What the hell is Bush Thinking???


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As US Threatens Iran Over Enriching Uranium, Bush Promises to Give Enriched Uranium to Saudi Arabia
Democracy Now! | As US Threatens Iran Over Enriching Uranium, Bush Promises to Give Enriched Uranium to Saudi Arabia

The Bush administration has pledged to support Saudi Arabia’s nuclear power program, including supplying enriched uranium for nuclear reactors. The agreement came out of President Bush’s visit to the Saudi kingdom last week, during which Bush also pledged new US assistance in guarding Saudi oil reserves.


Harvey Wasserman, one of the founders of the grassroots movement against nuclear power. He is senior editor of the Ohio-based freepress.org and the editor of nukefree.org.

AMY GOODMAN: We turn from cluster bombs to what could be a major development in nuclear proliferation worldwide: the Bush administration pledging to support Saudi Arabia’s nuclear power program, including supplying enriched uranium for nuclear reactors. The agreement came out of President Bush’s visit to the Saudi kingdom last week, during which Bush also pledged new US assistance in guarding Saudi oil reserves.

In a statement, the White House said the deal "will pave the way for Saudi Arabia’s access to safe, reliable fuel sources for energy reactors and demonstrate Saudi leadership as a positive non-proliferation model for the region.” But questions are being raised about the agreement at a time when the Bush administration continues to threaten military action over Iran’s nuclear program.

Harvey Wasserman joins us now, one of the founders of the grassroots movement against nuclear power, senior editor of the Ohio-based freepress.org and editor of nukefree.org, joining us on the phone from Columbus, Ohio.

Harvey Wasserman, what’s going on here?

HARVEY WASSERMAN: You know, I’d like to know the insane asylum in which this policy was concocted. The idea of giving enriched uranium to the Saudis while threatening war with the Iranians for enriching uranium is astonishing. The idea that the Saudis are going to somehow lower the price of oil on the basis of possibly getting nuclear reactors in the future is just almost staggering to think about. It’s something, I guess, we’ve come to expect with the Bush administration.

But the nuclear power industry is trying desperately to spread itself all over the world, and we have proliferation problems. As you may recall, the Clinton administration cut a deal with the North Koreans to build a reactor there, and of course now suddenly, when Bush comes in, they’re a nuclear threat. We have to put this in perspective. We have to remember that when the Shah was in power in Iran so many years ago, he was in the process of buying thirty-six reactors, and had those reactors been completed before he fell to the Ayatollah, Iran would now have thirty-six reactors. So what the Bush administration is telling us is that this current Saudi government is always going to be in power and it’s perfectly fine for them to have nuclear reactors. We know that India and Pakistan built—both built nuclear weapons from their commercial atomic power programs, as perhaps did South Africa. And it’s just almost staggering to think about this prospect.

AMY GOODMAN: How much attention is being paid to this in the anti-nuclear community?

HARVEY WASSERMAN: Well, at this point, there’s not much we can do. We can protest. The idea of sending them enriched uranium is going to raise the price of uranium for atomic reactors here in the United States. Much of this uranium is mined on Native lands, where lung cancer and environmental—general environmental damage is rampant. Water issues, air pollution issues, all of them arise when uranium is mined and milled. There’s only one enrichment facility in the United States, in Paducah, Kentucky, that’s operating now. The impracticalities of this are amazing.

The Saudis do not currently have an operating commercial reactor. If they do build one, it’s not going to come from the United States. It will probably come from France or Japan. And, you know, it’s just hard to fathom. It is such an irrational idea that it almost boggles the mind, in terms of trying to critique it. But suffice to say, it makes no sense whatsoever. Oil is not a major currency when it comes to generating electricity, and nuclear power plants only generate electricity. So this is just some kind of Alice in Wonderland program that is typical of the Bush administration, particularly on nuclear power policies.

AMY GOODMAN: Well, Harvey Wasserman, thank you for joining us. Harvey Wasserman is head of freepress.org, one of the leaders of the grassroots movement against nuclear power, also editor of nukefree.org.


Active Member
OMG, I THOGHT that was Ed Gein, but I didn't think I'd ever see that face HERE!!! ICKY ICKY ICKY


New Member
AMY GOODMAN: Well, Harvey Wasserman, thank you for joining us. Harvey Wasserman is head of freepress.org, one of the leaders of the grassroots movement against nuclear power, also editor of nukefree.org.

Is there anything else you need to know? :roll:



New Member
AMY GOODMAN: Well, Harvey Wasserman, thank you for joining us. Harvey Wasserman is head of freepress.org, one of the leaders of the grassroots movement against nuclear power, also editor of nukefree.org.

Is there anything else you need to know? :roll:

Shooting the messenger will not alter the message. Bush just gave nukes to Saudi Arabia while trying to deny Iran the same priveledge, seems pretty crazy to me.


New Member
What Bush, the Congress and the Senate needs to do, is to give the United States nuclear power.

It has been the denial of domestic nuclear power, domestic drilling, building refineries and converting coal to oil that has allowed our foreign policy to go into the oil shitter.

Kill the messenger nothing ... its the messenger, and those like him, who have lobbied government ... especially the Democrat Party to keep our domestic energy policy in the Dark Ages.

