First closet grow. Be warned, very cheap, very ghetto.

Well, I figured just a bit of veg nutes wouldn't be too hard to handle, though I keep reading how easy it is to burn your plants so I'm actually just gunna make the switch to 12/12 and see how many females I can pull together. They've had 3 weeks veg, and like I said this is a learning run, so let's see what happens Lol.
SIDE NOTE: We got a pretty big scare this morning. Woke up, and in the middle of making my coffee there is a loud knock at the door. As in, obviously police knocking. Oh shit, what do we do right? Grab the weed, grab the pipes, lock em up. Then another loud knock, fuckin' patience, guy. Turn off the light, and hold our balls and hope. Luckily, he was looking for the previous tenant to serve an eviction notice to, and didn't need to come inside. How's your morning?


Well-Known Member
Had a similar situation with a county sherriff. Nothing concerning mj is legal where i live and we were growing in these condos and this cop pulled into our driveway, also shared by neighbors, cop pulls into our driveway just as I am getting home from work and wants to know which unit is which so he can serve a warrant.... We were a week out from harvest, I was so worried the cops were fucking with me lol.
It was terrifying, man. It's not legal where I am, sadly.. They hand out lots of time for cultivation all the time here. Not something I'd like to encounter.
Well, my partner is being a dumb-ass, and quitting school. His parents pay the rent, and since he's not in school, they aren't paying so he has to move out. So now we get to cull all the plants we started, and go somewhere else to start over, whoo hoo. Dammit.


Well-Known Member
Shit happens bro, condo i was just mentioning fell apart as a grow cus my homeboy thought with his dick more than his brain...