Moving on up!!! Punks 600w adventures

Well.... Got to start shutting the Veg room down :/ We made the decision to look for another place......So just filled up my clone box and am in the process of finding homes for all the "moms". Ill do the same once the TGA seedlings show sex. Once the flower room comes down we'll have 6 weeks until the lease is no point in doing another run.
Thanks man. But everything will be cool..... We moved here with 1 dog and a small setup..Now with 2 dogs and my grow expanding we just need a bigger place. Thinking a 2 bedroom condo with a full basement will do just fine ;)
i dream of having a full basement :) growroom heaven

cheers, ill be here when you back up n running for sure
Just got off the phone with house and garden.... He says Do Not Use Soil A&B with a coco medium like roots organics or just right xtra( almost all the soil I can get is coco based).... Looks like I gotta hunt down some Fox Farms Original or Black Gold (wich is what he recommended cut with 20% perlite)
**had to call every hydroponics store within 30 miles, but finally found some!!!
Just got off the phone with house and garden.... He says Do Not Use Soil A&B with a coco medium like roots organics or just right xtra( almost all the soil I can get is coco based).... Looks like I gotta hunt down some Fox Farms Original or Black Gold (wich is what he recommended cut with 20% perlite)
**had to call every hydroponics store within 30 miles, but finally found some!!!

Just get some promix! big cube of it for 30 bucks and its sphagnum moss with a little bit of lime, perlite, and some other bits and pieces. haha
Just got off the phone with house and garden.... He says Do Not Use Soil A&B with a coco medium like roots organics or just right xtra( almost all the soil I can get is coco based).... Looks like I gotta hunt down some Fox Farms Original or Black Gold (wich is what he recommended cut with 20% perlite)
**had to call every hydroponics store within 30 miles, but finally found some!!!

what was his reasoning? nute are nutes, he just doesnt want you to use those brands from what im seeing. H&G should work fine in your media i dont see why not, nutes are nutes.
I can get bales of "pro-mix" from work....I'm just not cool with that shit getting all over my room when I'm breaking chunks apart lol.

Is this product compatible with a coco based soil like Roots Organics, Just Right Xtra, Vermisoil...etc. Or would a soil like Ocean Forest or Happy Frog be more suitable?

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It is much better for you to use the Coco A&B with coco based mediums. They are specially formulated to work with coco based mediums. Soil is not as inert as coco so the coco A&B will give you a better result.

Nick Wester

Roots is all my normal place really sells.... But black gold seems to be more up my ally anyways ( I gotta use up some of this perlite I got laying around)
When asked if soil a&b is for pro-mix or sunshine:

You would actually want to use our Aqua Flakes A&B, it is designed for soil less mediums and recirculating hydroponic systems. It will work better for you in a soil less medium such as pro mix or sunshine #4. Our Soil A&B is formulated specifically for soil because soil tends to hold onto more nutrients than inert mediums. Not only will it work better for you but it will also save you some money in the long run.

Have fun in the garden !! :-D Nick Wester
that guy is full of shit..... listen to the people that have used it not the salesman that guy is jerking you around trying to get you to buy more shit.

its all soluble nutes. maybe a little different composition or surfactant added, but not much else you can make your own nutes really cheap. its just easier to buy a bottle full. i wouldn't get to detailed on it because most all of its the same, little variations that are often irrelevant.

all any good nutrient is, some kind of surfactant most use a yucca extract, urea nitrogen, mono potassium phosphate, soluble potash, and mono ammonium phosphate. of course in the proper ratio with some water added and packaged or added and re-dried to make a nice powdered/flake mix.

dont let the hype get to ya man, yeah use that perlite up. lol i got to get some more myself.
Yeah I got sick of going to a shop like that in Ottawa. Owner kept trying to get me to buy the most expensive nutes. Saying that dyna-gro wasn't any good or dissing any brand that he didn't carry..

Pretty hard not to see through that stuff
Buddy from work is hooking me up with some BC Kush clones and a bag of pollen from a killer God bud male!!! Payback from some sour og clones last season
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Both of the Chernobyl babies are females :)20130302_091447.jpg still waiting on ace to show sex (they will be cloned and then killed, hence the single pot) 20130302_091512.jpg