Should I harvest?


Active Member
First, just to let you all know these are plants that hermied so I quarintined them where they only had what natural bits of sunlight they could get throughout the day and they are still in the beginner pots so I don't need to here you rag about how small they are, what I do need to know is if I should harvest number one bc I think so. I've looked at the trichomes and all that good stuff but to me it looks like it needs to be harvested before it goes to far, please let me know what you think. Oh yea they are af's and I also don't need to hear your opinion on that matter either, pleasse just help me with what I'm asking for, thank you! Pictures are in order respectively 1 and 2 are both of pounder, the one in question, 3 and 4 are bubblicious and 5 is a different bubblicious.



Well-Known Member
if theyre not gonna polinate other things let em get big. haha either way youre not getting all that much


Well-Known Member
Shit they are just starting to flower. You will get zero smoke at this point.

Looks like you need to let them go another 4-6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Shit they are just starting to flower. You will get zero smoke at this point.

Looks like you need to let them go another 4-6 weeks.
I say 6 weeks at minimum, but if he's content on finishing now he may as well trash them.


Well-Known Member
Right on. You've got a long ways to go before those buds are ready to harvest. Yep, 6weeks atleast.


New Member
Are u kidding me...I'm not trying to b dispespectful but ur a member of this sight....u obviously grow.weed.....and ur asking if those buds(if that's what u wanna call em) are ready to harvest?....sure go ahead....u don't even have to dry em u can just put it straight in the bowl.


Well-Known Member
Are u kidding me...I'm not trying to b dispespectful but ur a member of this sight....u obviously grow.weed.....and ur asking if those buds(if that's what u wanna call em) are ready to harvest?....sure go ahead....u don't even have to dry em u can just put it straight in the bowl.
Good 1, lmmfao.


Well-Known Member
You have checked the trichomes? and they were clear - do not harvest if you want smoke. Put them outside or somthing and let them go another 6 weeks or summit then come back and post some pics, i dont know what the quality will be though, might be shit if it starts spewing out seeds.


Active Member
I love how much a a smart ass he is in his OP. Do everyone a favor burn those and stop growing. If you take 10 mins of reading on this site you would not say half the dumb stuff in your post.
You checked the trics and they are good?? You have no idea what you are talking about dude stop while you are ahead. Come here and be humble the next time you need help.


Well-Known Member
Are u kidding me...I'm not trying to b dispespectful but ur a member of this sight....u obviously grow.weed.....and ur asking if those buds(if that's what u wanna call em) are ready to harvest?....sure go ahead....u don't even have to dry em u can just put it straight in the bowl.
I just re read ur post...I agree they're prolly goin too far...chop now before they over ripen
yes harvest asap, before it goes so far....hurry
its the "Newbie" section. What do you expect? It's not cool being that way.


New Member
I was abt to ask if he had ever even smoked weed....I mean there's no could u b involved w weed in any way shape.or.form and consider those for.harvest.....where do u ppl come from?


New Member
U should at least know what weed is supposed to LOOK like or u shouldn't b here....or prepare for ridicule.... I mean its a disgrace to the really can u expect to interact on a marijuana growers forum and not even know what a bud looks like.....u say its to b a smart ass well I don't think its cool to pretend like ur a knowlegable weed grower when ur not....did u read op?


Active Member
its the "Newbie" section. What do you expect? It's not cool being that way.
The OP came off as a prick to me and as far as the other commentators it looks almost unanimous.
This is a lot less about the mistakes he made and more about the way he talks to others as if we
owe him anything in the first place. You will take all of my advice or you will get none.