5th Grow. LST/SCROG 1000w Grow Tent. Blueberry X Purp Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I relocated my Blueberry X Purple Kush plant about a 1-2 weeks ago to my new grow tent. I named her Tracy as she's the 3rd Blueberry purp that I've grown. She's over a month old, but I had her on the back-burner under a 13w CFL for a while. So she's had about a week of virgorous growth after about a 5-day transition period where she was drooping from the newly intense light. Here's my setup:

  • 1000watt switchable balast with a nothing special MH bulb and a Hortilux HPS
  • 4x4x7 grow tent (those are just estimations as I've forgotten the real specs)
  • A soil mix of humus, perlite and woodchips (not the best, but i had it lying around and it has good drainage/water retention)
  • FloraNova Veg 7-4-10
  • Hawaiian Bud 5-50-17
  • Grow More 0-50-30
  • Oscillating fan ($5 thrift store special)
So lemme know what you guys think! Be as positive or as negative as you like.



Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Tracy was doing well in the 3 gal, but I realized that I'd have to water like twice a day near the end. So today I made the switch to the 5gal to make things easier down the road. She has only been in that 3 gal a maximum of 2 weeks, but her roots were going CRAZY! She drank 2 gallons of a diluted nute mix (2 cap-fulls of Flora Nova per gallon) once she was in her new home. The 5th pic is a before shot. The rest were during/after. I plan on building my screen in a week or 2. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to which type of materials I should use?



Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Tracy is doing excellent. She's about 2 months old with close to a month under the big light. She's had somewhat of a growth spurt since I transplanted; however she was growing so fast before, its hard to tell the difference.

I just watered with 1.6 gal of diluted blend (2 cap-fulls of Nova). She was a little dehydrated but not too bad. I'd rate her health at 8/10.

Im having a little trouble keeping her canopy even, as her largest branch is somewhat stiffer than the others. Still, this strain is very branchy, and overall she is responding well to the LST.I plan to get some mesh to throw over the top, instead of building a rigid structure for the screen.

By the way I took a few clones. They've been sitting in water for a couple days. I'll put them in rockwool soon.

Any questions, comments, criticism, witty banter, dont hesitate to post!

Atmosphere - Scapegoat



Well-Known Member
Looks nice and healthy. You have a real nice canopy spread going. How long till you flip? Do you train with bending? I will use string and tape branches down to the bucket if they are not going on the screen where I want them. This plant should be a beast under 1000w cant wait to see her fill out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Slacker! I plan to flip in about 2 weeks, depending on how well she spreads out. I've been tying her down to her pot with gardeners tape, but i never bend to the point that she forms elbows. I just threw some army camo mesh (minus the camo) over the top of her. I may or may not build a frame. Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
The problem I see with laying the mesh over top like that is when she starts to stretch it will be difficult to get under there and repostition branches. I'm not sure how heavy the mesh is but you want the screen to have some tension to hold the plants height down and spread her out horizontally. A frame about 1 1/2 times the size of your canopy made out of 1/2 pvc pipe would work well for your setup.


Well-Known Member
So a lot of stuff has happened since I last posted.

For starters, I burnt the floor of my tent with my light. I had taken Tracy out of my tent to build her a screen. Before got to start that process, a friend invited me over, and I forgot to unplug the light. :oops: Don't panic, the tent and, more importantly, Tracy are fine. :cool: It was quite a fightening (and smokey) experience!

So after I cleaned that mess up, I built her frame out of PVC and and some camo mesh (with the leaf-like camo removed). I also moved her into the air-conditioned house for fear of the heat as summer draws nearer. It gets to be over 100 out here. That same day, I made the flip to flower.

For about the first week and a half I pulled the tops under the mesh to spread the foliage. Since then I've allowed her to stretch and she's about 6" above the net now. last tuesday was week 3 of flower. I'll take more pictures next tuesday and submit them.

As far as nutrients go, I've been giving her a mixture of Flora Nova veg and Grow More's Hawaiian Bloom. I started with 2 cap-fulls of Nova and 1 Tbsp of Hawaiian. Then I gradually weened her into 2 Tbsp of pure Hawaiian (she could probably tolerate 3). She's pretty root bound, so I've been feeding her every watering. I've only flushed her once and gave her nutrients right after.

Another thing to note is that I've raised the light to approx. 15" because 13" had burnt 3 tops in the middle slightly.:-?

If i had to change anything about the grow so far, I would have let her veg another week or 2 in order to fill the screen more completely and provide the opportunity to trim more undergrowth. I also would have tucked the tops in the middle of the screen for a longer time than the ones on the outside to provide more even lighting to the canopy. Oh well, you live and learn.:roll:

AOTP Dump the Clip
All in all, she's pretty damn healthy, and I'm loving her bud development.:weed: Here's some pics in chronological order:



Well-Known Member
Looking mighty nice. Glad to hear the tent incident wasn't anything too major. She has a nice even spread on her, you should end up with a fat canopy. Peace