Time to wake up, Med.



New Member
What Bush, the Congress and the Senate needs to do, is to give the United States nuclear power.

It has been the denial of domestic nuclear power, domestic drilling, building refineries and converting coal to oil that has allowed our foreign policy to go into the oil shitter.

Kill the messenger nothing ... its the messenger, and those like him, who have lobbied government ... especially the Democrat Party to keep our domestic energy policy in the Dark Ages.

Time to wake up, Med.

Yeah right. You have all the answers don't you big guy?


Well-Known Member
Vi, What I see that you are failing to grasp is that We (the United States) have pissed off the entire Islamic World. We all can agree that Iran's Policies are extremely radicle.
But giving Nuclear Technology to any Islamic State (in this day and age) is insanity. Do you not think that in one of those Nuclear Power Plants could have Fundamentalist Muslims working in it? Do you not think that even just a little bit of that Nuclear material can be pilfered to make a dirty bomb?
Every time we do something such as this, it comes around and bites us in the ass.
This shows me that we (90% of Americans) (Conservatives & Liberals) are very short sighted with it comes to foreign policy.

Look past who the author of the article is and look at what he is trying to say.
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Well-Known Member
Bush is looking more like an antichrist. just look at the national id system. soon you'll have to make a choice. we are so fucked.


Well-Known Member
the whole mideast including isreal signed a treat called the non profilration act which means the have the right to nuclear technology for civil purposes as long as it run under the iaea and UN an come and check it out , now the only country in the region other then iraq to break this is isreal with all its nukes , know y cant they be allowed to that technology everyon else in the world has it y not them ,
and iran is letting UN into the nuclear factory so i dont c anything wrong with this


Well-Known Member
Arab, Do you not see the language that Ahmadinejad is using towards Israel and the rest of the world????

Although I do not think it's right that Israel posses nuclear weapons, I do think that they have shown great restraint not using them.

Also I do not think Israel is innocent when it comes to the Palestinian vs. Israeli tit for tat, I do think that Golda Mayer said it best.

"when the Palestinians start to love their children more than they Hate Israel, then and only then will there be peace in the Middle East."

If you go and look at the non-proliferation act, It also states that No Hostile Country shall be allowed to posses any form of Nuclear Technology.


Well-Known Member
now what makes them hostile if u actually listened or read what he said bout isreal , then u would of new that the media twisted it , and there wouldnt be that much hostility if isreal just stops opressing the palestinians if they made it into one country and not a jewish hipocracy there would be no problems at all in the middle east or towards america , people just wana some equality down there


Well-Known Member
I watch both American Media and Arab Media (Al Jazeera). (translated into English of course) (I also watch Free Speech TV and Link TV) Ahmadinejad's comments about Israel and the rest of the world are the same....

The Palestinians do just as much as the Israelis... Neither Side is innocent.
When I was a Teenager, my parents took me over to the Holy Land (middle east) and I saw for myself that both sides were just as guilty.
I have seen Palestinians Freedom Fighters Put women and children in front of themselves and fire on the Israeli Soldiers, I have also seen Israeli Soldiers fire on Palestinians for no reason at all except for the fact that the people were Palestinian.

Please don't make it out that it's all the Israeli's fault, both sides are just as guilty.


Well-Known Member
well tell me bout the 1.5 million arabs that live in isreal there still denied land they where badges to show there arab and there not allowed an education or to open business
like i said if they fixed that problem then no one would fight in the middeast
and if america stops attacking countries for no reason in the mideast


Well-Known Member
Hold on, Many of the Palestinian Organizations have it written in their charters that Israel has no right to exsist... Especially Hamas.

I have said the whole time here neither side is innocent.
Zionist Pull off just as many terroristic acts as the Palistinian freedom fighters.
Each sides are guilty of atrocities.

Hamas Charter
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."

Ami Isseroff
Sound Familiar?

The PLO Charter

What needs to be done is both sides come to the table with open minds (and no bombs) and work out a solution. Split the country in half, so that both sides have equal access to water, ect. stop the bombing. Bombing each other isn't going to change any minds.


Well-Known Member
if they just had equal rights or if they werent opressed , and if some them got compensated for all there lifes work that was taking away from them, the jews all got payed after ww2 y dont they get payed for everything they lost , there forced into refugee camps in thier own countries
my grandparents from my dads side and my moms side lost all the land we owned 3 factories all the bank accounts seized and there homes taken away .

and to this day still palestians cant have bank account even the isreal arabs cant have any bank accounts or own any lands , its a jew state and they even say its a jew state.
most them do recognize isreal is there , know maybe if the changed a couple things palestinians would havent anything to be angry bout


Well-Known Member
So you totally blew off the Hamas Charter then....

Did you not see that I said that neither side was innocent?

Do you concede that Israel has a Right to exist, I ask because if the Palestinians keep the Hamas mind set, then there will never be peace. Moderate Israelis can put the Zionist in their place.

Neither side will budge an inch as long as each side blames the other.


Well-Known Member
you know your the only person that keeps correcting people in this forum.... do you have OCD?
In as many post I put up in this thread you only find one mis-spelled word, I find it as a good track record... Now enough with the gnit (yes it's spelled gnit) picking.