What would make you content / happy right now?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Right NOW?
content: bieng alive
Happy: doesnt take much. maybe a nice bowl of weed followed by a hearty breakfast.:joint:

and drugs are bad mmkay


Well-Known Member
a relationship, one that we can wait for marriage on private times but still have our sleepovers. someone who i could say there is a sense of relationship security, you know they will be there with you. someone who can go with me and i go with her on journeys threw the world.


Well-Known Member
What would make me (happy or content) uuuuuummmmmmmm
Lets see..... ok here is one thing and I'm not going for world peace or any of that cant we just get along shit....
I'm hoping that the money my government took out of everyone of my paychecks is still going to be available when I turn 62 yrs old and medical insurance will be afordable for my old ass........ Thats it.. that is what would make me happy and content !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Happy - Got it, Wife, Kids, Grandkids and health

Content - for the most part yes, the only part that that lingers out in space is future health care costs for us as we drift closer to retirement.



Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good plan except for the part where all my neighbor's hot wives would be unable to control themselves at the sight of my manliness. It's too cold for riots.
Your manliness will be shriveled up and fighting it's way into your abdomen. I don't think riots will be a problem. Frostbite on the other hand.....


A little extra cash is always nice,but to be honest I am as happy as I could hope for....perhaps satisfied is a better word.