage.

as far as i have read what happens is when theres no light on the plants they create a hormone, when the light hits the plant they either use this hormone or discard it. this hormone is responsible for telling the plant when to start reproduction.

with a 12/12 light schedule the plant is making enough of this hormone every night it simply cant use or discard all of it during the day, thus theres still a little bit left every night when it starts creating more. and each night that small pool left over gets larger and larger untill the plant is so fucking horny it want to jump any dudes bones it can so it starts producing them nice lovely looking buds to attract the attention of them microscopic sperms in the air....

anyways thats just how i understand it, not sure if theres any truth to it or not.
excellent explanation man! loved it! anything in particular to make the girls hornier? ruffies for the plants :))


Well-Known Member
i really dont know to be honest, maybe cut down the light hours for a couple days but once flowering kicks in its pretty much settled in. if they are popping out lots of pistols then i would say its already pretty much in full swing and time and patience is the only thing you can do. hope they speed up for you so you can get a nice ripe harvest in before you have to chop em down.


Well-Known Member
Day 20 into flowering, more pistils are coming up, had to pull up the light again, my closet looks like a jungle :) Tomorrow I will post pics. Curious when the purple color will start to appear. I guess that in the later stages of flowering?


Well-Known Member
I hope it will for ya perk. I had some cold temps that turned even things that werent supposed to be purple into things i could have easily lied about the strain names on and said it was some type of purp. Id never do that but still. I had a little blueberry a while ago that was lime green. It tasted like blueberry pie and it was sooo good. Dont worry if she doesnt color up to much but if it is going to change color i would guess around week 6-7 of flower :):):)


Well-Known Member
I hope it will for ya perk. I had some cold temps that turned even things that werent supposed to be purple into things i could have easily lied about the strain names on and said it was some type of purp. Id never do that but still. I had a little blueberry a while ago that was lime green. It tasted like blueberry pie and it was sooo good. Dont worry if she doesnt color up to much but if it is going to change color i would guess around week 6-7 of flower :):):)
mmm...blueberry pie View attachment 2526476


Well-Known Member
Something I didn't mention till now, I was using the same setup for flowering like I was using for vegetation (CFL's 6500k) and I had a total of...105 w + 4x 38 w so 257w if my math is correct. I was thinking I will be able to go with the 6500k in flowering with this 2, but I made a bit of research and it's not impossible but the flowering will take longer and the production will be less. So I went to the grow shop and bought a new big lamp of 2700k with a CFL of 125w.
Now I have a problem...I've installed the new lamp in the closet and it's very big. I am not able to put the rest of the cables. Just one more which has a Y connector. So I am able to have a total of 2x38w CFL 6500k and the big 125w CFL of 2700k which will be a total of 201w Rule of thumb would be 100w per plant, so I am at the limit.
In 2 hours and 1/2 the lights will turn on, I'll take pics of the girls and the new setup. Please comment and advice if you think of any possibility to improve anything. Btw, not able to find small 38w CFL's of 2700k in the town, just small 20w ones so if I'll put 2 of thous, I'll be in 165w pure red spectrum for 2 plants,not so good...


New Member
Takes some pics brother. It would help out a lot to kinda see what you're working with!
I've had switched my space around a few times thanks to others seeing things that I didn't.
AND you don't wanna drop your wattage for flowering! It'll probably add to the stretch...IDK for sure but seems logical :joint:


Well-Known Member
Day 21 into flowering, I've changed the CFL from 105 w 6500k into 125w 2700k and I have another Y connector with 2 38w 6500k in there.
Some pics I just took