Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanx bro, let me know when a clone will be ready.
Hold onto the clones (from the shops) for a while I think, esp if it is a winner, or just sell clones of the less desirable phenos and keep the best pheno(s) to sell them flowers from.
Thats what I would do at least.
Will do for shure


Well-Known Member
i need a fuckin farm...but yea im really wondering how im suppost to handle this if they come back with that shit, im not one to call the laws. im mean they are not little kids either, do i just tell them, again, to go somewhere elese with that shit , flash my gun n tell em if catch em in my back yard ima put a cap in there ass?
although i dont think they would with my dogs, ijust hate that they saw my plant.


Well-Known Member
i need a fuckin farm...but yea im really wondering how im suppost to handle this if they come back with that shit, im not one to call the laws. im mean they are not little kids either, do i just tell them, again, to go somewhere elese with that shit , flash my gun n tell em if catch em in my back yard ima put a cap in there ass?
Set up some Mud flinging boobie traps for when they return. Just some harmless fun? Some balloons full of sour cream/piss in the tree's?


Well-Known Member
careful flashing your gun, id just let them know in a calm tone that you dont fuck around, you dont play games, and then id pull out a whiskey bottle full of ice tea and chug it in their face then go inside........


Well-Known Member
careful flashing your gun, id just let them know in a calm tone that you dont fuck around, you dont play games, and then id pull out a whiskey bottle full of ice tea and chug it in their face then go inside........
I flash my gun to my girl, is that considered a threat? :D


Well-Known Member
all you cool cats, gun flashers, house venters, scroggers, rednecks and farmers have a great night. im out! until tomorrow......


Well-Known Member
mines hybrid also hah, lab/pit. hope hes got the balls to take someone down if they hopped the fence. he better, cause he actually has his balls unlike alot of dogs lol