Should I harvest?


Well-Known Member
Come on guys new or not our community shouldn't hate on anyone. What would we be representing to the good acting like assholes! I know one time or another we all have asked some dumb shit. Besides why can't this be a place where questions are just answered for the good of educating?

Granted its funny and common sense could have played into the whole thing but still. I surely know I wasn't born with the knowledge of how to grow but through sites like this one I've learned many things.


Active Member
Come on guys new or not our community shouldn't hate on anyone. What would we be representing to the good acting like assholes! I know one time or another we all have asked some dumb shit. Besides why can't this be a place where questions are just answered for the good of educating?

Granted its funny and common sense could have played into the whole thing but still. I surely know I wasn't born with the knowledge of how to grow but through sites like this one I've learned many things.
Thank you beuffer420. That's all I was trying to get across to have these people on here. HE JUST ASKED A QUESTION.


New Member
20130216_105640.jpg....should I harvest?....there's such anything called research.... it comes in handy when trying to learn abt something....I myself have done and still do a lot of research..... I expect others to research for themselves and if they are researching and actually trying to help themselves and learn and they're still stumped abt a ? or issue they're having I'm more than happy to help....but if ur some fool who threw a seed in some dirt and don't really have any idea what ur doing...don't even know what a bud us supposed to look like I feel its disrespectful to the growing community and the art itself....and u will get no respect from me and many others feel the same...obviously.


Well-Known Member
One thing I now understand here at RIU, is there are many layers to Newbie...

Raw Noob-found some seeds planted them in back yard and forgot them
Med Noob-was given plant and has it 'growing' on bathroom counter
Hi med Noob- Bought or built closet grow
Hi Noob-One that has grown a tomato plant before and crosses over to MJ
Very Hi Noob-one that has actually grown some MJ but doesn't get it
Super hi Noob-One who has grown his own plant but really has never heard of a Tric before "a what, turns amber?"
Ultra Hi Noob-One who has reached a level and understands Tric's and sees amber on his bud, but it turns out to be dead leaf edge
Noob Level 1-One who has grown plants before, and smoked his own, but has no idea how NPK works
Noob Level 2-One that asks why are my leaves turning yellow
Noob Level 3-One that googles: yellowing leaves on a cannabis plant